Chapter 92

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Chris pov...

I look at Vi sleeping in my lap as she has fallen asleep. Scarlet chuckles, "She is exhausted from all the emotions today". I chuckle. Scarlet looks at Vi with a loving smile.  "I think my emotions were bad when i was pregnant, but i think Vi has one up on me on that one." She says smirking and i laugh "From what i remember when you were pregnant on set with Rose, you were all over the map to".  Vi mumbles something in her sleep and i look down at her. "I'll go take her to bed, be right back" I tell Scarlet and Scott. 

I lift her up with me and Scarlet and Scott laugh because Vi begins to mumble that she is not tired but just resting her eyes.  I chuckle and pause for a bit before walking towards the bedroom seeing she had fallen asleep again. I help her out of her dress and lay her down tucking the pregnancy pillow under her just the way she likes it and pulling the covers over her. "I love you" Vi mumbles and i smile kissing the top of her head. "Love you to princess..."  I whisper back. 

I close the door behind me and walk back to the living room where Scarlet and Scott are smiling at me as i walk in.  "Out like a light." I say smirking. They both chuckle and Scarlet smiles. "She was very emotional today". Scarlet tells me about forgetting Stella and even though Carly said it was okay that she beat herself up about it. Telling me that she excused herself. Scarlet had no doubt she cried in the bathroom but when she came back, she had pulled herself together. But she told me Vi had fun though which made me glad. 

We talked for a bit more before i excused myself telling them i was going to bed to. I told Scott to take one of the guestrooms as he had been drinking to much to drive and i wished them goodnight. 

I chuckled when i walked into the bedroom and Vi had shifted laying closer to the middle clutching on to her pillow totally wiped out, her mouth was open a little bit. I got undressed and crawled in, pulling the pillow away and pulling her into me. She sighed in her sleep as she cuddled into me more and soon i was out like a light to.

The next morning i wake up and Vi is no longer in bed. As i lay there waking up a bit more, i can hear her talk... But nobody responds back. I chuckle and get out of bed to go look for her and i smile as she is laying on the floor in the living room the dogs staring at her belly tilting their heads every now and then. "What are you doing?" I ask her and she looks up smiling. "The dogs finally figured out something is moving inside of me. Dodger his head was laying on my belly and the baby kicked" She giggles as you can see the baby kick and both dogs tilt their head again all the while Vi is filming. The dogs stand up and look at me.  "Have they been out yet?" I ask and Vi shakes her head. I walk over to the sliding doors and letting them out into the yard.   

I chuckle as i lay beside her, putting my hand on her belly and i kiss her cheek.  She turns her head kissing me and i hear the click of the camera. She giggles as she watches the Photo making it her background. "You have to send me that." I say looking at her pouting.  She smirks and texts me the photo. 

"I think you may have to make a beer and tequila run today..." She whispers. I look at her confused but start smirking. "You know you are not supposed to drink while pregnant right?" She pushes me and laughs. "Oh, i know... But i think Scarlet and your brother had some fun after we went to bed. Seeing as all the beer is gone and so is a bottle of tequila" I shake my head laughing. "You know what this means right?" She looks at me for a moment confused. "

It means they won't be up for a while" I turn her face towards me and kiss her passionately.  She moans and i start kissing her neck. "Chris..." She says moaning. "What if they walk in..." She sighs and softly moans as i started to pull down her panties. "They won't princess..." I groan as i slowly push myself inside of her.  "Fuck princess so tight" I groan. She lets out a sigh before she pushes back on me. "All for you Chris..." She whispers and i start moving slow afraid that i might hurt her or the baby, even though she told me numerous times i wouldn't.  But God i needed her, i needed to be inside of her. Laying here on the floor in front of the couch i couldn't resist my sexy beautiful wife. 

She clenches her walls around me on purpose knowing it drives me crazy. I gently bite her shoulder growling, making her gasp and clench even tighter. She is so sensitive right now and God it feels good being inside of her. "Chris..." She moans again and it is as if she is talking directly to my dick. The tone of her voice as she moans my name, making me twitch inside of her. "Gonna come." She moans and i can't help but grin. "Let go princess, i am right there with you..." I whisper in her ear as i can feel i am about to burst.  "Oh shit..." She says gasping as her walls pulse around me and release inside of her letting out a loud grunt. 

We lay there for a minute before i pull her panties back up and adjust my pants again. I rub her belly as i kiss her neck and right then Scott walks in and Vi starts to giggle. "What are you two doing on the floor?" He asks confused. 

"Feeling the baby kicking." Is all i said as an explanation and Vi giggled again. She tried to sit up failing and i chuckled. I stand up myself and helped her up and sit on the couch. "Is the baby still kicking?" Scott asked and Vi nodded.  "Wanna feel?" She asks Scott and he sits down beside her as she places his hand on her belly. The baby kicks and Scott looks at her in shock. "Does it hurt?" Scott asks her and she smiles at him. "It's not the most pleasant feeling but it's a good thing, so i dont mind" I look at my brother and Vi and can't help but smile. I'll be forever grateful for their friendships because it got me the most amazing wife. "I'll order breakfast."  I say leaving them be for a bit as i walk to the sliding doors to let the dogs back in. I order breakfast for everyone and feed the dogs. Every now and then i look up smiling at Scott and Vi laying on the couch, her head on his shoulder as he still has his hand on her belly. He is talking to the baby and gasping every time the baby kicks.

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