Chapter 23

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Vi pov...

We are waiting for the food we have ordered. We had gotten out of the tub and dressed in comfy clothes. I had gone to the game room and picked up the clothes that were scattered all across the game room and put them in the wash. I had cleaned up the cups and put everything away before making my way upstairs where Chris was feeding the dogs. 

I smile as Lulu has no interest in the food and only wants to be cuddled by Chris. When she finally has enough, she goes to eat, and Chris can go on with what he was doing. He is reading trough some mail and i can't resist so i wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his back letting out a big sigh. 

"You okay love?" He asks rubbing my arms. "Mhm..." I hum just holding him a bit tighter. Dont turn clingy dont turn clingy i keep repeating in my head, so i let go. "Hey i was enjoying that cuddle..." He says pulling on my arm making me fall back into him and he wrapped his big strong arms around me. I blush and bury my head in his chest.  "You know, you almost disappear when i wrap my arms around you..." He whispers and i smile and nuzzle into him. "You are just so tiny." I chuckle and nuzzle further into him feeling so comfortable. If you had told me after our first meeting, that it would ever be like this. I would have told you. You were crazy. "What are you thinking?" He asks whispering as i am lost in my own thoughts not responding to him... I was about to answer when the doorbell rang. "Saved by the bell..." He said smirking making me blush. 

Dinner had arrived and Chris and i sat down drinking a beer and eating our burgers and fries. We talk about everything and nothing getting to know each other better. It is nice but i. "So, you can tell me now, did you really never play beer pong before?" He said smirking. I look at him and smile. "Nope never... Only ever saw it in the movies." I say grinning back at him... "Unbelievable..." He mumbles and i giggle. We finish our dinner and after we have cleaned up, we take the dogs for a walk. 

The air is crisp and even with a jacket i start to shiver a bit as it is cold. All of a sudden i feel an arms snake around me and Chris pulls me beside him holding me close to him. His body heat warms me up and we walk like that the rest of the way while he holds both dog's leashes in the other hand. The feeling of normalcy... It is kinda nice yet freaks me out a bit. This is how i had thought married life would be, and yet i never felt safe with my ex-husband. But now tucked under Chris his arms i felt safe protected it felt.... like home. 

We walk back into the house and the dogs run immediately to their beds and lay down. "So... What do you wanna do?" Chris asks as he pulls me into his arms. I look up and smile. "I never thought you would be this cuddly..." I say smiling. "Not good?" He asks. I smile and shake my head... "No i like it..." I whisper... "It's just... I am like this to... but i was always told it was annoying... That i was too clingy..." i look down as i blush. 

"Well i dont find it annoying or clingy..." He says holding me tighter and lifts me up from the ground a little making me giggle while he walks us to the couch and sits down pulling me in his lap. "I like snuggling with you..." He hums kissing my neck making me let out a sigh as it feels so nice... God this guy can't be real right? Something must be wrong with him... Nobody is this.... perfect. 

"What are you thinking about...?" He whispers in my ear and i shiver. "I am thinking, what is wrong with you..." I say but immediately regret it as i see that he looks hurt... "What do you mean?" He asks confused and a little sad... "I dont mean it in a negative way..." I quickly say putting my hand on his face. "It's just... You are perfect and it's like i am waiting for something to ... be wrong with you..." I sigh... He grins and kisses me... "Trust me i am not perfect." He mumbles and i sigh again as i disagree... In this moment i totally disagree as this is perfect... 

He leans back on the couch and i shift in his lap so i can get comfortable. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks... "No..." I say letting out a sigh. "Wanna play a board game?" He asks and again i shake my head...  "No..." i say as i am content just sitting there. "Can we just sit and do nothing?  Just be..."  I say softly and he smiles... "Just be?" He asks confused. "Yes, just be... Just enjoy the quiet..." I say planting a little kiss in his neck. 

"Can we do that laying down?" He says smirking. I giggle and nod my head. He moves and lays down on the couch pulling me with him. "God this is nice..." I say as i move and lay beside him with Chris wrapping his arms around me. "Yes, it is..." He says taking a deep breath... "But this is new to me." He whispers... "How come?" I say looking up at him. 

"Well, most girlfriends needed to be entertained..." He sighs and i giggle... "I am entertained..." I say looking at him smiling. "You entertain me by cuddling with me." I say and he smiles and gives me a soft kiss. "Not the kind of entertainment i was thinking of love... They always needed to do something on their phone, or a TV has to be on... Or they are on social media." He sighs... I chuckle. "The only active social media i have is for the store... Cecile is in charge of it." I mumble and he looks at me... "You dont have social media yourself?" He asks. "I do... But i am never really on it... I hate twitter, all those people and their opinions attacking each other... It just depresses me..." I say letting out a sigh... "I like Instagram a little more because it's just photos... But like i said, i dont do much with it... Mostly post pictures of Lulu." I say and take a deep breath... 

"Hmm..." He hums in response. I look up and smile as i can see his eyes are closed and his breathing is getting steadier. I run my fingers through his hair, and he hums again in response. He is dozing off and it is absolutely adorable. Me, i can't sleep. So, when he is fully out i slip of the couch. I walk to the bedroom and change into some shorts and steal a shirt from Chris tying it so it's not a dress on me. I walk to his home gym and start stretching before getting on the treadmill. 

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