Chapter 30

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Vi pov...

Chris rang the doorbell and i could feel the nerves sourcing through my body. I tried to take deep breaths to calm my nerves. Chris took my hand and a wave of calm washed over me as long as he was there, i was going to be okay. I just had to keep my cool. The door opened and Robert appeared. "Doritoooo..." He said hugging him and then looking at me a big smile on his face. 

"And this must be the beautiful Viola. The woman who finally had captured the heart of our lone wolf." He said being all smiles. I smiled and he pulled me into a hug. "Welcome to the family Ms. Viola." Robert said and i blush. "Vi... please call me Vi..." I said giving him a shy smile. "Vi it is, come on in. Everyone is in the backyard. You guys are the lasts one to arrive. You look lovely by the way Vi..." He said holding out his arm and escorting me outside. I looked over my shoulder at Chris who was grinning from ear to ear as Robert leads me outside. "Look who are here!" Robert yelled making everybody look at us. If i could turn invisible, i would have done it right then and there. 

Robert let me go and Chris stepped beside me sensing i was feeling a bit overwhelmed. He puts his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. God this feels awkward. Chris waved with a big grin on his face. "Hello everyone, this is Vi my girlfriend... Vi this is .... well, everybody." Chris says still that big grin on his face. "Hello..." I said in a squeaky voice giving everybody and awkward wave. Thank God Scarlet was the first to put me out of my misery. "Nice way to put the poor girl on the spot Robert..."  She said walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. "It is so nice to finally meet you, this one doesn't shut up about you..." She said and i looked at Chris in shock as he blushed. "It's nice to meet you to..." I said still a bit in disbelief that Chris apparently had been talking about me... Not to his family but to these people to... 

One by one they all introduced themselves. "This is more than the original 6, Mackie and Seb..." I whispered as i saw Tom Holland and Tom Hiddleston talking and laughing in a corner. "Yeah, these kinds of things always start small and then people are in town and Robert tells them they have to come." Chris explains. "It is nice to see that everyone is still so close..." I say smiling at Chris. 

"Yeah, we are like one big dysfunctional family..." Chris chuckles... "Speak for yourself!" We heard someone behind us say. "I am very functional..." Chris laughed as he hugged Anthony before introducing me. Come here he said pulling me into a hug, we are an hugging family. Seb joined us and hugged me and then the stories came making Chris groan and i couldn't help but laugh as they told story after story. 

Scarlet joined us and we got to talking. I smiled as she showed me pictures of her adorable kids and soon, we were sitting somewhere with Susan Roberts wife and Chris H's wife. I
 couldn't believe how normal this all felt and how nice everyone was. Not at all what i expected. I mean some people, when they get famous it goes to their head. But these people where nice, friendly and welcoming. Chris was laughing and goofing around with the guys and i couldn't help but smile at the fact he was happy to catch up with his them. Every now and then our eyes met as if he was checking in every now and then, to check if i was okay.

"So how did you and Chris meet?" Scarlet asked and i started laughing. I told him about his rude behavior and that i absolutely thought he was an asshole at first. "CHRISTOPHER ROBERT EVANS!" Scarlet yelled pulling all the attention towards us. The guys walked over and sat with us Chris sitting next to me putting his arm around my shoulders and i leaned a little into him sipping at my drink. 

"I can't believe you did that..." Scarlet said as Chris learned why he was scolded. "Yeah, yeah, i was an ass. Thank god she forgave me and gave me a second and third chance." Chris said letting out a sigh... "What do you mean second and third...?"  Robert asked and he looked at me confused. "I hadn't gotten that far yet..."  I said laughing and he groaned as he talked himself in a corner. 

"Just me being an idiot..." He said trying to get out of telling the story of our first sort of date and the day i had to go to the hospital. But to no avail. "And still you chose to be with him?" Mackie said smirking after Chris explained. I blushed. "Yeah, well he redeemed himself..."  I said looking at Chris and smiling. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "You guys are too cute..." Susan said and we both smiled. 

We all fell in different conversations and i was talking with Robert about my store and that i was concentrating more on photography at the moment. I showed him some of my photos on my website. "These are really good Vi..." He said smiling. "We should talk business this week, maybe we can help each other out..." Robert said smiling and i looked at him confused. "I need a photographer for an upcoming project." He explained. I nodded and we exchanged numbers and Chris looked at me smiling giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

Drinks where flowing and everyone was having a good time, doing karaoke and dancing on the little dance floor. Dodger and Lulu where tired out playing with Robert and Susan's dogs and they all were laying in the grass sleeping as the party got more and more crazy due to alcohol consumption. Seb and Mackie dragged me to the dance floor and Chris was laughing as i mouthed help towards him.  I laughed as they both started dancing with me and even tho we just met, i was surprised how comfortable i was with these people. Chris was talking to Chris H and i wondered what the hell they were talking about as they kept flexing. 

As the song came to an end i walked over to Chris feeling a little more confident due to the booze i dragged him to the dance floor and the next few songs, we spend just caught up in each other dancing. Scarlet interrupted after a few songs and dragged me towards the karaoke machine picking a song for us to sing. I could see Chris grinning as the song started to play but i just looked at him and smirked. The song Girls just wanting to have fun started playing and Scarlet and i sang our hearts out. As i looked at Chris he was looking at me with his mouth hanging open. I am not the best singer in the world but i can keep a tune. Chris had never heard me sing and he was just staring at me as people were cheering me and Scarlet on. Susan joined in and soon all the women were standing on the little makeshift stage singing with us. 

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