Chapter 114

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Vi pov...

It has been a week since the morgue, and everything is back to normal... I would say better than normal. I am feeling myself again... My true self... Without my ex-husband alive in this world i feel relieved and for the first time in a long time i can let go of all my fears. Chris is filming today and i plan to surprise him on the set. He has always asked for me to visit but i never did until today... I am going to take Storm to Lisa who agreed to watch him as i would go surprise Chris on set around lunch time. 

I drop Storm off at Lisa before heading back home to get changed... I wanna surprise him... So i put on this red lace set and a dress and the black heels Chris loves so much on me. I know he is having stressful days on set lately, so i just wanted to surprise him on his lunch hour and... Help him relax. 

I giggled thinking about it and hoping he would like the surprise. I drove to the set where i was let in by security. I parked the car and one of the assistants walked me to his trailer, i told him not to tell him i was there, just to say that lunch would be set up in the trailer for a business meeting and that he had to attend.

I could hear him grumble and being all cranky on the other side of the door of the trailer talking to his assistant as he was telling him that he had to go and that there was no getting out of it... The consequences would be huge if he would not go, which was not a lie. I giggled as i stood there in the trailer just in my lace underwear and high heels waiting for him to come in. The door swung open, and Chris walked in not looking up but rather looking at his phone. 

"Hello gorgeous husband of mine" i said in a soft seductive voice. His head shot immediately up and when he saw me standing there his mouth and phone both fell to the floor making me giggle. He immediately closed the door locking it before stalking over to me. "You?? You are my business meeting?" I giggle and nod biting my lip as he steps in front of me towering over me, looking down his finger running down my cheek before he put it under my chin forcing me to look up. 

He leans down giving me a sweet short little kiss and i hum. "And what business may that be princess?" He says in a low voice. "The business of helping my gorgeous and sexy husband relax and find some stress relief... Sir..."   I whisper looking deep into his eyes biting my lip. "And how are you gonna do that princess..."  I look up at him and smile before pressing my lips on his again. "By offering myself... To use me in every way my husband pleases... To ask him to not hold back..." He growls in response and i internally high five myself.  "You want me to fuck your brains out princess?" I bite my lip my eyes never leaving his.  "Whatever would please you, sir."  I say softly looking at him as innocently as i could.

"Well princess seeing as i only got..." He looks at his watch "45 minutes left, i think i am going to use that pretty mouth of yours for my pleasure and then send you home..." His eyes are dark as he orders me on my knees and to keep my hands behind my back and i happily comply. I sink down to my knees put my hands linked together behind my back. I look up at him and he slowly unzips his pants pulling out his dick. "Open wide and stick out your tongue princess..." I smirk and do as he ask his hand caressing my cheek before he grabs my head and i look up at him grinning my mouth still wide open. 

He slowly pushes his dick in my mouth and i tease him with my tongue looking up at him. He keeps moving slow his head thrown back moans and grunts coming from him the only sound filling the trailer. He grabs my head keeping me still and moving in and out fucking my mouth. My panties are dripping at this point as the way he looks with his dick in my mouth chasing his own release. "Such a good fucking princess..." He growls and i hum making him growl and he pulls out of my mouth leaning down kissing me hard before ordering to open my mouth again and pushing back in grunting, fucking my mouth hard and i can feel the tip hit the back of my throat. Saliva is running down my chin but i dont care. I wanted him to use me as he pleases, and he is doing so and God it is hot making me soaking wet.  

I know it doesn't make sense with my past that i like this but giving Chris control letting him know i trust him with every fiber of my being.... Well God it's the best feeling in the world. I know he will never do anything to intentionally hurt me and i know with him i am safe... To give in to my every desire and today it's my desire to have my husband to use me the way he sees fit. Today i am his little plaything. Today he can throw me around fuck me the way he pleases and take control, because i trust him with everything i got. 

His thrusts get sloppier and slower and i can feel him twitch in my mouth. The sounds coming out of his mouth pornographic between praises of me. I can feel him release inside my mouth and i take it swallowing it all. He pulls out of me a bead of sweat running down his face. "Such a good little princess..." He says grinning as i stick out my tongue again showing him that i swallowed it all, like the good little princess i am. He puts his pants back on and leans down kissing me hard. I smile into the kiss, and he smirks, "That was a nice surprise love..." He hums a smirk on his face a twinkle in his eyes... There he is again my sweet loving caring husband. He holds out his hand for me to take and stand back up. 

He helps make myself presentable again to go home and not have my appearance scream i just let my husband fuck my mouth. I put my dress on and freshen my face up in his little trailer bathroom. "Where is Storm?" He asks me, leaning against the door looking at me as i splash water in my face. "Having a sleepover at grandma's..." I say smirking. "Good..." He says stepping behind me kissing my neck. "When i come home i want you naked in bed waiting for me... And dont you dare touch yourself princess..." He growls. I groan as i turn in his grip wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. "Yes sir..." I whisper. He smiles into the kiss and squeezes my ass. He is about to say something when there is a knock on the door and i giggle. "Time to get back to work babe..." I whisper. He groans and the person on the other side knocks again. "Be right there!" He yells. 

"I love you princess..." He says leaning his forehead against mine kissing me again. "Love you to..." I whisper before grabbing my stuff and walking out with him.  "Naked and waiting princess..." He whispers one final time before i kiss him goodbye, wave to some people i know in the distance and we split ways. With a spring in my step i walk to my car to make a quick trip to the store before going home. 

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