Chapter 84

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Vi pov...

"No! Scott... Chris and i agreed... We are not telling anyone... So that includes you... Even your mom doesn't know." I sigh annoyed... Scott and i were having lunch and for the last hour he has been begging me to tell him the gender. "Oh, come on Vi... I am your best friend..." He said pouting at me giving me the famous Evans puppy eyes. I just shook my head.

Scott huffed, and i giggled. Ever since the scan where we found out, he has been begging me to tell him. He even tried to trick Chris, who normally can't keep a secret from his family to save his life.  But we were both tight lipped. We were just happy in our little bubble of knowing. To my surprise he managed to keep it a secret...

"You guys are not fair..." Scott said pouting again. I smirked at him. "How is everything going with Steve?" I said hoping to change the subject. I loved Scott but this whole wanting to know thing could get tiresome sometimes. 

After lunch he took me home and as i walk through the front door i sigh throwing my keys in the bowl and taking off my coat. I walk in the living room and smile as Chris is laying on the couch with the dogs fast asleep.  I walk over and the dogs lifts their heads not even batting an eye that i just walked in. To content snuggling up with Chris. I softly shoe them wanting some adult-snuggle time myself. I quickly undressed as i needed him.... 

After my lunch with Scott. Which looked like it was taking forever because he wouldn't stop whining about wanting to know the gender... Even after i changed the subject. I just needed a release, a distraction... I just needed Chris inside of me. I crawled over him removed his cap that was barely still on his head as he probably had been watching the game and fallen asleep. He slowly woke up as i straddled him planting soft kisses on his lips while grinding down. Automatically his hands slide on my ass and when he finally noticed i was completely naked, he groaned squeezing my ass harder before slapping it making me giggle and moan. 

"Hello there love..." He says looking up at me finally opening his eyes. "How was...?" He started to say but i put my finger over his mouth shutting him up. I replaced my finger with my lips and he grinned. "Les talking, more fucking..." I moaned as he attached his lips to my neck a hand around it holding me still. "Fuck princess..." He growled as i started to fumble with the string of his sweatpants pulling it down enough for just his dick to spring free. 

I pumped it a few times before sinking around him, and we both groaned as he filled me all the way, his tip hitting me deep. I started to roll my hips, i needed him... I just needed a release, a stress reliever. I kept rolling my hips the feeling sensational as i used him. I put my hands on his shoulder to keep me steady as i moved faster his groans egging me on. His lips around my nipples playing with them like it was his new favorite toy. He starts bucking up his hips as i keep rolling my hips on him in circles. I am close i need to come but i want him to come with me so i reach behind me and play with his balls... 

"Fuck Vi..." He growls his grunts getting louder giving me goosebumps. This is quick and desperate. I love it as much as i love it when we have massive amounts of foreplay. This... This desperate need for each other, just fucking for the release... No foreplay just a quick fuck until we both orgasm but still filled with love and lust... God this is... 0heaven. I begin to whimper as my body takes over and i find my release quickly followed by Chris. I kiss him hard after we catch our breath. 

"Not that i am complaining love..." He says brushing a strain of hair of my cheek as holds my face in his hands... "But are you okay?" He asks. I nod and smile leaning in to kiss him. "Just needed to let out my frustration somehow..." I said smirking making Chris chuckle. "Bad lunch?" He asked now concerned and i sigh... "Not bad... Just tiresome. Scott kept pushing to tell him the gender of our little one." I mumble. 

Chris sighed. "I'll talk to him..." He says and i shake my head. "Please dont... I dont wanna cause anymore drama by you talking to him. He thinks it is unfair already that we are not telling him. Last thing i want is to cause family issues." I groan and he shakes his head... "You dont love... He needs to respect the fact we are not sharing... Even if he is your best friend." Chris says and i sigh again... "I know but sometimes i wonder if we are being selfish..." I mumble... "Love... in this instance we have every right to be a little selfish... Our baby our choice." He says, I smile and kiss him again. 

"But i might ask him to nag you again the next time you go out to lunch... Because i didn't mind waking up like this..." He says grinning... I laugh and kiss him again before standing up from the couch. He grabbed my thighs pulling me so i was standing between his legs and he planted kisses on my belly. "Hello little one..." He murmured to my belly. "Did you have a good lunch with mommy? Did she pick you something nice to eat?" He asks. I chuckled at his idea of what i eat he eats, like he can literally taste it. 

Our boy began more and more to react to Chris his voice. So, as he was talking to my belly the baby kicked and Chris smiled but for me it got more and more uncomfortable. I didn't mind as long as my baby was healthy i couldn't care less... But i know it is still early as i am 29 weeks pregnant and i still had a little more than 2 months to go. "I am going to get a shower..." I said grinning as a drop of cum was running down my leg and Chris smirked. As i turned around to walk away he bit my ass and i let out a surprised yelp followed by a giggle. I shake my head grabbing my clothes and making my way to the bathroom. I throw my clothes in the laundry basket and grab some sweats and a hoodie from Chris before taking a quick shower. 

I cuddle into Chris on the couch after my shower and my eyes feel heavy as i lay my head in his lap. It is not helping that he is playing with my hair with one hand and the other is rubbing my lower back. I let out a sigh as it feels nice and soon i drift off to sleep.

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