Chapter 112

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Vi pov...

Its dark and i am cold... I want to move but i can't... The smell of something rotten fills my nose and it makes me gag. I want to move but i can't... My hands and feet are tied down with something. I try to pull myself free, but it won't budge. I am confused as I try to figure out where I am... Suddenly i can feel another presence in the room..."Who is there?" I ask anxiously and all i get in reply is a sinister laugh... Until the other person finally speaks up... "Hello darling..." a voice says giving me chills, with a sinister laugh following. I panic as i recognize the voice...."You... you... you are dead..."  I say in a small voice... "Oh you are so gullible my darling... Did you really think it would be so easy... That you would get rid of me that easy." The voice laughs and it is maniacal laugh... "Did you really think you would get your happy ever after while i rot in that cell." 

I can feel a hand slowly go over my body and when i lift my head i stare in the cold dead eyes of him... I start to struggle, i need to get out of here ... "Please i need to go back to my son..." I plead with him hoping that there is still a little bit of decency in him. A bone chilling laugh fills the room..."Dont worry about your little family darling..."  He chuckles..."They will never be a problem ever again..." I can feel the tears start to fill my eyes...  "Wha... What did you do...?"  I say now fully sobbing.  "Oh, my little darling... I just got rid of our little obstacles and now there is nothing that is keeping us apart... Nothing for you to run back to..." He wipes some hair out of my face and i turn it away from him not wanting to look at him as he stares at me with those cold dark eyes and evil grin on his face.  "Stop crying!" He says grabbing my chin making me look at him. But i can't stop tears keep coming... I feel a sharp pain as he slaps me hard in the face "I said stop crying, you stupid whore... They are gone, so it is you and me again just like it is supposed to be..." 

"My baby..." I say sobbing... "What did you do to my baby...". He grins... "Dont worry love... I made it quick and painless for the little bastard... I am not a monster..." He starts laughing as if he is thinking about it... The evil grin on his face getting bigger. He leans over me I can smell him... He smells of old sweat and blood and that is when I notice his shirt is stained with blood. He runs his finger down my face leaning in even closer... "America's golden boy on the other hand...." He whispers tutting... "Well, I had to show him who's boss, who you actually belong to... He was stubborn until the end I give him that... And I must say he held out longer than expected. He really seemed to love you... Cried like a baby when I killed the little bastard of yours in front of him."  He laughs even harder when I start to cry even more.

"Don't worry baby I'll make you forget all about them... We can even make a new baby... A much better one than that bastard of yours..." He kisses me hard and I want to stop him, but I can't all I can do is shake my head, but he holds my chin making it impossible to stop him.

As sudden as he appears he disappears, and I am left alone tied down. Tears stream down my face. He killed them... He really killed them... My only reason for fighting this hell... gone. He knew with them alive I would never stop fighting him... Because I had something to fight for... Taking away that... Was the only obstacle for him.

I don't know how long I am lying here... Or how long I was here before I woke up..I don't even know how he took me...I don't even know which day it is... I am trying to think of my last memory of Chris and Storm, but I draw a blank... It's getting harder to breathe, and I start to panic... My body starting to shake.... Vi...! Vi...! Vi...!

All of a sudden i jolt up. My body covered in sweat and my heart racing as i look into the beautiful blue bright eyes of my husband. My beautiful husband who is looking back at me worried... I grab him holding on to him tightly, scared to let him go. It was just a nightmare, i think to myself. Chris comforts me holding me tight rocking me back and forth. "It was just a bad dream love..." He whispers over and over again. "It felt so real..." I whisper still not letting go of him just in case this is the dream and any moment i can wake up... and be back in that dark hell. 

"Wanna tell me about it...?" Chris whispers. "He...he was alive and.... He killed you and Storm and took me again... He faked his own death."   He takes a deep breath and grabs my face making me look at him. "He is dead love... He can't hurt you anymore." 

"But what if he is not... What if in some way he has faked his own death?"  Chris sighs and kisses my forehead. "Love... that only happens in movies..." Chris kisses my forehead but i can't shake the feeling something isn't right...I need closure... I stay quiet for a while just holding on to Chris. I am scared to bring up what i am thinking but i know i have to talk to him about it. I take a deep breath, "I think i need to see him... Need to see his body... See that he is really dead." Chris stays quiet still...."I dont know if that is such a good idea love..." He says finally speaking... "I need to see with my own eyes that he is dead Chris... Otherwise i will never have peace..."  I say sobbing. 

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