Chapter 81

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Vi pov...

We arrive back at the house. I pull him into the house, longing to get my hands on him. God i want him... I want to wrap my lips around his dick and give him all the pleasure he deserves. I pull him to the kitchen and open the door for the dogs, to let them out. So, they won't interrupt. Chris chuckles as he watches me take the dessert, he was carrying for me out of his hands and placing it in the fridge. 

I look at him and lick my lips as i walk back over to him. "Dress on or off?" I whisper as i step in front of him. He smirks at me... "Oh definitely off... But the shoes... The shoes stay on love..." He growls and i grin as i turn around and pull my hair aside... He slowly zips down my dress and it pools at my feet... I step out of it and kick it aside. I can hear him groan and i smirk... I turn back around and push him against the counter and step closer my body pressed against his.

 I push down his jacket and drop it to the floor. I then pull his shirt over his head and throw it over my shoulder making him chuckle. I let my hands roam down his chest as i hover my lips over his. "Let me show you what you missed that night..." I whisper smirking before i open his pants and drop to my knees pulling his pants and boxers with me. He holds onto the counter and throws his head back letting out a low guttural growl as i wrap my hand around his dick teasing him with my tongue circling his tip. "Shiiit..." He groans as i take him all the way in as i am eager to taste him. God i missed his dick in my mouth the taste of him making me drip. 

I pull him in all the way, making myself gag on his dick and as i pull off of him i look up. Our eyes meet and his are dark and filled with lust. "Say it... Please..." I moan pouting as i slowly pump my hand around his dick teasing him. His eyes go even darker as we look at each other, like he understands exactly what i want to hear. 

"Please daddy..." I say giving kitten licks to his tip flicking it with my tongue. "Such a good girl... Princess." He says as he cups my face with one hand rubbing his thumb over my cheek... A warm feeling spreads through my body at his praise... I take him all the way in and moan earning me a gasp and a loud. "Oh Fuuuuck." making me smirk. "Fuck princess, such a sweet mouth on you." He groans as i keep bobbing my head up and down having no mercy as i can feel his body tense up and his knuckles going white as his grip on the counter intensifies. 

I keep looking up at him as i move my mouth up and down around him. God, he looks hot surrendered to my mercy. His muscles are flexing as he is doing his best to prolong this feeling trying to fight the inevitable. I take him deep in my mouth looking up, making myself gag around his dick. But i dont pull back and that is when he loses it, his cum filling my mouth and i swallow ever last tasteful drop. "God, you taste so good..." I say wiping the corners of my mouth still not breaking eye contact with the man panting leaning against the kitchen counter his pants on his ankles his perfect body naked and damp from sweat. I kiss my way up as i stand before crashing my lips on his, my hands gliding over his body wanting to feel every muscle every perfect inch of him. 

"Fuck that was..." He says when he finally has enough breath in him to speak. I look at him and smirk. I give him another sweet kiss before i turn around, walking away from him looking over my shoulder. My heels clicking on the hardwood floors as i walk further away from him. I sway my hips a little more as i make my way to the bedroom. 

As i look over my shoulder again i smirk as he is slowly following me... His eyes roaming my body until it is fixated on my ass. I wiggle it and giggle as he growls... I can feel him getting closer his body heat radiating over me... His scent surrounding me as he is now standing behind me... "If i knew that this is what i was missing... I would have told Scott to get lost..." He growls and i giggle... "Never gonna make that mistake again princess..." He whispers in my ear and i let out a soft moan... 

His hands are gliding around my waist and up to my bra pulling at it, making my boobs pop out of the cups. He attaches his lips to my neck sucking making me moan and arch my back pushing my ass against his dick and i can feel him get hard again. He grabs my boobs and i moan as he plays with them rolling my nipples between his fingers. He quickly removes my bra before kissing down my spine making me groan as i could feel little jolts of electricity spark every time his lips touched my skin. He kisses further down placing a kiss on each cheek of my ass before slowly pulling down my panties letting me step out of them. 

"Chris...?" I moan... "Yes princess...?" He murmurs kissing my ass over and over... "I wanna ride your face... Please..." I moan as he massages my thighs and giving me little love bites. "With pleasure... Whatever my princess wants..." He hums and i gasp as he bites my ass before standing up... He takes my hand leading me towards the bed. I kick of my shoes before he lays down and holds my hand as i crawl over him scooting up higher and higher. He releases my hand and i yelp as he grabs my ass with both hands and in one swift move, he pulls me over his face. His hot breath hitting my already dripping core making me moan. I lower myself and gasp as his beard tickles my core and his tongue slides down my folds making me shiver... I lower myself a bit more, a little hesitant because as much as i fantasied about this... I never done this before. "Lower, princess..." He hummed... "Dont be scared...." He growls and the vibration of his voice makes me gasp... "Really?" I said afraid i would kill him, making him chuckle. 

"Yes princess... Ride my face. Use me..." He growls and i can feel him smirk between my legs... I groan and lower myself. I gasp a little as i start to move slowly. Still not entirely sure about this... But fuck, it feels good, and it turns me on immensely. I start to get a bit more confident and grab his hair holding him in place as he sucks on my clit... I moan as i feel a tongue enter me and i groan grabbing onto the headboard to steady myself.  "Oh Chris... Feels so good..." I moan and he chuckles sending shivers through my body. I gasp as he grabs my ass and pulls me down harder. "Dont be scared princess... Just let go." He growls his voice sounding muffled due to being buried in my core... 

I groan and move a little, his nose hitting my clit every now and then. He keeps sucking and the sensation and thrill of this new experience makes me relax and give in... I ride his face one hand on the headboard the other in his hair... I grind on his face, the pleasure building making me let go off all the hesitation... He hums and growls his hands squeezing my ass... The sensation of his tongue toying with me while riding his face, his hands grabbing my ass sends me over the edge. I let out a loud moan as i come all over his face... I am breathing heavy as he sucks me clean before releasing me and i crawl down. His beard is glistening with my arousal, and he grins at me before pulling me into a kiss. I groan tasting myself. 

In one swift movement he flips us over and i am now laying beneath him. "Promise me something princess..." He whispers, his lips hovering over mine. "Anything..." I whisper as i am just desperate to have him inside of me. "If it hurts tell me, princess." He whispers and i smile... "I promise..." I whisper and he kisses me, slowly entering me. 

"Oh fuck, so big..." I moan throwing my head back as the feeling of him stretching me feels so good. I let out in a little grunt as he kisses me again our tongues dancing around each other. His thrusts are slow but deep, hitting that sweet spot every time... He kisses me again and we both enjoy our closeness, our bodies pressed together moving in perfect sink like they have always done. "We are made for each other, princess..." He moans and kisses me again... "We fit together perfectly... Do you feel it?" He moans and i moan in response... "Yes..." I whisper in a soft moan... He kisses me again as the knot bursts and my orgasm washes over me making my walls clamp down on him sending him over the edge and he finds his release inside of me. 

He rolls off of me and i whine at the loss of contact. He chuckles. "Come here my needy little princess..." He says grinning and pulls me into him. I wrap myself around him letting out a satisfying sigh. "You okay, Love?" He mumbles... I look up and smile before attaching my lips to his. I giggle and he looks at me curious. "What are you giggling about...?" He asks and i giggle again... "Imagine the headlines if i had suffocated you... Sitting on your face." I say and he starts to laugh hard. I smile as tears roll down his cheeks. "America's ass killed by wife's pussy..." I joke. He smacks his chest as he can't stop laughing which in turn makes me laugh. "I love you, silly girl." He says and kisses me again... "I love you to..." I murmur and get comfortable cuddled into him my head on his chest... I can feel my eyes get heavy. I hold on to him tighter before sleep takes over.

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