Chapter 74

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Vi pov...

I have been awake in the hospital for 5 days now and even though i had allot of visitors and the room looked like a flower shop and candy store... I just wanted to get out of here. Every day i asked the doctor if i could go and every day he said, maybe tomorrow. I didn't get it nothing was done i only needed to heal and i could do that at home. I hated it here... I just wanted to go home... Be in my own bed... Alone... With Chris... Instead of a cold bright hospital room with people just barging in and out as they wanted... There was no privacy and i feel like a zoo animal... 

The other day a new nurse walked in and literally gasped seeing my face... The first time i saw my face i was in shock as i didn't look like myself and i have to admit i didn't want visitors that day. To have the nurse gasp at me did not help my mood... 

Chris had flipped out, already being overly tired didn't help... I dont think he would have reacted the way he did, if he had been sleeping... He did not want to leave me. The last good night sleep he had, was probably the night before i got taken.  Her gasping was the proverbial drop.  He had demanded the nurse would stay away... My doctor told him too not overreact... But he went over the doctor's head and the nurse was banned from my room... I had just cried and cried hiding under a blanket... This only fueled Chris more and he was adamant that she would not be around anymore. Even after she apologized... I had sent Chris home after that a few times to get a good night sleep, but he always ended up sneaking back in the room and cuddling me. 

I never said anything about it, as i secretly loved it and not really wanted to sleep without him. I just kept sending him home to make sure he knew i would be okay. We hadn't talked about everything that had happened yet. I know he was worried that i didn't talk about it but i just wanted to forget. The detective had been by but i just shut down. I didn't want to talk. I knew i eventually had to but even the thought of talking about it, made me sick. Plus, the less Chris knew the better. The detective did ask if i was raped. I told him no. He started to push wondering if that really was the case. I had snapped, asking if he was deaf... That i hadn't been and to stop fishing for the answers he wanted to hear. If he had i would have told him... I think... But it didn't happen and i was sick and tired of them thinking i was just in denial. Telling him if i would have let him, i wouldn't look like this right now. I was sick and tired of people pricking and prodding me and asking a million questions. I just wanted to go home. 

So, i lost it... On day 6 i asked the doctor of i could go home and once again he said, maybe tomorrow. Chris was sitting beside me holding my hand not saying a word. "Is there a reason i can't go home?" I asked annoyed. I then turned to Chris... "Dont you want me home?" I asked Chris. "What?! Of course, i want you home love." He said looking at me confused... "Then why can't i go home... I WANT TO GOOOOO...!" I said practically yelling at the doctor like a spoiled little kid. 

"Love..." Chris sighed but i was not having it... "NO! just leave! All of you and dont come back before i can go home..." I said with tears in my eyes. "Love..."  Chris said again and took my hand in his... I pulled it away, i know he didn't deserve this but i was sick and tired of being here. I wanted to go, i could lay in bed at home to cuddled up with my husband and our doggies. It was not like i needed a surgery or anything. "Vi..." Chris tried again... But i was done... "No go..." I said pointing to the door...  "Take that stupid doctor with you..." I said looking at the doctor that was frozen in his spot at my outburst. "LEAVE!" I yelled... They got up and left the room and i broke down crying pulling the blanket over me a little more crawling up like a ball. 

I was sick and tired of not having any privacy, people coming and going as they pleased. There was a knock on the door and when i said no, it opened anyway making me roll my eyes. "Sweetheart?" A voice said and i turned around and saw Lisa standing there. "If you are not here to break me out, i am not talking to you... I am not talking to anyone anymore." I said like a stubborn child. She chuckled and sat down on the bed with me. 

She wrapped her arms around me in a motherly fashion and rubbed my back. "Sick of the hospital, huh..." She whispered. That was the moment i let it all go and started crying. "I am sick of all the people poking at me trying to make me talk... I just want to go home, lay in my own bed and cuddle with Chris and the dogs... I miss the dogs, i miss my own bed and my own house... I miss having privacy and not have people ask me how i am doing 20 times a day or waking me up at an ungodly hour. I am sick of this place..." I ranted still crying my eyes out. 

"I know i shouldn't have yelled at Chris, but it is like he doesn't want me home... Does he not love me anymore?" I said looking at Lisa..."Oh honey, he loves you so much... Dont think like that." She says softly smiling at me and i groan all frustrated... "Then why?!? I lay here all day, nothing is happening... I can do that at home to.... I'll take my rest, i promise..." I pleaded with her while crying my eyes out... Desperate for someone to take me home... At this point i did not care who... 

She sighed still rubbing my back but said nothing. I just cried and cried, i cried so much i hadn't even noticed Chris coming back into the room until Lisa had handed me over to him as he was now holding me rubbing my back kissing my head over and over.  "Please... Please just take me home..." I said holding on to him. "I can't love... They just want to monitor you for a little longer." He said and i looked at him through my tears... Even after seeing me like this, he still would not take me home... I wanted to scream at him... I wanted to cuss him out... But instead, i said nothing and just turned around, away from him. I pulled the blanket over me not saying another word. I just cried and cried...

The next few days doctors and nurses would stop by but i said nothing. I didn't want to answer any more questions and i didn't want to be poked at anymore.  Chris was the only one i would allow in my room. I didn't want any more visitors, not the family or others. I only allowed Chris in the room but didn't say a word. I hated the fact he didn't take me home i felt... belittled. But i loved him so much that even now... I needed him... His presence was calming even if i would not speak to him. I loved him so much that the fact he wouldn't take me home hurt. I felt rejected like i was no good anymore and that broke me. It broke me to a point i just gave up and even stopped asking. I shut down... Refusing everything... I was not letting them do tests... Didn't answer them when they asked how i was feeling... I barely touched my food... I was physically here, but mentally i had checked out...

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