Chapter 82

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Chris pov...

I am excitedly pacing up and down the hallway. We are having our gender reveal scan today. We are both really excited and i am waiting for Vi to be ready, but she is taking her time. I am all pumped to find out, boy or girl... Little Brady or Bradine... I smirk at the idea... I chuckle as Vi would never go for it.  She has made it very clear over the last few weeks when we discussed names. Even my most charming smile was not changing her mind, so i had given up... Well i would only bring it up to tease her. 

"Vi we are gonna be late!" I yelled getting restless waiting for her. I heard her mumble something in the distance so i decided to check on her. 

"For fuck's sake... Close! Damnit..." She mumbled trying to close her pants. She hadn't noticed me yet and i couldn't help but smile as she was grumbling about me. "We are gonna be late..." She mimicked me. "Easy for you to say asshole, your clothes still fit." She mumbles not knowing i am hearing it all... She is adorable although i dont dare say that to her now because i dont think i will survive that... She let out a sigh and gave up closing her pants. She spotted me in the mirror and pouted.  "It doesn't fit anymore..." She says a blush appearing across her face. I chuckle walked over to her and kissed her cheek. 

"Just wear something else love..." I say and the look in her eyes tells me i should not have said that... She looked at me annoyed, i couldn't help but chuckle as she looked so adorable being grumpy. "Jeez why didn't i think of that..." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes... "Oh wait... Nothing fits anymore..." She said pointing to the mountain of clothes laying on the bed. 

I helped her pick out some clothes that still fit and she felt comfortable in, and we finally could leave. Vi was a little bit happier for finding something cute to wear. "I'll take you shopping tomorrow, okay?" I said lacing our fingers while we were driving. She nods and smiles and i kiss her hand. "Can we get food on the way home?" She asked smiling at me. "Of course, love. Anything you want." I say kissing the back of her hand.  She smiled as she looked out the window. "Boy or girl, what do you think?"  She asks smiling as we were almost at the clinic. "I think girl... You?" I say and she beams at me... "I think boy..." She said smiling.  

We arrived at the clinic which was already closed as we had our appointments after hours. John let us in smiling, hugging Vi and she smiled back at him. "You look good young lady." He said and she blushed. "If you dont mind waiting for a bit while i set everything up, it has been a busy day and i haven't had time yet." He says and we both nod... "Of course, not..." We said smiling but i was dying inside as we had to wait a little longer. I know i should not complain he is so accommodating to us staying after hours... 

We took a seat and i held Vi's hand as she was fidgeting. "Nervous?" I ask her already knowing the answer. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey, listen about the name Brady..." She says taking a deep breath... "Yes?" I said smiling a little hope growing as she maybe had come around. "Are you serious about that?" She asks. I chuckle... "No love, i am just teasing. We will find a name we both love... If it is a boy... When it is a girl on the other hand... Then i stand firm on Bradine..." I say smirking... She laughed as she laid her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, that is a no..." She murmured and i kissed the top of her head. 

"I was thinking..." I whisper as we sit there waiting and Vi looks at me... "Do you want a gender reveal party??" I ask and she shakes her head... "No, do you?" She asked me back. I smiled as i shook my head. "Kinda want to keep it to ourselves..." I whisper. She looks at me smiling before kissing me. "God i love it when we think the same." She says smiling. I chuckle and just as i am about to kiss her again the doctor walks in. "Okay you love birds... Lets find out if we are having a little Brady or Bradine..." The doctor said smirking as it had come up in the last appointment. "Oh god not you to..." Vi said rolling her eyes and both me and the doctor started laughing. 

Vi and i stood up and followed him into his office. We talked a bit about how it was going and how Vi was feeling. But despite everything that happened Vi was doing amazing taking her home from the hospital was the best decision i could have made. 

After Vi was laying on the table, the doctor checked her over. Measuring her belly and feeling the baby and everything was okay and right on schedule. I could see Vi was getting impatient as we both where eager to find out. 

Now it was finally time as the doctor pulled the monitor closer. He started the process going over everything as me and Vi were looking at the screen in awe of our ever-growing baby. Every time we saw that the baby had grown, we were just speechless. Every first was amazing and we both where so excited every time we got to see our baby. We heard the heartbeat which sounded like music to my ears. It was a comforting sound knowing the heartbeat was strong. The doctor moved the stick over her belly not saying a word making us both a bit anxious. 

"Sorry... I need to look around a bit because he or she is being a little bit shy, not wanting to show us." He explains... We both do not say a word hoping that our little one is going to cooperate and show us. "Come on little one..." Vi whispered looking down. "Dont tease your dad and i." 

I chuckled before kissing her hand. "Got it!" The doctor said smiling. "Are you sure you want to know?" He said smirking. "Yes!" We both said a little harder than intended and he chuckled. "Come on doc, dont keep us waiting we have been waiting long enough." I say and Vi giggles...

"Well congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Evans. I am happy to inform you that you two are having a..."

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