Chapter 27

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Vi pov...

My eyes almost bulge out of my head as we drive onto an unfamiliar part of the airport. Private planes in rows parked beside each other. "We are flying private?" I whisper barely audible looking at Chris in shock... He just smiles and gives my hand a little squeeze "Yes, we are taking the dogs, and I don't want to drag you through an airport especially in LA... This is the best solution." Chris says and i sigh as i now understand why he didn't want me to pay for a ticket... There is no ticket... "This must cost you a fortune..." I whisper as we pull up next to a plane. "Don't worry about it love..."  He says smiling. "It's more comfortable and less stressful traveling like this. But above all we can get into LA without being bombarded by paparazzi."

I nod and the door of the car is being opened by the driver. I feel out of place, and I just hope I don't feel this way when I am surrounded by his fancy Hollywood movie star friends. Chris gets out and holds out his hand for me to take and helps me out of the car. He then let's the dogs out. Lulu is nervous but Dodger seems used to this and runs up the stairs into the plane.

Chris hands our suitcases over to the crew who are putting it on the plane, a female crew member looking me shamelessly up and down and shaking her head. Rude, i think to myself but i shake it off as i need to get Lulu up the stairs. I try to get Lulu to walk up the stairs but no such luck. She is scared and is refusing. She is not budging refusing to walk. I look at Chris and he smiles and lifts her up with ease and walks in front of me up the stairs and onto the plane. I look over my shoulder a little nervous myself before walking after him on board.

There are two secured crates for the dogs to sit in for takeoff and Chris orders Dodger in one and then puts Lulu in the other. I feel a bit guilty. "Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring Lulu..." I say looking at the dog who is staring back at me with pleading eyes. "She will be fine love..." Chris says as he kisses my temple before leading me to a seat. We sit down and Chris helps me fasten my seat belt.

I grab his hand as the plane starts to move. "Nervous flyer?" Chris asks me and I nod. I look over to the dogs who are both laying down. Lulu has given in and is calm. The plane starts to taxi towards the runway and soon the pilot announces that we are ready for takeoff.

The plane starts to take off and I dig my nails in Chris his hand as I hold him tight. He says nothing and just let's me as his thumb runs over the back of my hand. I smile as his touch even as little as rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand, has a calming effect.

When we are in the air and are allowed to get out of our seats Chris stands up. He lets the dogs out of their crates. Lulu snuggles up with Dodger in the seats in front of us and I can't help but smile at the fact that Dodger has just as much a calming effect on Lulu as Chris has on me.

I smile and Chris before pulling him in by his shirt kissing him passionately. When we broke apart he smirked at me. "Not that I am complaining, but what was that for?" He asked. I smiled at him as stroked his cheek. "For just being you." I whispered. I was about to kiss him again when someone cleared their throat behind us. I looked up and the female crew member from earlier was standing beside us. 

"Would you like something to drink Mr. Evans?" She said in a sweet flirty way, batting her eyes at him. I rolled my eyes. "Just some water please." He said as he briefly looked at her acknowledging her presence before looking back at me. "And your.... Friend..." She said a hint of disgust in her voice as she referred to me. "My GIRLFRIEND..." He said exaggerating the word girlfriend, making me lean my forehead against his chest as I had to stop myself from laughing. The look on her face was priceless.  "She will have a bottle of water to." Chris says. "Anything else Mr. Evans?" She said again in a tone that could be straight from a really bad porn movie. "No after that WE don't need anything. Just some privacy..." He said. I could feel he was tense, so I planted as soft kiss on the tattoo that was peeking out of his shirt.

She went away and brought us 2 bottles of water after which she left again. I chuckled and looked up at him. "I am sorry about that..." He whispered cupping my face. I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't be... I have to get used to the fact that some women will try and flirt with you or will pretend i am air... I trust you..." I whisper pressing my lips softly on his. He groaned and I could feel his hands on my back gliding down to my ass giving it a squeeze.

After a heavy make out session for the rest of the flight, the pilot told us that we will be landing soon. Chris put the dogs in their crates before we strapped ourselves back in our seats. The plane landed. As we walked out a car was waiting for us, the dogs and suitcases were put in the back and Chris helped me in the backseat sliding next to me. 

The driver took off and I was looking out the window my hand in Chris's. The sun was shining, and traffic was crazy having us stuck a few times. We drove a while and the houses were getting more luxurious and the walls surrounding them higher and higher. "Does your house have a wall surrounding it?" I ask him, breaking the Silence.  

"It does..." He says giving me a small smile. "It's needed over here, otherwise I wouldn't have privacy at all. You will see soon enough how crazy it can be going outside." He says letting out a sigh. I can see the worry in his eyes about all that and i can't imagine what it is like to life like that. To have everything you do be news... But i better prepare myself for it... Because if this is my future it will be my life to...

I squeezed his hand. "If you are not ready to be seen with me... I would understand." I say and he looks at me shocked. "What!? No that is not what I meant. I don't care if we get photographed together, you're my girlfriend and I don't care if the whole world knows... It's just they can be intrusive and rude... Ask stupid questions and we'll drive you insane if you let them." He explains. I look at him and see the worry in his eyes. 

"Chris, I promised you whatever it was I could take it and if something would get to me, I would let you know... I intend to keep that promise..." I squeezed his hand a little tighter and he smiled before leaning in for a kiss. "I just don't wanna lose you because of them..." He whispers after breaking the kiss our foreheads pressed together. "You won't, I promise." 

The car slows down as we arrive at a gate the driver presses a button, and the gate opens before he drives trough. "Damn..." I whisper as a beautiful house appears. It may not be as big as some of the house surrounding it, but it is beautiful... Simple yet stylish. A garden perfectly maintained and decorated. The gate closed behind us, and the car stops at the front door. Chris gets out holding out his hand for me to take and I hop out. He lets the dogs out and they start running around happy to be out of the car and free to run around. Chris gets our suitcases and thanks the driver who gets in the car and drives off.

He fishes some keys out of his pocket and opens the front door carrying the bags inside. I look around one more time before I follow him inside. The house is as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside. Soft whites with allot of wood elements. He puts our suitcases down and pulls me into his arms kissing me. "Let me give you a tour..." He says smiling. 

I nod and he leads me through the house, it is bigger on the inside as it looks on the outside. It is light with allot of windows and a beautiful view. I look at the windows and can't help but wonder if it is as private as he thinks it is, since there is no wall at the back of the house. He hugs me from behind and as if he can read my mind, he whispers... "Don't worry it is privacy glass you can't look in." I nod as I lean back into him. "And the backyard...?" I whisper. "It is private love, I promise.... The paparazzi don't come at the back it is too dangerous to get there." He says and we continue the tour. He shows me the gym and I smile as there are a few captain America things displayed at the wall including a few shields.

After he had shown me the whole house and put our luggage in the bedroom, he dragged me outside. We enjoyed the view for a bit, having a drink and sitting at the edge of the pool our legs dangling in the water. The dogs run around happy to release some energy and Lulu sniffing around exploring the new surroundings.

"I am happy you came along..." He whispers as he plays with my hand that is laying in his. I say nothing but smile a blush creeping on my face. "I like having you around." He whispers. I look at him and smile... "I like being around..." I say giving him a sweet kiss.

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