Chapter 104

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Vi pov...

"Hello everyone, my name is Scott Evans, but to most people here and in the world, I am known as... The younger brother of Chris Evans... Or the gay brother of Chris Evans.... Or the other male Evans. But tonight, you will know me as the best man... Of Chris Evans..."

I looked at Scott and smiled as he winked at me. Chris was holding my hand. Even though both brothers hated the fact that Scott would always be revered to as little brother off... Scott managed to turn it in something lighthearted and manage to make people laugh.

" It is true we are sitting here today because of me..."

He took a step sideways saying.  "I will step out of Vi reach don't wanna make her stop my speech." I chuckle and I feel Chris press his lips to my temple as he releases my hand and lifting me up in his lap.

" Don't worry I got your back little bro!" Chris says smirking holding me tightly in place. "You won't hear me complain..." I say smirking wrapping my arms around Chris. As we both look at Scott smirking him rolling his eyes back at us, and the guest laughing at the whole interaction.

"Like is said we are sitting here because of me... So... You're welcome, everyone." Scott said taking a bow.

"But in all seriousness, he stole my best friend, and everyone is fine with it because they are soooo madly in love." He says dramatically rolling his eyes. "But I know to her I will never be just the brother off... Nope to her it is the other way around... He is the brother off because I knew her first. So, suck on that big bro..."  Scott had a smirk all the way through his speech roasting his brother, but it all came from a place of love. Scott was finally finishing up. As I was craving dessert... Well kind off... It was either dessert or dragging Chris away to make him my dessert as he kept rubbing my back sending tingles all through my body.

"Well, the only thing for me left to say is... Chris... Vi... We love you both so much and wish you all the happiness in the world and that you may give us allot more cute babies... God knows you already started earlier."

I buried my face in Chris his neck as I turned bright red and Chris just chuckled not phased one bit. Shrugging it off as to say can you blame me.

After we cut the cake stuffing each other's faces in it, Chris grinning like the little boy that is still in there, I go and check up on Storm while Chris stays and mingles with our guests. I smile as I walk into the room finding the nurse reading a book, Storm peacefully sleeping in the crib. "He has been an angel..." The nurse whispers.

I smile at her just then noticing Leon sitting in the corner a big smile on his face. He stands up when he noticed me noticing him. I walk over to him hugging him tightly "When you said you couldn't come because you had to work, I didn't think you had to work here..." I said swatting his arm He blushes. "Sorry I thought they told you... Chris wanted someone familiar to you, to stay with mini-Evans so when they asked, I volunteered and only got the invite after. To be honest I can use the money." He said turning bright red as if he said something he shouldn't have, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I thought private security paid well..." I said looking at him confused and he blushed.... "It does, it does.... Just... Nope it doesn't matter. Today is your wedding and damn you look amazing. I am so happy for you." I look at him and raise my eyebrow, knowing he is complimenting me to distract me. "Listen I don't know what is going on, but you me lunch next week and no buts or ifs... Tell your boss it is mandatory..." I say not taking no for an answer. He nods but i can see he is not totally convinced, and I hug him again.

I kiss my sweet baby goodbye again as I have to go back to the party. I smile as I see Chris dancing with his mother. I watch from the side as the song comes to an end. Chris spots me and walks over to me holding out his hand for me to take. He twirls me around before wrapping me in his arms and dance to the music.

After dancing a few songs, we look up as Cecile is trying to get everyone's attention. I smile as I notice Mackie close to her staring at her with loved up eyes. I smirk and nudge Chris pointing it out and he chuckles kissing my cheek. "You were right..." He mumbles. I smirk back at him grabbing his face kissing him hard. "If you keep saying things like that, I will end up dragging you back to your suite."

Cecile clears her throat looking at me and Chris and we both chuckle.

"Hello, my name is Cecile... I am Vi's maid of honor... I uhm well I am not really good at this sort of thing and for anyone else i would not have done this.... Why? Why do you have to be so sweet and nice Vi?"

I shrug my shoulders and smile at her.  

"Vi is the sweetest person you will ever meet, and I was always afraid that that would make her vulnerable... But people who know Vi know how strong she is... She is strong but not in a, turning into a bitch kinda way... Well unless you piss her off..." Cecile takes a deep breath before she continues.

"That is why I am so happy she found you Chris... You let her be herself, you would never judge her. I can see you love her more than life itself. So, for that I want to thank you because if my bestie is happy, so am I... But I am warning you Chris... Don't hurt her... I watch allot of true crime... You are warned. I wish you all the luck in the world i love you both."

Chris chuckles throwing his hands up as to say, okay i hear you and i just grin at Cecile. "I'll help you as a fellow true crime addict!" Scott yells.  "Great and who helps me if Vi ever hurts me??" Chris yells. "You would probably have deserved it!" Someone from his high school friend's yells and i chuckle but put Chris his face in my hands. "I will never hurt" I whisper. "And i will never let them get to you... I got your back... Till the end of the line..." I say smirking.

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