Chapter 75

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Chris pov...

It broke my heart seeing her like this... All she wanted was to go home. She had totally shut down. The doctor would not budge. He kept saying he wanted to keep her here. Every time he said, just a little while longer for observation.  Every time saying that she wasn't really ready yet. When i brought up how she had shut down he dismissed it, saying that being here was what was best for now. I didn't know what to do anymore. Should i sign her out against doctors' orders? I found it a miracle that Vi hadn't had done that herself yet. Up til her break down she was getting out of bed every now and then to stretch her legs... But now nothing... She is just... Gone...

Ma had calmed her down after her breakdown and she allowed me back in the room, but she never said spoke another word. She just laid there staring out the window every now and then crying. Only getting up to go to the bathroom... Not allowing doctors and nurses to touch her anymore... No more tests... No more answers on questions... No more visitors... She wouldn't let me hold her or lay next to her for that matter.  I was coming to a point that i was seriously contemplating taking her home. The feeling that letting her stay here did more harm than good grew stronger by the minute... 

Ma told me that Vi thought i didn't love her anymore. That she thought, that i thought she was too damaged now. Hearing that broke me... I cried in her arms when i showed her out after Vi's breakdown. Ma was visiting again even if Vi would no longer allow her in the room anymore she would still show up... I was once again crying, not knowing what to do anymore... We stood in the hallway but i didn't care who saw.  The last few days had been hell... She was here... But she was not... It was like i had lost her all over again... Ma kept visiting and i was thankful as the silence in the hospital room was deafening and the 30 minutes talking with her kept me sane... 

"Maybe i should just take her home..." I said between sobs.... "This is doing more harm than good." I said looking at ma through my tears... Ma looks back at me and smiles. "I think so too, sweetheart." She says as she holds up a bag. I look confused and she opens it and smiles as holds out some comfortable clothes of Vi. 

I smiled and gave her a kiss on her cheek before i walked to the doctor's lounge. I was not willing to wait another second. Ma telling me she thought the same gave me the last push... "Doc..." I said walking in as he was laughing with one of the other doctors... He looks up at me and i swear i see him roll his eyes... Why does her doctor have to be such an asshole, i think to myself. I take a deep breath. 

"I dont care what you have to say anymore, i am taking her home." I say and he now definitely rolls his eyes... "Mr. Evans..." He said in this derogatory tone, his face serious as he stood up walking me out the room and into the hallway. The other doctors in the room looked at us confused. "We still..." He started to say but i held up my hand shutting him up. "You dont seem to understand... I dont care what you have to say anymore... My wife is miserable and at this point staying here, does more harm than good... So, give me the damn papers to sign. One way or another, i am walking her out of here in the next hour." I say and as i say it i feel a weight being lifted and become more confident about my decision... "You can't..." He started to say. 

"THE HELL I CAN!! I am done... Make sure a nurse gives me the damn discharge papers or i am just walking her out, without them." I said making sure he understood there was no doubt that i was going to do this... He scoffed, nodded and turned around leaving towards the front desk. I walked back to Vi's room and ma was standing outside with the bag. "Why didn't you go in?" I ask her. "I think it is better for you two, if you tell her the news." She said smiling...  I smiled back and took the bag. 

I walked into the room where Vi was staring out the window like she had been doing for the last few days. God i should have done this earlier. "Okay... Love... Sit up..." I whisper and she looked at me her eyes blank, the sparkle she had gone. Even after she just had woken up the sparkle had been there but now, nothing... "What is going on?" She whispered and for the first time in a few days i hear her voice again. "I am taking you home..." I say smiling... "Okay..." Is all she said as she sat up. I helped her out of her hospital gown and into the sweats ma had brought. I smile at her as i put the hoodie on her, but she doesn't smile back and i sigh. Last thing is her shoes... Ma had brought her Ugg's knowing they would be comfortable around her ankle...

As i kneel in front of her i look up at her. "Please love... Talk to me..." I whisper and she sighs closing her eyes for a second... "Just take me home Chris..." Is all she says her hand on my face the only physical contact we had in days. I'll take it. It is more than the last few days and at least she is somewhat acknowledging me.

The doctor walks in without knocking and i look at him annoyed. He slams papers on the table next to the bed. "Mrs. Evans your husband is signing you out against doctors' advice... I urge you to change your mind and stay for your own good." He says in a annoyed tone... Vi just looks at him as she slowly walks over to the table. Her whole body still hurts, i know that but she is not backing down... "Got a pen..." Is all she says to him, and he looks at her. Stunned by the fact that his words had no effect on her. He hands her a pen, and she signs the papers. "Now my husband did not sign me out, but i did..." She bites back at him. 

A nurse comes in with a wheelchair but Vi ignores it slowly walking past her. "Thank you... for everything..." She says smiling at the nurse who was her favorite because she would always knock and if Vi said no, she would respect that and come back later. "You take care sweetheart and just cuddle up in your own bed with that hunk of a husband of yours..." The nurse says and she makes me blush. But i also wonder if Vi still wants that... Vi smiles at her but the smile doesn't reach her eyes. She hugs the nurse who is caught off guard. The doctor huffs shaking his head and walks out the room fuming. 

Vi turns around, takes a deep breath before she walks out of the room. I can't help but smile as it seems like with every step, she takes towards the exit. A weight lifts more and more off her shoulders. Ma and i follow her close enough to help her if needed but far enough away to give her the feeling of doing this alone. I know she needs this. She needs to get out of here. In this moment... Right here, right now... I know i made the right decision. I look at ma, and she looks back at me smiling. 

Vi steps outside and takes a deep breath. For the first time in what feels like forever she has a smile on her face as she just stands there in the sun. "3 weeks..." She whispers. Ma and i looked at her confused. "3 weeks ago, was the last time i had a breath of fresh air..." She says still a smile on her face that is turned up to the sun... I want to say it has not been 3 weeks but then it sinks in... Counting being held captive in that dungeon it has been 3 weeks....

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