Chapter 76

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Vi pov...

I am finally outside, the sun in my face as i look up. I take a deep breath... "3 weeks..." I murmur taking a moment to feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair... I am finally outside... I am finally free... I am going home... No more poking and prodding... No more questions... No more sad looks or gasps... But above all no more, no privacy... I feel like i can breathe again for the first time in 3 weeks... I know i am being dramatic as the hospital was more comfortable then the dungeon... But it felt just as much as a prison... 

Everything hurts as i walk to the car but i am adamant to make it on my own. I can do it... I am free to walk on my own... My ankle is protesting but i ignore it... Chris helps me in the car and as he fastens my seat belt i take his face in my hands. "Thank you..." I whisper before kissing him. He looks at me and gives me a little smile. I know i am like a child only speaking when she gets her way... But i had to show him somehow i appreciated it. That he once again saved me because i dont know how long i could take being cooped up anymore. 

I wave at Lisa who drives off in her own car smiling at me, waving enthusiastically as she passes. The driver's door opens, and Chris gets in and before he can turn the key to take off. I grab his hand. "I am sorry..." I whisper kissing it. He looks at me and smiles. "No need to be sorry, should have done this way sooner." He leans in and cups my face gently, afraid to hurt me. He kisses me softly and i melt into the kiss. "I love you, Vi..." He whispers and i smile at him. "I love you to Chris." I whisper back and kiss him again... 

He drives of and i look out the window so happy to finally see something else then the view of my hospital room. I let out a sigh and Chris takes my hand in his. I look at him and smile... A real smile this time and he smiles back bringing my hand to his lips kissing it. 

We arrive home and Chris helps me out of the car and into the house. The dogs come running up to me. Chris wants to stop them but i sit down on the bench under the coat hanger and let them come on to me. It hurts but i am so happy to see them, cuddling them both kissing their cute, little faces all over. They calm down enough for me to stand up and i walk over to the couch and sit down letting out a massive sigh. Chris looks at me and smiles. "Dont worry, i will take it easy..." I say blushing. 

I let out a sigh again. I pat the couch for Chris to sit beside me. He smiles and sits next to me. I cuddle into him. "I am so happy to be home..." I said yawning as i feel my whole body and mind relax... He chuckles. "Do you want me to carry you to bed?" He asks and i yawn again smiling... I shake my head. "Can we just stay here for a while... I have been in bed long enough... I just want to sit her for a while before going back to our bed." I mumble and cuddle into him more. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. I smile and get comfortable. 

"I am sorry for shutting you out..." I whisper... "I am sorry for not listening to what you needed and only thinking about my own fears..." He whispers back. I sit up and look at him confused... "Chris i was doing fine... I was just lying in that bed killing time." I say still confused... "Please... You have to understand... You died Vi... I saw you die as the wheeled you out of the ambulance and into the hospital." He says a pained look on his face... I am in shock... Nobody told me... "I died?" I whisper and he nods. "Yeah, those bruised ribs are from the resuscitation... They got you back pretty quickly... And then... Then you wouldn't wake up for days.... I was so scared of losing you..." He says and i sigh... "Why did nobody tell me?" I say and he shrugs his shoulder... "Didn't want to scare you..." He mumbles and i sigh again...

"I am here baby, i am here... Me and our little one are okay."  I whisper and Chris starts crying. I just hold him as he holds on to me for dear life. "You looked so tiny and fragile and broken..." He says between sobs. "I am sorry baby... i am so sorry you had to see that." I whisper as guilt washes over me... "No... It is not your fault, dont think it is your fault." He says still crying my shirt now soaked as he weeps into my chest. I ignore the pain as he needs this, he needs to let it out. I put his face in my hands making him look at me. The bruises that are starting to fade the only visible reminder, but the psychological effect is going to take longer to get past.  

I press my lips on his and he hungrily accepts as i deepen the kiss. I push him back in the couch and straddle him. He groans as i grind down on him. I feel like we need this. I certainly do but he needs this to. I smile into the kiss as he starts to grow underneath me. He starts to protest but i shut him up kissing him hard, making him groan again. I get of his lap and pull off my pants and get back in his lap fumbling with his pants freeing his dick never bothering to take of his pant before sinking down on him a moan escaping as i feel him stretch me. 

We kiss as i start to move... I ignore all the pain as right now i dont care... The pleasure will be greater than the pain... I know it's going to be quick, both of us having pent up sexual frustration. "God i missed you inside of me..." I groan as i start riding him harder pushing myself up and down on his dick. Chris his hands softly on my ass squeezing it and i groan as i feel the knot build inside of me. "Missed you to princess..." He says breathing heavy. I growl at the nickname. "I love you Chris..." I moan as i feel the knot is about to burst and his dick is twitching inside of me. "Let go baby..." I moan... "Fill me up..." I whimper. Chris groans our foreheads pressed together. We both unravel coming together, moaning loudly him releasing inside of me and God i missed that feeling. My orgasm sending jolts through my body. 

I kiss him hard as i come down from my high. I dont move enjoying the connection... The feeling of him inside of me is heaven and i know that it cost me allot of pain but right there and then i am happy. I fought like hell to keep my ex from raping me. I never want another man inside of me. I nestle my head in his neck planting soft kisses on his skin while he rubs my back up and down and i hum as i feel save in his arms. Everything disappears everything is okay as the world around us seems to stop to exists. I lift my head and kiss him again. He smiles at me. "Let's get you in bed, to rest for a bit." He says a soft smile on his lips. I nod and squeal when he just stands up lifting me with him. My strong man, the man who can make me feel safe and loved no matter what. 

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