Chapter 126

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Vi pov...

We all must have been pretty tired from traveling because when i wake up a few hours later, both Chris and Storm are still asleep. I smile and slide out of bed and walk over to Storm's room. I smile as he is still out like a light, traveling and all the new things must have tired him out. I let him sleep for a little bit and walk around. 

Last time I was here... We were still dating.... We left to get married and now this is home... At least for the next 5 months, maybe even longer. I let the dogs out into the yard and walk to the kitchen. I look through the fridge for something to make for dinner when i hear Storm starting to cry. He is probably confused about being in his new room, so i quickly make my way to his room and take him out of his crib. 

I change his diaper and take him with me to the kitchen. He starts to smile when Dodger and Lulu come running in. I put him on the ground and Dodger and Lulu immediately lay down beside him. I have to go and buy some baby stuff tomorrow, i think to myself. Seeing as we dont even have a highchair for him here. I get Storm some toys from his suitcase and after i gave them to him, i go and make dinner. The fridge is stocked thanks to Chris his assistant. 

I am almost done making dinner when Storm starts to squeal and i smile as Chris walks into the kitchen. He picks Storm up and hugs him giving him kisses before walking over to me and pulls me in for a kiss. "Why didn't you wake me?" He asks smiling at me. "You looked so peaceful and seeing as you already start filming tomorrow... I thought you could use all the sleep you could get." I say pulling him in for another kiss. 

Chris sighs as he is not happy, he already has to start tomorrow. The initial plan was for us to have a week to get settled in. So, he could help me with shopping for stuff for Storm, but they had to start a week earlier because of the availability of one of his costars.  

"I am sorry i already have to go tomorrow." He whispers. Storm starts to wriggle in his arms and Chris puts him down and he immediately makes his way to the dogs again. I wrap my arms around his waist and plant a kiss on his chest. "It is okay... I can handle the shopping...You already having his room put together, really helps. It is absolutely beautiful. Maybe just help me make a list with what we need after dinner and i can do the rest" He sighs hanging his head. "Baby, look at me..."  I say cupping his face. "Storm and i will be fine..." 

"I just dont like the idea of you going out alone with Storm here in LA.... It has me worried especially now that you are pregnant.... The paparazzi here is brutal Vi..." He says and i sigh... "Would you feel better if i ask someone to come with me?"

Chris looks at me surprised but nods yes, and he looks actually a little relieved.  I chuckle and pull out my phone. I know Scarlet is in New York. So, she is not an option. So, i call the next person i can think off.  I call Susan but instead of her, i get Robert on the phone. "Mrs. Evans, are you finally calling, to tell me your husband is driving you crazy" He jokes. I giggle and Chris rolls his eyes as i have him on speaker phone. "

"No i was actually looking for Susan." I say smirking. Robert tells me she is in a meeting. When i tell him why i call, he tells me she is really busy at the moment with a new project she is trying to get off the ground. "But i am available and it would be my honor to accompany you and the mini-Evans shopping tomorrow."  We agree that he will be picking me up tomorrow and i can see Chris relax as he now knows i won't be on my own tomorrow.

I finish up dinner and i smile as Chris eats with Storm in his lap. Storm tries to grab his fork every time Chris puts it to his mouth. Maybe we should start having him slowly eat with us i say. Chris gives Storm a piece of his chicken and he immediately puts it in his mouth sucking on it. 

After dinner we sit down to make a list and even though Storm his bedroom is done, we still need allot... First thing on the list is a stroller as we left ours in Boston, not wanting to drag the thing on the plane. 

Chris needs to get up really early and so after we have put Storm to bed, we turn in ourselves. 

I cuddle into Chris and i can feel he is tense... "Chris..." I whisper as he is staring at the ceiling. "Hmmm." Is all i get back. "Are you okay... i am getting worried. It's like you are not really here..." He rolls on his side and cups my face kissing me. "I am sorry love..." He whispers kissing me again. "Dont be sorry, just talk to me..." I whisper and i can feel the tears coming. "Should Storm and i have stayed in Boston?" I whisper. "What? No...! I love that you 2 are here." He says looking at me surprised.

"Then what Chris? Because ever since we arrived, i have the feeling something is off?" I say in an almost desperate tone.  Chris sighs and presses his forehead against mine. "I am just worried love, about you going out and being pregnant... I want you to enjoy your time here and i want you to feel at home.... I want you to be able to go out and do you own thing but... I dont know, i guess i am just over thinking." 

I pull him in for another kiss. "We will be fine Chris...Robert is going with us tomorrow and we will see how things go and deal with them as we go. I promise i will be careful and i will let you know immediately if something is wrong. But can you promise me one thing?" I ask him.  

"Anything." He whispers.  "Go to work...have fun... Like you always did...I dont want you to not enjoy work." I say kissing him again. He nods and pulls me closer holding on to me as if he is scared that i would disappear. I can hear his breathing getting more even and soon he is asleep. I run my fingers through his hair. It pains me that he is so worried. And i am scared that he will not be able to fully concentrate on his work and not give it his all. 

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