Chapter 122

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Vi pov...

I woke up the next morning feeling better then i thought i would. I looked at Chris who was still asleep. I lay awake admiring my gorgeous husband... Asleep he looked so sweet and cuddly. This big teddy bear and he is most of the time... But last night.... His possessiveness and dominance... How he held himself last night made me all tingly. My conversation with Cecile came back to mind... About feeling safe with him, that it was all play and that i just had to say the word and he would stop immediately... And most importantly he would stop without resenting me for it. 

But lately i had been having fantasies and dreams... Hot, hot, hot, sex dreams. Fantasies that I thought after everything that happened, I would never have.  Fantasies I would love to explorer but i was to shy... Or scared to bring up. Shy because I was thinking Chris would laugh at me and i would die of shame... Scared because of the fear he would judge me or even worse... Find me disgusting.... Maybe with everything in the past he would not understand how i could want all that... Maybe i dont really understand it either... But the urge... The urge was there...

I was still confused about it myself, but something in me wanted it so bad... The thought of it... made me sooo horny and all tingly. It made me squirm and dripping wet. God I wanted him to tie me up and fuck me so hard use me like some sort of fuck toy... The thought of being completely surrendered to his mercy... To do with as he pleases... Unable to move and no other choice than to just submit to him as he plays with my body... 

In my dreams he would bring me to the edge a few times... Each time he would stop until i was begging for his mercy... But there was nothing i could do... I was tight down unable to move.... Or sometimes just enough for Chris to throw me around the bed to put me in positions the way it would please him... Having him spank me until my skin was pink and sore... Maybe even gagged so i could not speak... His hand around my throat cutting off my air a little, while he possessively pounds into me...  Maybe he would use toys and devices to hold me in place... Pain and pleasure... That is what is on my mind...

God is this weird...? Am i sick for wanting this... After i literally been kidnapped and tight to a bed... Is this some sick coping mechanism... Maybe i should go back to therapy... Ask for an expert opinion...I scoffed at myself... Yeah and what am i even gonna say... Hi doc i want my husband to tie me up and fuck me senseless while doing unspeakable things to me.... Any thoughts? 

All of a sudden, I got pulled out of my thoughts by Chris kissing me... "Love...? What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"  I felt my face go red in an instance... "Nothing" I said trying to hide my face by cuddling into him. He chuckled...  "Oh, I think there is a lot going on in there..." He said grinning rolling us over so he was now hovering over me.

"Come on love, talk to me..." He said between kisses. "You know you can tell me judgement." I just pulled him in for a kiss to shut him up and let my hands glide down his body. I was about to wrap my hands around his dick when he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my body. "Uh, uh..." He said smirking. "I know what you are doing princess, and it is not going to work... So, tell me what is going on in that pretty head of yours...." He says smirking. I groaned as he had pinned me down and the irony of that is not lost on me... "Nothing" I moan as he holds me down planting kisses all over my face, neck and everywhere else he can... 

"Please Chris..." I moan. "Please what princess... Tell me..." He whispers in my ear before kissing me on my pulse point. "I need you..." I moan desperately trying to think of something to tell him, so my dark secret won't come out. I don't know why I can't tell him... I am just too ashamed... The thought of him never looking at me the same again terrifies me.

"Please Chris..." I plead again and he grins in my neck. "I like you begging me for me princess...." He whispers in my ear...

"Please stop teasing..." I moan again now that I know that begging will set him off, I am using it to my advantage... "Please Chris..." I say looking into his eyes. He growls and I can feel him line himself up with me slowly sinking into my while he keeps planting kisses everywhere. "Fuck Vi so tight..." He growls and I squeeze my walls around him harder wanting him to forget everything... Our fingers intertwined still pinned above my head makes it that he is laying flush on top of me, and our bodies stick together as we move in perfect sink. I wrap my legs around his waist so he can hit me deeper. My orgasm is close as my own perverted thoughts had already riled me up... His lips sucking my neck, his body on top of me and his dick hitting just the right spot... Brings me higher and higher.

Fuck Vi...he groans again as i hold him deep inside of me not letting him pull out much and he is just bucking his hips up into me. His pelvis massaging my clit making me moan even louder. 

It is sweet... Tender but it feels so good. Although this is nothing like my fantasy except for my hands being pinned down it feels amazing. He kisses me and smiles as he looks at me. "I love you Vi." He murmurs. I smile back... "I love you to Chris..." I whisper we look each other in the eyes and my orgasm washes over me, my walls squeezing him even more now and he loses himself and releases inside of me letting out a loud groan after which he kisses me passionately. 

We dont move as we both come down from our high his head buried in my neck as he still lays on top of him. He finally has released my hand and i let my nails rake up and down his back making him let out little sighs and hums. He wants to roll off of me but i stop him wrapping my arms and legs around him making him chuckle. "Please not yet..." I whisper and he hums kissing my neck. "Okay." Is all he says making me smile as he snuggles his head further in my neck to get comfortable. 

I dont know how long we are laying there until i finally let him roll off of me, but he immediately pulls me in his arms kissing my forehead... "So... Now do you wanna tell me what you were thinking earlier, that had you deep in your own thoughts..."


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