Chapter 124

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Vi pov...

It has been 6 weeks since we had the weekend to ourselves, and everything is going great.... The only thing that is less fun, is that i am throwing up for the last 3 days. I am sitting on the edge of the tub taking a test while Chris is walking the dogs with Storm. They would do this every morning, a little father and son bonding time.

I am nervously bouncing my leg up and down as i wait for the 3 minutes to pass. I must be pregnant, i think to myself. The throwing up, my boobs felt sore and i had missed my period...I hadn't told Chris. I wanted to be sure and surprise him if it was positive...

We would leave for LA tomorrow, so maybe it is just the stress of that. All the stuff we are taking with us. For Storm, the dogs and ourselves is already packed... Chris had told me to only pack stuff for the first few days. That we could buy everything we needed over there. It would make it easier to travel. I was kinda nervous...Life in LA would be different... Especially with the paparazzi being more...present... I was just hoping they would respect my privacy when i would be out with Storm... But it was highly unlikely.

The 3 minutes are up and i look at the test... I squeal, jump up and do a little happy dance... Pregnant... I am really pregnant.... But then panic sets in. What if it false positive...? So, i take another one, again anxiously waiting the 3 minutes. After 3 minutes i turn the test around, my hand shaking. Pregnant.... I am really- really pregnant.... 

I hear the front door open and close and quickly hide the tests. I had put a whole plan together for when i would find out i was pregnant... I clean myself up and walk to the living room where Chris is giggling with Storm. Chris is tickling him making Storm squeal and wriggle in his arms... I lean to the door frame just watching them... God he is such an amazing dad. "Mama!" Storm squeals as he sees me... 

"There are my favorite boys..." I say smiling walking up to them. "Did you guys have fun?" I ask as i wrap my arms around Chris his waist. "Yes, we did...didn't we...buddy?"  Storm giggles. "Yes" He squeals.  He starts to wriggle so Chris puts him down and he runs over to his toys in the corner.  I smile snuggling into Chris a little more. We both watch him being joined by the dogs and he plays his favorite game... Lulu rolling the ball back and forth between them. I smile as i think about the new baby... We are going to do it all over again...

The next few hours are hell. I so desperately wanna tell Chris, but i had it all set up...Storm his pj's for his nap that said, "big brother" where laying on top of the changing table. So, when i would ask Chris to put him down for his nap. He would see and hopefully get the message....

It was finally time for Storm his nap... "Chris would you mind putting Storm down for his nap?" I ask him trying my best to keep a straight face. "Nap time bud" Chris says scooping a groggy Storm up and putting him on his arm.

I follow him as soon as he is out of my sight quickly grabbing the tests from the bathroom and i stand in the doorway smiling as Chris does the little bed ritual we have. He grabs the pj's... Putting on the pants first followed by the shirt... I hold my breath as for a moment i think he does not see.... That is until he has laid Storm down in the crib and wants to kiss his little head....  He freezes and plucks on his little shirt to read the text better. "Big brother...?" Chris murmurs..."Big brother...." He says again letting it sink in.

I can't help but let out a little giggle and he turns around just now noticing me there.  "Big brother?" He asks looking at me in shock.... I nod smiling as his face goes from shock to smiling in an instant.... He walks up to me pulling me in, his hands on my hips. "You're pregnant?" He asks just to be sure... "I think i am..." I whisper blushing showing him the two positive tests.  "I took 2 tests this morning and they both came back positive... I also have been throwing up 3 days now, my boobs are sensitive and i am late..." He looks at me in shock..."You have been throwing up... I am sorry... i didn't notice..."  He says and i see the guilt on his face. I chuckle... "Dont worry i hid it from you... Wanted to surprise you, when i was sure." 

His smile grows bigger, and he lifts me up twirling around. He kisses me hard... "Do you think we can get an appointment with your doctor before we leave for LA?"  He asks... The biggest smile on his face ever. "I think i can make that happen" I says smiling back at him eager to get the definite confirmation myself. I call the doctor and he can see us tonight after hours just like last time. Chris is smiling and over the moon, sticking to me as glue making me chuckle. He calls Lisa to ask if she can babysit tonight making up some excuse, about both of us having a last-minute meeting for our stay in LA.  I know he hates lying to her but i think in this case, he doesn't mind that much. 

"A baby..." He whispers rubbing my stomach as we are sitting on the couch... I smile at him. "When we get conformation from the doctor we need to talk about LA..." He sighs.  I look at him confused. "Baby as soon as the paparazzi gets wind of you being pregnant again... They will not leave you alone...and it being LA and all..."  I take his hand and kiss it. "We will deal with it then...for now just enjoy our little secret..." 

He nods but then starts to chuckle... "What?" I ask. He leans in and kisses me hard. "This means your fantasies have to wait princess..." He says in a deep dark voice.  I groan.... "Noooo..." I whine...and pout at him. He kisses me again. "I am sorry love..." He growls "I dont feel comfortable doing all that while you are pregnant... But we can do some light stuff..." He chuckles... "Yeah?? like what?" I smirk. He chuckles and plants a kiss in my neck making me moan... "You will see princess, you will see." He is about to kiss me again as he pushes me down on the couch when we hear Storm starting to cry. Chris groans hanging his head in my neck. I giggle.... He gives me a quick kiss and stands up. "I'll go take care of my buddy. You order dinner..." He says smiling. I nod but can help but feel frustrated. But being pregnant makes it worth the wait....

I decide what to order for dinner and after i hung up the phone Chris comes in with still a sleepy looking Storm.  I kiss his little head and smile as buries his head in Chris his neck still not completely awake. "Dinner is on its way..." I say smiling as i take Storm from him. 

After dinner Lisa arrives and i get changed while they catch up. We say goodbye to Lisa, who is sitting on the couch with Storm watching some kids show. Anxious and excited we make our way to the doctor's office.  

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