Chapter 120

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Vi pov...

I am getting ready for our night out with Cecile and Mackie. Chris is taking Storm to Lisa for his sleepover.

I scrub my whole body shaving every inch. I had gone shopping with Cecile and bought a super revealing dress that wasn't hiding much. I was worried about Chris his reaction. Not about showing my scars anymore but the dress was short... It had an open back the fabric only starting just above my ass.... Making a bra not an option. Just a minuscule piece of fabric for panties had to give some sort of dignity.

I got dressed and put on some make up going for a dramatic look. That did go well with the sparkly dress and bright red lips. I don't think Chris has ever seen me with this much makeup, so I just prayed he liked it. I looked in the mirror happy with the result. When the bedroom door opened and Chris walked in, he didn't look up as he was typing on his phone. I said nothing just waiting for him to notice.

"Storm is settled at...." He looked up immediately forgetting what he was saying. "Damn..." He murmured walking over to me taking my hand spinning me slowly around. "Fuck..." he said under his breath. "You think it's to..." I started to say but he cut me off passionately kissing me.  "You look... Wauw... Absolutely hot... Sexy...." I blush under his praise. "You don't think it's too short? Or to... revealing?"

He chuckles and leans in hovering his lips over my ear..."Wear whatever you want princess.... Men can look all they want... They will be in agony knowing you're mine, besides.... I know how to fight princess..." He whispers. I groan, I know it is ridiculous and I don't like violence but God it sends tingles all through my body. He seemed to notice... "You like that princess?" He growls in my ear as he pulls me tighter again him and I can feel he is hard. I groan again putting my arms back around his neck, my back arching making my ass press firmly against his hard on.

Without me even noticing, to caught up in his spell he has moved us and I yelp as he suddenly bends me over our chaise... My dress to short for this shows off my ass and he groans pulling on the delicate fabric of my thong pushing it aside. With one move he slams hard into me. He fucks me hard while he leans over me. "With every move you make princess you will remember who you belong to. Have to make sure that you know who your daddy is... Who fucks you good..." I moan as he keeps pounding into me hard and he slaps my ass.  "Oh shit..." I moan and I can hear him chuckle. He keeps slamming into me hard, fast and rough. He is marking his territory and God it is hot. My pussy is dripping, and it feels good... Him wanting to mark me as his, even though the sparkling diamond ring and tattoo do just that.

He slams into me a few more time before he releases inside of me, sending me over the edge my own orgasm washing over me.

I grin as he pulls out of me and pulls me up spinning me around kissing me hard. I wrap my arms around his neck smiling into the kiss. "Don't you dare clean that up..." He growls. "With every step I want you to think of my cum inside of you..." I grin kissing him again. "Possessive much?" I say smirking. "Very... Princess... Remember that... I have no problem of reminding you of that tonight... And i dont care who will see..." I giggle "How can i forget... I can still feel your cum inside me..." I whisper.

Chris gives me a quick kiss before he is going to freshen up and change. I fix my hair and makeup after Chris his delicious attack. I spritz on some perfume that Chris likes and leave the room before Chris would never let me leave.

I feed the dogs and refresh their water and just as I finish up Chris walks in. Fuck he looks handsome. "I don't know who of us has to fight tonight." I say smirking. He chuckles shaking his head. "Dont worry princess, i only got eyes for you..." I smirk... "You better..." I say looking at him raising my eyebrow.

"Ready to go?" I ask him and he nods. Chris had arranged a driver so we all could drink. We first went to pick up Mackie and Cecile. I smiled as they walked out Cecile's house hand in hand. They look so cute together... The driver opened the car door for them, and they got in. As we drove to the club i could feel Chris his eyes on me while he was talking with Mackie. Cecile and i were trying to decide on what to drink tonight.

We walk to the entrance of the club and Cecile and i smirk as we dont have to wait and a hostess walks us right to the VIP area and eagerly asks us if we want to open a tab. Chris and Mackie agree and we order our first rounds of drinks. The club is packed, and the beat is thumping. Our drinks are brought to the table, and we toast on a fun night out. I stand up and walk over to Chris sitting in his lap. "I can still feel your cum..." I whisper in his ear making him grin up at me.  We sit there talking over the loud music when Cecile grabs my hand dragging me off to the dance floor. I look back at Chris whose eyes are fixated on me while talking and laughing with Mackie. To some it may looks and sound possessive but to me it makes me feel save and loved... Besides i dont mind his possessive side... He never takes it too far... It is just... Right...

"God i missed this..." I say in Cecile's ear.   We are dancing having a good time before we walk back to the table where Chris and Mackie are talking about work and i roll my eyes. When the waitress walks over i can't help but notice she is batting eyes at Chris. "Can i have a bottle of tequila?" I ask her. Instead of answering me, she looks at Chris as if to ask if it was okay. "Oh honey do you really think i need permission from my husband...?" I say in a bitchy tone wanting her to stop ogling what is mine....

Chris just points at me as to say to answer me, and the waitress looks at me annoyed before nodding and walking off. "Wauw she was rude..." Cecile whispered in my ear.  Chris is just smirking at me a sparkle in his eye and i look back at him bot caught up in our own staring contest. I shrug my shoulders and without breaking eye contact with Chris i tell Cecile you will get used to this. 

The waitress comes back with the bottle, shot glasses and lemon i ordered and with a smirk i take it from her. I know it is childish but after everything that happened before we left, i feel kinda... Possessive to...After she left i sit in Chris his lap again. "I kinda like this side of you..."  He growls into my ear and i grin at him pulling him in for a passionate kiss. After we break apart i poor everyone shots and make a toast... "To friends..." I say looking at Cecile and Mackie.   "And to... My gorgeous sexy and an animal in the sack husband..." I say giggling. Chris's smirk gets bigger, and we both burst out laughing as both Cecile and Mackie almost choke on their drink.

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