Chapter 9

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Vi pov

The car drops me off at home and as i walk through the door locking it beside me Lulu comes running up to me. "Hey girly..." I say sitting down on the floor letting her greet me as i cuddle her closely to me. 

I kick off my shoes and lay down on the cold floor letting out a big sigh and Lulu stands over me looking at me confused. I smile... "Dont worry sweetheart, it is you and me... It will always be just you and me." I mumble. She licks my face making me giggle. My giggling sets her off as she nudges me and jumps all over me wanting to play. 

"Okay, okay, okay..." I say smiling sitting up and then standing up. I walk to the back door opening it so she can go outside. I dont have the energy to go on a walk, so let her run in the yard to get rid of some energy before i go to bed. I smile as she runs circles in the yard or as i like to call it having the zoomies. When she is all zoomed out i call her back inside and close the door. 

I lock up the house, turning off all the lights before walking to the bedroom. I undress throwing my clothes in the hamper and putting on a shirt. I crawl into bed and Lulu jumps on the bed with me, cuddling into me. I pull her closer and when my body settles down my emotions take over...  I dont know what it is... I am not sad that it apparently was not a date... I was not angry that he kissed me... I was sad about the look on his face when he saw Scott... The look on his face when Scott asked if it was a date... That was what hurt the most... Not all the other things... If he would have said at the end of the night let's stay friends because i am not feeling it... Fine... Friends, it is... But the fact he was ashamed to be seen out with me by his brother... That is what hurt the most... I sigh as more tears come as i go over it in my head... Eventually i cry myself to sleep. 

Chris pov

After Scott had finished the dessert talking about something or other... I dont know what as i was hardly listening... He went to the toilet leaving his phone. He had been yapping and was totally clueless as he just kept saying he was happy Vi and i got along now...  I quickly grab it looking up Vi's phone number, texting it to myself and deleting the text in Scott's phone after. 

I need to talk to her i need to fix this. I can't lose her before anything really has started. The thought of losing her makes my chest hurt. God the idea of never kissing her again made it hard to breath... It was a date... Why said i no when Scott asked... I kissed her, held her hand in the car, feeling the sparks fly as we were connected even if it was just by holding her hand... Fuck the fact that i made reservations implied it was a date... Scott must have seen me holding her hand over the table... 

 But why did i say no... I bite on my cheek as i can't figure it out... It was a date... A great date... It might have been the best first date i have ever been on... Well that was until i fucked it up... But until then it was amazing... There were never awkward silences... She was funny, sweet, engaging and gorgeous... Why did i say no... God, why... Why was i this idiot... Why did i self-sabotage... If i had said yes, she would be here... She would be sitting across from me eating her dessert, instead of my annoying brother... I would have taken her home and maybe had stolen another kiss from her... Maybe even had set up a second date... But now... Now who knows... Who knows if i can fix this... If i can make up for my stupid action...  

 "You, okay?" I heard Scott ask as he came back. "Yeah, i am fine..." I sighed. "I am going to go home." I paid for dinner leaving our waitress a nice tip on top of the money Vi left behind. Scott picked up his to go order and we walked out. 

"Do i see you tomorrow at ma's?" Scott asks. "Yeah sure..." I say not really paying attention. We say goodbye and i get into my car. Vi's perfume still lingers and i take a deep breath wanting to savor it. Without realizing it, i had driven to Vi's house and i was now standing in front of the door. 

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