Chapter 118

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Vi pov...

Life is going pretty great, Storm is growing so fast, Chris has just finished filming and is home for a couple of months until we have to go to LA for him to start on a new movie.  The only thing that is not happening is me getting pregnant...

I sigh as I look at another negative pregnancy test. Chris is out walking the dogs with Storm. After a few months of negative tests, I promised Chris I would stop testing so much. To wait until there were signs but I couldn't help myself. So, I was now doing it while Chris was out. I know it was wrong... I know i should let it go but i just couldn't somehow... I just wanted another baby so bad... I threw the test away letting out a sigh and walked to the kitchen to prepare lunch. I put on a smile when I heard the front door open. First to run in where the dogs, followed by a giggling Storm in Chris his arms. I looked at them and smiled... A real one this time. But the sadness was still lingering underneath. Chris kissed my cheek and making it so Storm could give me a kiss to.

We ate lunch together Chris telling me about his walk with the dogs and Storm. I smiled listening to their antics. I smile because they are perfect... My boys are absolute perfection and at this moment i feel guilt... Guilt because i should be content with my little boy and Chris...

After lunch I cleaned up the kitchen while Chris was putting Storm down for his nap. The kitchen was clean and I sigh feeling a bit lost. Maybe I need some girl time so I walked to the nursery. I smiled looking in the room as Chris was reading to Storm.

I walked over kissed Storms little head before turning to Chris. "I am going to the shop for a few hours." I said smiling at him. He smiled back taking my hand in his kissing it. "Okay love, have fun. Say hi to Cecile from me."  I nodded and kissed him cupping his face.

I got in the car and took off. I arrived at the store but all of a sudden, I could feel the tears coming and I sat there crying behind the wheel in the parking lot. What was happening to me... Why was I feeling so sad for not becoming pregnant all the while I had the most beautiful little boy at home. Why couldn't I just be happy with that... I should be grateful for what I got. I allowed myself to cry a bit more before I pulled myself together and walked into the shop.

Cecile squealed and hugged me. While I watched the shop she went and got us some coffee next door. I smiled as I walked around a bit, picking out some things for Lulu and Dodger. I had to admit the store looked absolutely great. I helped a few customers before Cecile came back handing me my coffee.

"So wanna tell me what you are doing here? Instead of being with that perfect little boy and husband of yours." She says smiling and i sighed... "That obvious huh?"    She looked at me and smiled. "For me... Yes... So, spit it out...."

I explained how we are trying for another baby and how after a few months of negatives I was feeling a bit... Down. That I was start getting frustrated with myself for being like that, while I had the most beautiful and sweet boy running around. Not to mention Chris being perfect, that I felt like I was ungrateful... But that i was scared. Scared i would not be able to get pregnant again... That maybe my body just couldn't handle it anymore after everything it had went through...

Cecil just grabbed my hand letting me speak just listening to me. Every now and then she had to help customers and when it was busy, I would help.

After I had gotten everything of my chest, she just hugged me. "Sweetie, I love you... But Chris is right... You're to hyper focused on it... Just let things come when they come and in the meanwhile just enjoy the shit out of that hot husband railing you every chance he's got." She says winking at me and i burst out laughing. "Yeah... He is good at that..." I said smirking.

"So how are things with Anthony?" I ask smirking. Cecile smiled at me blushing. "It is going well... He is coming to stay with me next week for a few days." She had the biggest smile on her face. "Well when you two come up for air tell me... We can go out. I will ask Lisa is she want to babysit and then we can go out for drinks and dancing". I suggested and Cecile smiled. "You got yourself a deal... It has been too long since we have been out drinking and dancing... This time we have 2 guys to dance with, so we don't have to go through the agony of getting groped."

I laughed, hard and we made plans. I immediately called Lisa to ask if she was willing to babysit. Lisa said she would be happy to, saying that we needed a night out. After I helped Cecile close up, I hugged her goodbye and got into my car.

I drove home feeling much better after just having a day out of the house. I parked in front of the house and smiled as I walked trough the front door immediately being greeted by the dogs, Storm waddling after them squealing at me. I picked him up and just hugged him tightly, taking in his sent.

"Hey." I heard the sweet voice of my husband say and I looked up smiling at him as he was leaning in in the doorway smiling back at me. I put Storm down who sat down on the ground and played with Dodger and Lulu. I walked over to Chris and pulled him in, kissing him with everything I got. He smiled and gave my ass a light squeeze. "Feeling better?" He whispered. I nod, and blush. "Sorry." I say still blushing.  "Just needed some girl time I guess." He leans in and plants another sweet kiss on my lips. "Don't be sorry love, we all have an off day sometimes" I nod and wrap my arms around his waist laying my head on his chest.

"We are going out next week with Cecile and Mackie" I murmur. "Already called your mother to babysit, so you can't say no.." I look up at him smiling. He smiles back. "Wouldn't dream of it, princess... A night out with my wife... Not gonna turn that down."

Storm has waddled over to us pulling at my clothes wanting some snuggles to. I pick him up and walk to the couch sitting down with him and just sit there listening to whatever he is telling me, even though I can't understand a word he is saying.

We have dinner together and then snuggle the rest of the evening on the couch just the three of us.

I put Storm to bed and when I walk back into the living room I smile Chris is out like a light running around with Storm all day had tired him out...

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