Chapter 147

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Chris pov...

"Just tell me..." I say looking at Doctor Tyler.  She took a deep breath.

"We had to do an emergency c section because your little girl was in trouble, she didn't get enough oxygen all of a sudden.... Once we got her out, your wife had a bleeding and they had trouble locating the bleeding..." She says and i look at her and all i could think is this is the moment she is going to tell me Vi did not make it...

"They have found the source of the bleeding and as we speak, they are trying to stop it...  I have to be honest Mr. Evans she has lost a lot of blood and for now all we can do is wait... I wished i could tell you everything will okay but for now... I dont know. The surgeons at this clinic are the best of the best and she couldn't be in better hands...." She said and i just felt lost...

"There is one other thing i have to ask you..." Doctor Tyler said looking at me worried. I look at her and nod. "The nurse said you wouldn't let anyone near your little girl... They need to check her out Mr. Evans... Would it be okay if i let them in so they can check over your little girl..." I sigh and look at the girl sleeping in my arms.  "Chris, they need to check her..." Robert said and i nodded and Robert told the doctor to let them in. 

The same nurse came back in holding a bottle and i look at her confused. "She need to be fed..." She said blushing handing me the bottle. I sighed and took the bottle from her. "I am sorry for yelling at you..." I whispered. "It is okay Mr. Evans..." She said blushing. 

She watched me feed my little girl to see is she was eating okay and after that she left... That is all they wanted to see if she would eat okay... My phone rings and i see it is ma... "Can you please answer my phone..." I said handing Robert my phone. Robert nodded and walked out while answering. 

"Your mother is on her way here... She had just landed and wanted an update." Robert says and i nod. 

An hour later and still no news... When the door opened i jumped up but when i saw it was ma i sat back down. She looked at me worried and walked over to me kissing my cheek. "Hey sweetheart how are you holding up..." She asked and i shrugged my shoulders trying to stay strong and not cry anymore. She looked at the girl in my arms and smiled. "Can i hold her..." She asked but i shook my head. "No... sorry... not until Vi has held her..." I whispered. 

"Okay... I understand..." Ma said in a soft tone and sat down beside me. 10 minutes later the door opened, and nurses brought in all this machines. A few minutes later Vi was rolled in. I just looked in horror as the put the bed back in its place and hooked her up to all these machines. 

She looked so pale... and small... She looked more dead than alive. I walked over to her still holding our little girl. I kissed her forehead. "Hey love..." I whisper and sit down on the chair next to the bed. 

Doctor Tyler walked in followed with what i think is a surgeon. 

"Mr. Evans... As you know your wife had a bleeding...  She has lost a lot of blood and it was touch and go for a while. But luckily, we were able to find the bleeding and fix it... The rest is now up to her... It depends on how much of a fighter she is... But seeing your wife's medical history... she is a fighter so i am optimistic..." He said giving me a small smile. 

I thanked him and he left. Doctor Tyler explained it in a little more detail but i wasn't really listening as i just stared at the small fragile looking woman lying in the bed. I stood up and kissed her forehead again before laying our little girl in her arms by her side. 

"Hey love... She is here... our little girl is here... You did so good... But i need you to fight love... Our little girl needs you... Storm needs you... I need you... Please love, fight... Please..." I whispered. I sat back down and took her hand as i looked at Vi and my little girl who was sleeping lying next to her mother. 

After a while ma laid her hand on my shoulder. "Let me put the little one in her crib..." She whispered but i shook my head. "No... nobody is touching her until Vi has held her." I said again.

I dont know why but it just didn't feel right to let anyone hold her until Vi has... "Chris..." my mother said letting out a sigh, but i shook my head again. "I said no... and that is final... I will put her in the crib when i am ready to put her in the crib... But for now, she is sleeping in her mother's arms... So, stop it..." I said lashing out. Normally i would never... But i didn't want it... The first woman to hold her was going to be Vi... her mother... Other than me... No one was going to hold her.  

"Can i get you something to eat or drink?" She asked but i shook my head. "Well i am going to get some and i will bring you some because in order to stay strong for your girls you need to eat and drink..." She whispered but i didn't respond. Robert stood behind me and laid his hand on my shoulder. "The doc was right. She is a fighter... She is going to pull through..." He said and i nodded... "She has to..." I murmured. 

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