Chapter 22

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Fuck that was amazing, i think to myself. Never in a million years did i think that that would feel so good. As he is kissing me and i can taste myself on him i can feel that familiar tingling feeling starting to build again. Why is it such a turn on to taste myself on him. I wrap my legs around him and pull him closer to me and deepen the kiss. He growls and God i love that sound it awakens something in me. 

I desperately push his sweatpants and boxers down before wrapping my hands around his dick. Fuck did it get bigger, I think to myself. God i need him... I need him inside of me i need him to stretch me from the inside and i want it now. "Please fuck me Chris..." I beg him, as i pump him up and down. "Fuck love..." He growls grabbing my hand and putting it around his neck. He wraps his own hand around his shaft and rubs his tip between my folds teasing me spreading my juices around. 

"Please Chris... Please fuck me." I beg him again... God where is this coming from when did i get so needy, he must think i am desperate and part of me is... Desperate to have him inside of me. All of a sudden i get pulled out of my thoughts as he slowly pushes into me my walls stretching around him. "Fuck such a tight fucking pussy..." He growls and God i love the way it sounds. He pushes me to lay back on the table before he starts to move slow. Fuck it is driving me crazy and i need him to fuck me harder so i beg him to. "As you wish, love..."  He growls, and it sends shivers directly to my pussy... The look on his face his eyes dark and filled with lust makes my pussy drip. 

He snaps his hips forward hitting my sweet spot deep inside my pussy, making me let out an involuntary loud moan. I slap my hand for my mouth looking at Chris, who is just smirking at me and pulls my hand gently away. "Let me hear you love... Dont be shy... Let me hear how good i make you feel." He grunts snapping his hips forward. "Oh fuck..." I groan as he grabs my legs and pushes them up basically folding me in half. 

"God... please harder... Chris..." I moan as i have a feeling he is holding back. God i want him to just to fuck me senseless so that with every step i will take tomorrow, i can still feel him. It is just unreal how much i want that... He growls at my request and snaps his hips forward slamming into me hard making me whimper my tits bouncing every time he slams into me. 

"Yes, just like that..." I mewl... "Oh god... Feels so good." I gasp as he snaps his hips into me over and over again... He chuckles. "God baby, you keep surprising me... Begging me to fuck that tight pussy of you hard. Do you like that baby do you like it when i make it so you can walk tomorrow." He growls in a dark tone... Oh god do i like dirty talk...?

"Fuck baby gonna stretch that pussy of you so good. Going to ruin you... Going to ruin this pussy..." Chris groans... Yes, God yes i like dirty talk... I think to myself and i just let go moaning hard as i cum around his cock. "Holy shit baby..." He growls as my walls clamp down on him like it doesn't want him to pull out anymore. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... Your pussy is gonna be the death of me baby... This pussy is mine and only mine... " He growls as he pounds into me, fucking me through my orgasm. He keeps pounding in me relentless, my legs folded beside my torso. 

"God baby, i wanna fuck you from behind..." He growls "Can i please fuck you from behind baby... Wanna see that perfect ass of yours bouncing off my dick." He groans...  "Oh, shit yes..." I moan and hadn't even said it before he pulled me off the table and bend me over it my tits hitting the cold wood sending goosebumps all over my body. 

I can feel my legs being pulled further apart before i can feel him sink back into me. "Fuck baby... You should see your ass like this. It's like perfection so nice and round and bouncing of my dick." He grunts through gritted teeth... "Oh god..." I moan as i can feel the familiar pleasure starting to build again. His hand are squeezing my ass and as i look over my shoulder i can see he is completely fixated on it, licking his lips a drop of sweat dripping down his face. 

"Fuck baby gonna cum soon..." He growls as he slams into me. I moan dropping my head as i feel my own orgasm is about to burst. "Yeah, gonna fill you up baby, gonna make my cum drip out of you." He growls... Oh god the way that sounds together with him hitting my sweet spot over and over again sends me over the edge. I moan louder then i ever have, my legs shake and hold on to the table scared i will collapse as my orgasm runs through me. 

A few seconds later i can feel his hot cum is being released inside of me and an animalistic growl escaping his lips... We are both breathing heavy. He leans over me planting a kiss between my shoulder blades before he pulls out. I dont move as i dont know if i can... "Fuck baby... You look so good, with my cum dripping down your thighs." He groans... I gasp and he chuckles. He pulls me up and turns me around wrapping me in his arms and thank God because i dont think i can stand on my own just yet. 

As if he can read my mind, he lifts me up with ease and carries me bridal style out of the game room and up through his bedroom to the bathroom. He puts me on the counter and walks to the big marble tub filling it with water. He walks back over to me and cups my face kissing me soft and sweet. "You okay love?" He asks in a sweet tone of voice. I smile and nod a little blush appearing on my face. I am now 'love' again... During sex in the heat of the moment i was 'baby'... Now i am 'love' and i like that...  

I am still mute, unable to speak. I dont know why but i can't find any words... It is like he knows this because he kisses me again softly. The tub is full, and he lifts me up and slowly lowers me in the water before crawling behind me. He plants kisses in my neck and on my shoulders and i feel myself relax in his arms. I lay back against his chest and let out a satisfying sigh closing my eyes. "Can it be like this forever..." I whisper finally able to speak... "If it where up to me... It would never be any different..." He whispers back. 

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