Chapter 134

435 18 1

Vi pov...

We arrive at home and as we walk through the front door i smile at the sound of Storm squealing. As soon as we walk into the living room Storm squeals and when Robert puts him down, Storm waddles as fast as he could over to Chris. 

Chris picked Storm up throwing him in the air. I smiled as Chris hugged him tightly. I walked over to Robert and Susan hugging them. Chris put Storm down who immediately waddled over to his toys playing. 

"You made quite a scene this afternoon Dorito..." Robert said looking at him. Chris groaned.... "How bad?" Chris asked Robert. "Not going to lie.... It is everywhere but overall.... The comments are positive.... People seem to understand why you blew up..." Chris sighed. "Yeah well.... i was sick of it... But i am sorry for dragging you further into this..."  Robert shook his head. "That is okay.... Let's just hope they will leave her alone for the most part."

After talking for a bit, updating them about my pregnancy and showing them the video and pictures of out ultrasound. Robert told us he made reservations at a luxury restaurant and that they would go home for a bit before picking us up. 

I went to take a quick nap. Robert's eldest kid would come by and watch Storm for a few hours. At first i was a bit hesitant about that, but Susan told me he was very good with kids and that he had watched their youngest a lot. I gave in not wanting to drag Storm to a high-end restaurant and trusting Susan's judgement.

When i woke up i went to shower. Scrubbing my whole body before walking into the closet to pick a dress. I looked at the little black number i had bought on the shopping trip with the girls the last time i was here. I loved it.... It made me feel sexy but back then i was still too insecure about the scars, so it was still hanging here in the closet in LA. 

This might be the last time i could wear it before i was going to show and the dress wouldn't fit anymore.... I thought to myself. So, i took it off the hanger holding it in front of me. "Fuck it." I mumbled and put on the dress. I grabbed a sparkling necklace that definitely would pull attention to my decollate and some high heels to go with the dress. I did my make-up and i was just about to spray on some perfume when Chris walked in stopping dead in his track his mouth almost hanging on the floor. I giggled, as i couldn't help that it was a bit of an ego boost. 

He walked up at me as i spritzed on the perfume and looked at him through the mirror. His eyes were scanning my body. And when he stood behind my he ran his finger down my spine. "You like it?" I whisper still looking at him through the mirror. He looked back at me, and a little smirk appeared on his face. "I love it.... You look ... Hot, so incredibly sexy..." I turned around and looked up at him smiling. His finger ran down the chain of the necklace going lower and lower and lower until the fabric started. "This is very low though...." He whispered and i looked up at him with a smirk. I took his hand and put it on the outside of my thigh. "You haven't seen how high the split of the dress goes..." I whispered slowly moving his hand up. 

I hovered my lips over his, as i moved his hand higher and higher a small moan escaping his lips. "That is very high princess." He growled as he finally reached the fabric. "Is that your way of telling me i have to change Mr. Evans?" I whispered. "I would never princess..." He said again a little moan escaping him as i moved his hand under my dress and ran it over the lace fabric om y panties. I made his hand cup my core and he groaned. "Shit princess... keep this up and i am canceling dinner."  I dropped his hand and kissed him passionately. "Go get changed Mr. Evans." I whispered in his ear before stepping away and walking out of the bedroom mentally high fifing myself. As i walked out of the bedroom i could hear him mumble something to himself and it made me giggle. The buzzer of the gate went off and i smiled seeing Robert sitting behind the wheel of a big SUV, Susan sitting next to him. I buzzed them in and walked to the front door to greet them. 

Susan was the first to hug me and i smiled hugging her back. "Wauw you look amazing.... How frustrated is Chris...." She whispered winking at me. "Very..." I giggled back. Robert hugged me and introduced his son and i smiled at him. He followed me around as i explained everything to him before introducing him to Storm. I let out a little sigh of relief as they seem to click, and they started playing together. "Dont worry, he is really good with kids." Susan whispered and i looked at her smiling. "Sorry i am a bit overprotective maybe...." She shook her head. "Not at all... but i swear he will take good care of him."

"I promise i will take good care of the little dude..." Robert son says to me smiling. "Thank you." I said smiling back. Chris walked in and greeted everyone. God, he looked so handsome in his all-black suit matching me. I bit my lip as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. The smell of his cologne surrounding me making me have to suppress a moan. 

We said goodbye to Storm and Chris put his hand on my back leading me out the door after Susan and Robert. We got into their car and as we drove off. I could see 2 cars following us. "Extra security." Chris said taking my hand in his as we sat on the backseat. I just nodded. 

I knew what was going to happen. Robert's publicist and Chris's publicist had talked and agreed it was best to be seen out in public together. Whenever we were ready for it.... Well, when i was ready for it....  Someone had leaked the info that there would be a major celebrity sighting tonight at one of the fancy restaurants .... Not naming a specific one to not make it obvious. Chris asking Robert to go out for dinner tonight was after we had a lengthy discussion about it. Chris had asked me about 5 times if i was sure i was ready. But seeing as Chris had blown up this afternoon i knew this was the best time to do it. I assured him i was.... I rather did it now before i was going to show.... We got closer to the restaurant and i was getting kind of nervous.... Somehow... it was kind of exciting and the adrenaline was racing through my body. 

Chris and Robert where talking.... Laughing and just joking around and it made me smile. I love their relationship the mutual respect you could feel between them was heartwarming. 

We were close to the restaurant and i took a deep breath......

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