Chapter 87

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Chris pov...

"Goooooood Morning baby..." I hear in a soft singing tone as i slowly wake up, warm lips on my skin planting sweet kisses. I groan as i look to my alarm seeing it is only 7 in the morning. "We have to get up baby..." She whispers in my ear before planting a kiss on it and i groan... "Noooo." I whine and i can hear her chuckle. "That is a word that you are not allowed to say to me today..." She murmurs and all of a sudden it comes back to me... It is her yes day. I roll on my side and pull her into me. "Okay so what is the first thing, i can't say no to..." I hum my eyes still closed hoping she wants to cuddle for a bit. "Well, i was thinking that my incredibly sexy husband could wash my back..." She says and i can feel her smiling against my skin. 

"I am up, i am up..." I say as this is a thing i certainly dont mind. She giggles as she gets out of the bed. I stretch myself out as she walks towards the shower.  "Are you coming?" She says looking over her shoulder dropping the shirt she was wearing to the floor and kicking of her panties, landing them right in my face as i watch her. I jump out of bed and run after her as she giggles turning on the shower. 

"Chris...?" She whispers as we stand under the water her back against my chest my hands rubbing her all over. She turns around and pulls on my arm as she walks back until her back hits the tile. "On your knees..." She whispers and i grin... "Yes princess..." I say and slowly sink down on my knees. She leans down and kisses me. "Now be a good boy..." She moans and i lift her leg over my shoulder and before she can even finish that sentence, making her gasp... Her hand is gripping some of my hair as she pulls me closer. I tease her and she moans. 

"Stop teasing Evans..." She scolds me and God it is hot. "Yes princess..." I say and dive in giving it my all. She is so sensitive now that she is pregnant. I keep it up sliding in a finger and she moans. I move quick having her moan louder and louder until she comes over my fingers while sucking on her clit. I lap everything up. "Hmmm..." I moan as i pull back looking up at her and she grins down at me. "Good boy..." She hums still a little dazed and i stand up kissing her hard. 

We finish showering and get dressed. "So what do you want to do first?" I say smiling. "Well first we are going to walk the dogs..." She says with a big smile on her face. I smile and get the leashes while she puts on her shoes and a coat. It takes her more and more effort to get ready, but she refuses help... I take her hand in mine as we walk the dogs. Vi is enjoying it, but after a while we head back to the house. "Now what boss..." I say smirking. 

"Now i want breakfast..." She says with a twinkle in her eyes making me chuckle. The cravings are getting more and more serious and i love it... "Okay where do you wanna go?" I ask. She smiles as she picks her favorite diner wanting pancakes. "I want to drive..." She says as she grabs the keys of my car... But not the regular everyday car... No... The car i got from Downey. 

"Love..." I want to protest but it is her yes day. I cant say no... "Okay..." I sigh and we walk to the garage... It is not that i mind taking this car out... I am just not used to her driving... She is my passenger princess... I love driving... Especially with her next to me... But as i see her all giddy and excited i sigh...  Maybe i do mind a bit that this is the car she chooses... It is low and hard for her to get in and out... Not the safest if something happens... It was a gift from Downey... Downey would have scolded me if i told him she was not allowed to drive it... He would scold me and tell me it was just a car... So, i bite my tongue... It is just a car... It is just a car... 

I help her behind the wheel and God it is worth it... The smile on her face, almost splitting it in half is breath taking. I get in next to her and take a deep breath. She looks at me and smirks. "You hate this, dont you?" She says still that smirk on her face. "Yes..." I say smirking back as i am not allowed to say no. She giggles and starts the car driving off like she is in a race. But as she looks at my anxious face, she slows down quick and drives to diner normally. I let out a sigh of relief when we get to the diner. "Wauw thanks for the confidence... You look like it was the ride from hell..." She says but with a smile on her face and i get out the car walk around and help her out...  I take her hand and we walk into the diner. We both order breakfast and i smile at the amount of food she orders as she can't decide what she wants again. 

"So what are we doing after breakfast?" I say smiling enjoying the day so far. She smirks. "Well i wanted to go baby shopping. She chirps and i smile at her. "Listen love, until now we haven't really done anything i really hate... So, i dont know why it had to be a yes day." I say and the smirk on her face gets bigger. "The day is still young, Mr. Evans." She coos and i chuckle taking a deep breath wondering what is to come...  After breakfast i pay the bill and we leave to get to the baby store. 

Vi is looking around all excited dragging me through the store to all the cribs and stuff. At the end of the shopping spree, we have a complete nursery many, many ultra cute baby clothes and well everything you can think off that you need for a baby. She looks at me with a smirk at the register. "You got to pay baby... That is one of the rules of yes day." She purrs. I laugh and lean down to kiss her. "You dont think i would ever let you pay right?" I murmur but this makes me so happy because she finally lets me pay for something without protesting... "Just pay baby, the lady is waiting..." She says after i kissed her. I hand the lady my card. "You two are too cute..." She says smiling. "Thank you..." i say smiling back at her... "I got really lucky with this one." I smirk and Vi blushes punching my shoulder. "I think, i am the lucky one." She whispers...  

We leave the store and i groan as the next stop is the nail salon where Vi had booked us both a appointment. She is giggling all the way there. I sigh "Well at least you let me drive this time." I mumble, Vi laughs hard "Come on it is relaxing, dont tell me you... Mr. big movie star have never had one before." She says as her hand is in my neck playing with my hair. I smirk. "Oh, i have had them, i just dont really find them relaxing, i guess." I say and she pouts at me, but she knows that i can't say no... So, it has no use to protest. 

We arrive at the place and i must say it is nicer then i thought it would be... This place looks more like a spa. "I booked an appointment for Evans."  Vi says to the lady behind the reception. We get lead through the building to a private room where two chairs are waiting for us to sit in. The woman tells us to sit, and someone will be right with us. I look a bit confused and Vi smiles at me... "See i hold your comfort in account... Private room..." She says smirking and i blush...  

2 women enter and to my surprise we get a massage first, which is kinda nice and then the dreaded Mani and Pedi. "I want to pick your color..." Vi says giggling and i look at her with big eyes... But i can't say no, so i suck it up... The women giggle, as she looks at the color pallet and picks green... "To match the car..." She says smirking... I roll my eyes but with a smile on my face as it is worth it. Because when i look at Vi she looks so relaxed and enjoying herself and i have to admit it is kinda nice. The woman are really professional and i feel relaxed. So, i got green nails at the end of it... Who cares... My princess is happy and that is all i care about...

"So where to now princess?" I ask when we are standing outside again. She smiles but says nothing as she grabs my hand and pulls me to the car.

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