Chapter 53

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Chris pov...

I walk through the front door. I am so happy to be home and see Vi again, but the house is dark and for a moment panic sets in. Then my phone dings and i smile as i see the message. "I missed you... daddy." 

I smirk as i put my suitcase down and take off my coat throwing it aside, not caring were it lands as i go to look for my princess. My phone dings again and i smile as another message appears. "The bed was so cold without you, daddy... Please come and play..." I smirk and walk to the bedroom and for a moment i freeze as Vi is sitting on the bed. She is sitting on her knees in a pink little baby doll, looking all innocent and sweet. "Fuck me..." I groan as i walk over to her and put a finger under her chin making her look up to me. "You wanna play, princess?" I say smiling at her. "Yes daddy..." She whispers and i lean down and give her a sweet kiss... "I missed you..." She says in a soft tone of voice. "I missed you to, princess..." I say slowly pushing her down on the bed and crawling over her. "You want daddy to show you how much he missed you?" I moan in her ear. She bites her lips and nod. "Words princess... I need words..." I hum and she lets out a soft moan... "Yes daddy, please..." She moans and i can feel myself getting hard at her pleas. 

I kiss my way down but not removing her baby doll. God, she looks gorgeous in it... After i am done tasting her i want to see her ride me in it.  I pull down the pink panties and throw them aside before diving in. "Oh daddy..." She gasps as i run my tongue down her slit.  "I missed the way you taste princess..." I hum as i suck on her clit making her gasp again. "I missed you to, daddy..." She says but barely getting it out as i keep sucking and licking eating her out as if it was my last meal. In the distance i hear my phone ring but i ignore it enjoying my delicious meal too much. Her moans get louder, and her hips start to move as she bucks her hips against my face. "Such a needy little princess..." I hum as i suck harder on her clit. She cries out as she cums and i take it all in... She tastes divine. I grab her and roll over pulling her with me, so she is no on top straddling me. 

"I wanna see you ride me in this pretty little thing, princess." I groan... She smiles at me. "You like it daddy?" She asks biting her lip and i smile... "I love it, princess." I hum and her smile gets bigger... "I bought it specially for you." She whispers... "Did you know?" I ask smirking. She nods and bites her lip as she grinds down on me. "So big daddy..." She moans as my dick glides between her folds. "Come on princess, ride daddy's cock let daddy stretch that perfect pussy of yours." I groan... She lines me up with her entrance and sinks down on me. 

"Oh daddy... So big... Fills me so good." She moans... I groan at her words, and she starts to move rocking her hips back and forth. I pull the cups covering her boobs down and i smirk as her tits start to bounce in perfect sink with her movements. "God princess, daddy missed you so much..." I groan. I rub her clit with my thumb as i need her to come because after 6 days without her i am not gonna last long. "Fuck daddy..." She moans throwing her head back and she starts to bounce up and down coming down on me hard. I grab her hips and help her move slamming her down even harder the only sounds filling the room is skin slapping together. "Come for me princess..." I groan as i am about to burst. "Yes daddy..." She moans and i feel her walls pulse around my cock sending me over the edge and filling her up. She comes as i fill her up and she collapses on my chest breathing heavy. 

"Fuck i missed you Vi..." I say as we come down from our highs. "I missed you to..." She murmurs. "So happy you're back home." She hums... I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. "How was filming?" She whispers. "It was fun..." I whisper back. She lifts her head and smiles at me. "I am glad..." She says kissing me again. "How was the store?" I whisper as i knew she had gone in and work to pass the time. 

"It was fun, Ms. B and her little dog where back asking about you." She says smirking and letting out a giggle... I chuckle. "Told her you were of the market... That i liked it and put a ring on it." She whispers... I laugh hard. "She told me, to tell you... That if you ever change your mind, she will wait for you." Vi smirked. "I will think about it..." I said smirking and Vi gasped pretending to be offended. "Well, I'll be damned... My husband ladies and gentlemen... Already planning on leaving me for another woman." She joked. We laughed and she laid down beside me her head buried in my neck. "But seriously... I am happy your home... I really missed you..." She whispered. "I know love. I missed you to... So much so that next time i dont care... You're coming with." I mumble. She chuckled. "We will see..." She whispered planting a kiss in my neck. 

"Did you see that guy again?" I asked her as we were silent for a minute. She groaned. "Dont wanna talk about him now... Please, i am just happy your back home." She sighed... "Okay love..." I said kissing the top of her head again. I sighed and held her tighter. "I am hungry..." She whispered and i chuckled. "What would my princess like to eat..." She smirked as she crawled over me... "You..." She said... I just groaned as she took me in her mouth.

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