Chapter 43

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Vi pov...

I push Chris over, so he is now laying on his back and crawl over him straddling his hips. I grind down on him making him groan, as his dick slides between my folds. I take his hands putting them on my ass making him grin as he squeezes. I play with my own nipples, and he groans his eyes going even darker if it is possible. I smirk and lean down kissing him but as i pull back i bite his lip tugging it slightly. "Fuuuck, such a naughty girl..." He growls, smacking my ass making me moan. I keep rocking my hips back and forth rubbing his dick between my folds over and over. 

He grunts and i can't help but smirk a little, as he throws his head back. I pick up the pace and his moans get louder. His fingers are digging into the flesh of my ass making me moan. "Fuck, fuck, fuck... Gonna cum if you dont stop baby..." He moans but the way he looks falling apart underneath me... His throbbing cock gliding between my wet folds while his tip brushes over my sensitive nub, sending shivers through my body. It makes it that i have no intention of stopping. 

"God baby, feels so good..." He moans. I grin and alternate speeds, teasing him... I want to drive him crazy... "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He moans and i groan as his fingers dig deeper in my ass. I smirk as he lets out an animalistic moan followed by an 'o shit'. As i look down i smirk as he came his cum covering his stomach. I lean down and kiss him. "Good boy..." I whisper and he growls smacking my ass making me moan into the kiss. 

I run my finger trough his cum before putting it in my mouth. "Hmmm taste so good..."  I say as i scoot down and lick it all up as he watches me. "Fuck Vi..." He groans as i look up my eyes meeting his and i smirk. "Best midnight snack, ever..." I whisper and he laughs loud. "Damn love... You're something else..." He says smiling at me.

All of a sudden, he grabs me and flips us over so that i am now underneath him. He kisses me hard and smiles as we break apart. "I love you..." He says smiling. I smile back. "Love you to, baby..." I whisper biting my lip. He kisses me again his hands roaming my body caressing every inch. "Gonna fuck you so good baby..." He whispers in my ear his tongue playing with my earlobe before sucking on it. He plants a kiss under my ear and i shiver making him smirk. "Always so responsive..." He whispers. "Mhm..." I moan my hands running up and down his big strong arms. "Always so wet for me..." He hums in my ear as his fingers tease my pussy spreading my juices. I can feel him grow against my stomach and God, i need to feel him inside of me. I need him to claim me as his wife. 

"Please Chris, i need you inside of me." I whimper and he smirks. "Is that so, Mrs. Evans...?" He whispers his lips now hovering over mine our eyes never leaving each other's. I nod.  "Yes Mr. Evans... Please fuck me, claim me as your wife." I softly moan and he growls. "Fuck baby... I like the sound of that..." He grunts and with that he thrusts into me hard making me arch my back and moan loudly. "I love it when you moan baby, gonna make the whole hotel hear who makes you feel good. Gonna make you scream my name for whole Vegas to hear." He grunts slamming into me... I gasp and moan... "Please Mr. Evans... Sir..." I whimper and for he smirks... "Fuck..." He says as he lets out a deep dark growl. 

"Are you gonna be a good girl for me princess?" He moans. Fuck the little pet name princess goes directly to my core making me so wet that when Chris trusts into me i can hear the sopping sounds. He grabs my chin roughly with his hand kissing me hard. "Gonna be a good little for me, princess..." He growls again as he thrusts hard and deep. "God yes..." I moan. "Good girl..." He says smirking sitting up on his knees grabbing my legs and putting them over his shoulders. 

He wraps his arms around my legs, holding me in place planting kisses on my ankles while he keeps thrusting into me hard. My ass is lifted of the bed and my tits bounce with every thrust.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes..." I say in a whiny tone as i can feel my orgasm starting to come. "Come on my cock, princess... Cream my cock, princess." He growls and as i look at him i come. The sight of him trusting into me while a beat of sweat runs down his face grunting and growling sending me over the edge. "OH YES!" I yell gripping the sheets my head thrown back. 

"Good girl..." He growls pulling out of me and flipping me over with ease. I lay flat on my stomach still breathing heavy and, in a daze... His knees on either side of me as he squeezes my ass pulling it up in the air and my cheeks apart before sinking into me again and leaning over me kissing me between my shoulder blades. "Such a tight little pussy, princess... Feels so good..." He growls in my ear as he bucks his hips forward hitting that sweet spot sending jolts of electricity through my body.  I had not really come down yet from my previous orgasm, so the feeling was intense. 

"Oh fuck..." I moan burying my head in the sheets as i can feel my pussy react to him deep inside of me, not pulling out but just snapping his hips forward. I push myself up and put my hands on the headboard pushing off of it to meet his thrusts one by one and he growls. He keeps doing this and i feel i am close again. All of a sudden i gasp as he smacks my ass and i whimper, unable to speak anymore as i am putty in his hands.

Without breaking contact, he sits back on his knees pulling me up with him. My back flush against his chest his lips immediately attach at the pulse point under my ear. One arm snaking around my waist holding me close to him as we move in perfect sink the other hand snaking around my neck. "Is this okay baby..." He whispers and i smile at the fact that even in the throw of passion he wants to make sure i am okay with what is happening. I moan and put my hand over his, squeezing a little to let him know it is okay... That i trust him... I can feel him smile in my neck as he sucks at my skin definitely leaving a mark and i love it. We move a few times and just as i am about to come he releases his hand around my neck intensifying my orgasm and i scream his name louder then i ever had. 

He growls and bends me over my ass up in the air my chest laying on the bed as he slams into me while spanking me hard and fucking me right through my orgasm. I can't speak anymore the only sound coming out of me are moans and little gasps and the occasional whine. "Gonna fill you up princess... Gonna make your pussy drip with my cum....  God your pussy feels so good squeezing around my dick, milking me..." He growls, his thrusts getting sloppy as he loses control his hands on my hips, fingers digging in my flesh pulling me harder on his dick.

"Oh shit..." I moan as i can't believe i am gonna come again. "Come on princess... One more..." He groans and just as i think i can't, i come again. Closely followed by him filling me up his cum coating my walls and God it feels divine. He pulls out and collapses beside me, breathing heavy and all sweaty... I whine at the loss of contact. He chuckles and pulls me in his arms kissing the top of my head. "Fuck love that was... Damn..." He says breathing heavy making me smile a lazy thoroughly fucked out smile. 

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