Chapter 88

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Chris pov...

After we went to dinner at this little restaurant which Vi had found a few days after moving to Boston, we got back into the car. "Still a few more hours in the day love, so where to next?" She smiles at me and as we drive, she gives me directions. "So, i know you can't really go to the movies without getting bothered..." She said smiling. I sigh as i know that i should take her out more... "But i found this online add for a drive-in movie theater which means a little more privacy..." She says a big smile on her face and i can't help but love this woman even more. 

Today is her day and even then, she takes me in account. I smile as we pull up and after we bought tickets, we got pointed to a place we could park. Vi grabs the snacks she had hidden on the back seat and i get out of the car to get us some drinks. There are not allot of cars but i smile as i see more couples in their cars. I walk back to the car and get in and hand her, her drink. 

"You like it?" She whispers a little unsure and i smile at her.... "I love it princess." I say leaning in for a kiss.  The movie starts and Vi lays her head on my shoulder and i smile as a Disney movie starts to play. Vi hums along to the little mermaid and i grin. Halfway through the movie i look down and smirk as Vi had fallen asleep. I dont want to wake her as she could use all the sleep she can get. I know she hasn't been sleeping well. She doesn't like to talk about it, but i notice... For now, i dont bring it up. She will talk to me about it when she is ready, like always. 

The movie ends and carefully put her in the seat so i can drive us home without waking her up. She mumbles something and i smirk as she lets out a little snort. I take a quick picture as she looks absolutely adorable. I drive us home and when we arrive she is still asleep. I have to wake her up because this is not a car i can help her out off, without her cooperation. I get out and walk around opening her door. "You have to wake up love..." I smile as she sits up right and looks around her in a panic. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay... We are home." She looks around and calms down. "I fell asleep, i am sorry" She looks at me. "Dont be sorry love, it's okay you use energy for two..." I whisper, she smiles and puts her hands on my face kissing me. "I had plans for after the movie, but all i want is a shower and go to bed" She says blushing. I smile and kiss her. "Well, it is still your day for another half an hour so ...yes princess." I say holding out my hand.

We walk in the house and i tell her i will walk the dogs while she takes a shower. I make a quick round letting them run lose before heading back. I close up the house for the night before going to the bedroom. I smile as Vi is already in bed and asleep. I get undressed and slide in beside her. Even though she is asleep, she automatically gravitates towards me. I pull her in my arms as she wraps her tiny body around me getting comfortable using me as her pregnancy pillow. 

We had bought her one, but she only used it when she took a nap. She had said that she rather used me and i was happy to oblige. I would do anything for her... The late-night ice cream runs... Rubbing her feet or back, anything she wants... She gets... For that there was no, yes day needed. But it was nice to see her smile all day today and i made a mental note to take her out more often... It was just easy to stay in, as we both were homebodies. But i needed to make more of an effort. I look at my nails and chuckle. Today was a good day, i think to myself before drifting off to sleep. 

I wake up the next morning and smile as Vi is still sound asleep. I am happy that for the first time in a while, she seemed to have a good night sleep. I get out of bed carefully not to wake her up and walk to the kitchen. I start making breakfast and when i am almost done Vi steps into the kitchen. She is smiling, looking absolutely gorgeous in one of my shirts. They are always way too big for her, even now when she is pregnant... She walks over to me and wraps her arms around me hugging me from behind planting a kiss on my back. "

Did you have a good night sleep?" I ask her. She hums something in response and i turn around wrapping my arms around her and kissing her. "Very." She says smiling looking up at me. "Sorry i fell asleep during the movie" I chuckle and pull out my phone showing her the picture. "It's okay love, like i said you use energy for two. So dont apologize for sleeping" She shakes her head looking at the picture. 

"I haven't been sleeping very well." She says in a small voice. I sigh. "I have noticed love..." I say running my thumb over her cheek. "Wanna talk about it?" I ask her while looking her in the eyes trying to figure out what she is thinking. She shrugs her shoulders... "Just some nightmares..." She whispers looking down at her feet. "I thought they would go away after a while but they dont..."

"What kind of nightmares sweetheart?" I ask her but i already kinda know. "It's always the same one... That he takes our son..." I sigh and wrap my arms around her holding her tight. "Oh love, he is back in prison, and they are keeping him under strict surveillance. He won't get out again." She starts crying and i can feel my shirt getting wet, but i dont care. "Let it out love, it is okay..." I say over and over, while rubbing her back trying to calm her down. 

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