Chapter 36

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Chris pov...

I drive like an idiot, rushing to get home. Breaking every speed limit and ignoring every traffic law there is. Internally i am panicking at the thought of Vi and Katelyn in my house... Alone. 

Katelyn is vicious especially when she feels threatened. What i ever saw in her, for the life of me i dont know. She is nothing compared to Vi. Vi is sweet... compassionate... smart... funny... She loves me for me and not for what i can do for her and her career. I was blind and stupid, when it came to Katelyn... Maybe desperate to settle down... Believing her lies and telling myself that it was going to get better, that our problems where just a bump in the road.... That was until i found her in bed with another man in her trailer while i was on set. I felt so humiliated and i knew i had to get out... I left as soon as i could. The next day i met Vi and my whole life changed for the better. With Vi it is easy... Even though we had a rocky start... She calms me... With her i am not scared of the future... She grounds me... She loves me... Well, she did... I just hope and pray she still does after this... 

I arrived at the house and punched in the code... The gate never seemed to be opening this slow... I drove towards the front door closing the gate behind me and i ran in the house finding Vi and Katelyn in the kitchen. Katelyn runs over to me and before i even can register what is happening, she has her arms around me and kisses me. I immediately push her off me yelling at her. 

She starts with her sweet talk, like she always did to get me to give in. I just stand there yelling at her. Asking her what the fuck she is doing here, yelling that we broke up, but she keeps coming at me trying to weasel her way back in. But i know better now. I know how it can be and i want that. I want Vi... She is everything to me and the more i look at Katelyn, the more disgusted i become that i ever even thought about settling down with her. 

My eyes meet Vi's and i can see the hurt and the panic in her eyes. But Katelyn pulls the attention back to her. I keep yelling at her to get out and when i look up again Vi is no longer in the room making me panic. Katelyn tries to kiss me again but i push her off of me and grab her arm dragging her out the door. I had enough... I want her gone... She makes me sick. "Leave and dont ever come back we are done... We were done from the moment you slept with that idiot and i never want to see you again. You are a disgusting selfish poor excuse of a woman." I growl and she looks at me with shock and surprise as if she can't believe it... Katelyn is used to getting what she wants... No matter what or how... She is not used to hear no to be rejected...  

She looks at me narrowing her eyes. "You are seriously picking that little nobody over me?" She asks as if it is the most ridiculous thing ever...  I look at her and smirk. "Yes... God yes... I do... She is 100 times the woman you will ever be... Now leave or i will call the police and have you removed and arrested for trespassing and breaking in." I say in a warning growl. She scoffs but leaves and i close the door behind me. 

I go and look for Vi, finding her sitting on the floor in the bedroom her hands covering her ears and she is crying. I scold myself for yelling as it must have triggered some past memory even though i didn't yell at her. I sit down beside her and wrap my arms around her pulling her into my lap letting her cry as i tell her she is gone. 

I apologize over and over as i rock her back and forth. As i look around me my heart sinks seeing her stuff stuffed in her suitcase. I ask her why, but she doesn't answer and just cries. God she must have thought i would pick Katelyn over her. "Oh love, did you think i would pick her over you?" I ask and she finally looks up at me her eyes red from crying the pain in them breaking my heart. She just nods and then between sobs begins to tell me that maybe Katelyn is right... that she can't be a seat filler and that i need someone who can keep up with my life. But she is what i need and i would slow down everything in my life, just so she could keep up. Even though i know for a fact that that would never be necessary as she is amazing and can keep up and then some. 

The seat filler remark i know is something coming from Katelyn, as it sounds like something she would say. Vi is anything but ordinary. She tells me she won't survive if i find someone better, but what she doesn't understand that there is no one better. "That is not going to happen love... I love you..." I whisper. Her breathing starts to become more strained. I start to get her to breathe with me as a panic attack is coming if i dont get her to control her breathing. She calms down but she looks exhausted and drained... Whatever Katelyn has said to her, got to her and i can only imagine what that has been. 

I stand up lifting her with me and i lay her down on the bed putting her suitcase down on the floor. I resist the urge to unpack it again. Dodger and Lulu run in and jump on the bed with her, and she pulls them close holding them tight. I crawl beside her and hold her tight. "Whatever she said love... She is wrong..." I whisper rubbing her arm, but she doesn't answer. 

"You are everything to me, my world and i can't lose you." I whisper again. I plant a little kiss on her shoulder. I feel lost and anxious, scared she is gonna run for the hills.  That i am gonna lose her due to the idiotic actions of that god awful woman i stupidly let into my life... If only i met Vi sooner, if only i had changed the code of the gate, then we wouldn't be here right now. Then i wouldn't have to see the love of my life in pain. It hurts seeing her cry... It hurts seeing her in pain. 

I plant another kiss on her shoulder. She doesn't say a word a soft sob escaping every now and then. I just hold her because if i have learned one thing about Vi, it is that she needs time to process things before she is ready to talk. All i can do is reassure her that she is the one.... That i would choose her over and over again. Her breathing starts to calm down more and i smile a little as i see the dogs laying against her Lulu nudging her every now and then as if she is saying that everything will be okay. Dodger is laying over her legs as to say dont run. She is wedged between me and the dogs which i know helps her to calm down. We lay there and at a certain point i look at Vi again and she is asleep. 

As quiet as i can i pull out my phone not wanting to wake her and send a quick email to Megan explaining what happened and to make sure i never have to deal with Katelyn anymore... Which is going to be a hard sell as we still have to promote the movie we filmed. But she better make it so i dont have to do press with Katelyn because i will be damned that i will ever let that woman close to me again... or Vi...  If this has taught me one thing... I will protect her with everything i got, even if it would hurt my career... She is all that matters. I just hope Vi can get passed this....

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