Chapter 48

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Chris pov...

"Hey Vi?" I murmur as we lay in bed. We leave tomorrow and decided to just stay in our suite and in our little bubble. We didn't leave the room at all, and it was heaven. She sits up and looks at me. "Yes Chris..." She says with a smirk and i smile... 

"So, Megan texted me earlier." I say taking a deep breath.  "Okay..." She says a little confused and i smile and run my hand through her hair. "I was asked to be a guest on the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon, for an upcoming project that is due to be released soon. My costar was supposed to do it, but something came up on his end and they asked me to do it. Do you mind if we take a small detour on our way home and stay one night in New York." I ask. She could go home but i wanted her with me... I hated the idea of spending a night apart. I knew that was inevitable in the future, but we had just gotten married and i didn't want to right now... 

"No of course not." She said with a soft smile and i smile back all excited. "You're gonna like Jimmy, he is really nice." I said and she nodded and laid her head back on my chest.  I take another deep breath as i had something else to ask... "Megan also asked if we wanted to go public with getting married... We dont have to... But if you are okay with it i can send the photo that Scott took of us in the chapel to them and they can use it in the interview. This way we can hold a grip on the news getting out." I whisper and she hums... 

"I trust that you and Megan know what you are doing, so i am okay with it." She whispers. I smile and kiss the top of her head. "If you're not okay with it, that is okay to..." I whisper wanting her to know that what she wants is important to. That what she wants is my first priority... 

She shakes her head. "I get it... Better to keep it in our control... Just hope the craziness that is going to follow will die down fairly quickly." She whispers letting out a deep sigh... "I know love and as much as i want to be able to promise you that... I can't promise you that, but i can promise i will do everything in my power to protect you." I whisper kissing the top of her head... She hums... "I know..." She whispers cuddling into me more. "I love you Chris, and by marrying you i accepted everything that came with your life." She says and i smile. She is amazing but she needs to know that if she is not comfortable that is okay to... 

"Doesn't mean you have to just say yes to everything..." I whisper back and she giggles... "O trust me... When i disagree with something, you will know." She hums and i chuckle and kiss the top of her head again. She shifts and buries her head in my neck planting a kiss under my ear. "I love you." She murmurs making me smile. "I love you to, love." I whisper and before we know it, we drift off to sleep. 

The next morning, we pack our bags. I call the charter company telling them we go to New York instead of Boston. I smile as Vi walks into the living room with her suitcase dragging behind her looking a little sad. "What is wrong, love?" I ask her. "I know it sounds stupid, but i feel kinda sad that we are leaving our little bubble..." She whispers pouting a little and i smile. "I know love, i am sad to. We can create our own little bubble again when we are back home." I say smiling. She nods and kisses me. There is a knock on the door, and we walk out handing our bags to the guy from the hotel, who will bring it to our awaiting car. We check out and go to our car. I open the door for Vi helping her in before scooting in beside her closing the door. 

The flight is about 5 hours and uneventful. We land in New York where a car is waiting to take us to our hotel that was arranged for us. We had a few hours to kill until we had to be at the studio. Vi had offered to stay at the hotel, but i wouldn't hear it. She was coming with. She is my wife and after the interview was being shown all over America, the news would be out and i just wanted to show off my beautiful, sweet, kind and amazing wife. I wanted her there and as long as she was willing to come along, nothing was stopping me from bringing her. I was kinda relieved that we would tell the news because i wanted yell it off the rooftops.

We entered the hotel room and Vi chuckled. "What?" I ask her a little amused about her giggle. "It is never just a small room..." She said looking around. I chuckled. "No i guess not..." I say pulling her into my arms. "We have a few hours to kill..." I whisper into the kiss, pushing her back. She giggles. "O really... So, what did you want to do with that time, Mr. Evans?" She murmured back. 

In one sweep, i threw everything of the hallway side table and lifted her up on it. She giggled. "They are gonna bill you for that..." She whispered. "I dont give a fuck..." I growled before kissing her hard and i bunched up her skirt. "God, i love that you like to wear dresses and skirts..." I growled... She smirked. "That is because i love giving you easy access, Mr. Evans..." She whispers in my ear making me groan. "Well fuck me..." I said kissing her again. 

"With pleasure..." She whispers putting her legs around me pulling me into her as she fumbles with my pants pushing it down just far enough for my dick to spring free. I let my fingers glide through her folds, but she swatted them away. "Just fuck me, Chris... I need you." She whimpers. I groan as i slide into her, her pussy squeezing my dick as it stretches around me. 

"Fuck baby..." I groan dropping my head in her neck. "So, fucking tight." I groan. She chuckles and i groan louder as i can feel her squeezing her walls tighter around me. "Fuck baby, do that again." I practically beg as it feels so good. She does it again and i groan again. I start to move, and she moans as i kiss her. The table shakes as i slam into her harder. "Not gonna last long baby..." I groan. "Me neither..." She moans as she starts rubbing her clit. I fuck her as we both build our high. It is quick but God we both need this. Why? I dont know... But we need it. The table slams against the wall and i know someone must hear what is going on, but we dont care. I release inside of her, and she follows quickly after me, her pussy milking me for everything i got. Our heads are pressed together as we try to get our breathing under control. 

I lift her off the table and we both adjust our clothes again. "I am gonna take a quick shower." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smile as i pull on her arm kissing her passionately before letting her go. I take my phone and see that Megan has emailed me a list of questions. I go over them and smile at the question that jumps out. 'So, Chris what is new with you.' I smirk knowing that after tonight everyone will know... Know that i married the love of my life.

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