Chapter 39

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Chris pov...

The next day Vi was packing our bags as i was on the phone with the charter company to charter a plane to Vegas and make hotel reservations. I booked us the penthouse suite in the Waldorf Astoria. For a brief moment i had contemplated to rent a house but as strange as it sounds a hotel in Vegas would give us more privacy as they had security and could get us in and out unseen if we wanted to and they had a dog sitter if needed. 

The plane was ready to go when we were. Vi came walking in with our suitcases rolling behind her. She loved packing for me... Sometimes she would put clothes out when i was in the shower... I figured she just like dressing me and who was i to deny her that pleasure...

I smiled as she looked at me all shy all of a sudden. I walked over and pulled her into me. "Ready to become Mrs. Evans?" I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled... "Born ready... Are you sure you want me to be..." She asked and i leaned down kissing her. "Never been more, sure about anything in my life." I whisper and kiss her again... 

"Dont you want your family there... i am just scared they won't forgive us for eloping..." She whispers and i smile... "I am not, we can always plan a party when we are back in Boston... I know ma will be over the moon, to have you as a daughter in law. To have you officially be family... So will Scott and my sisters... They will not mind as long as we throw a party in the future." I say and she smiled and pulled me into a kiss. "Then i am ready when you are..." She whispered. I smiled as i lifter her up and twirled her around. "God i love you." I murmured. "Cant wait to make you Mrs. Evans." I say, she blushed as i put her down and she buried her head in my chest. 

I called over the dogs and we walked to the awaiting car. After we got our suitcases and dogs in the car i held the door open for her before sitting beside her telling the driver he could go to the airstrip. 

The flight to Vegas was a quick one and after we landed, a car from the hotel was there to pick us up. Nobody knew why we were here... Nobody knew that we were here in general, which made it even more exciting. I held Vi's hand in the back of the car as we drove to the Hotel the dogs in the back. 

We arrived in the hotel parking garage and a host from the hotel lead us up to the room through a private elevator.  No need to go through the reception due to the privacy packet. We checked in the room and Vi walked around as i tipped the staff and they left. "The room is gorgeous Chris..." She said under her breath as she looked out over the city. "Only the best for you..." I whispered in her ear as i stood behind her wrapping my arms around her. She leaned back laying her head on my shoulder letting out a sigh. "Chris i would stay in a beat-up motel room if it meant i was with you..." She sighs and i smile, i dont know why but hearing her say that only makes me love her more... She loves me and as long as she is with me, she is happy... No matter where we are... "I know... But this is so much more comfortable..." I grin... She giggles...

"Can't believe tomorrow i am becoming Mrs. Evans..." She whispered. "Believe it baby, because it is happening." I murmur planting a kiss on her shoulder. She smiled and yawned. "Come on, let's go take a nap." I whispered knowing we hadn't had much sleep last night after i proposed. She chuckled and we crawled in bed both of us falling asleep quickly. 

I woke up a few hours later to an empty bed. I looked up but Vi wasn't there. I got up and smiled as she was on the phone in the living room of our suite. She smiled as i kissed her and after thanking the person on the other end of the line she hung up. "What are you doing love?" I said kissing her. "Just a little surprise i am putting together." She said with a twinkle in her eyes. 

I looked at her squinting my eyes. "What surprise?" I said. "If i tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore..." She said smirking making me groan. "Baby..." I whined but all she did was laugh. "Nope, i am not telling you... You just have to wait."  She giggles. "Fine..." I groaned and she smirked at me. "Are you going to be grumpy now, Mr. Evans?" She said pouting at me. "No..." I said letting out a deep breath. She turned towards me laying her hand on my chest. "I know something that will put that frown upside down..." She said in a soft seductive tone before she dropped down to her knees taking my pants down with her. 

"Fuck Vi..." I growled as she was stroking my dick and letting her tongue run up and down my shaft. "I love it when you grow in my hand..." She said looking up at me with her big, beautiful eyes. "Such a beautiful big dick..." She moaned before taking me all the way into her mouth making me moan loudly.  "Ohw shit..." I groaned as she took me in deep my dick hitting the back of her throat. 

She looks up at me her eyes twinkle and God she looks so beautiful, sitting on her knees with my dick in her mouth. She hums and it sends a shiver up my back. She takes it out of her mouth but keeps pumping it with her hand. "You taste so good..." She moans as she looks up at me. I run my thumb over her cheek. "Such a good girl..." I whisper and she smiles at me before wrapping her lips around my dick again. 

She takes me in as much as she can. I place my hand on her head guiding her but making sure she is still in control. I gasp as i feel her nose touch my pelvis and i hear gagging noises, but she doesn't stop. "Fuck Vi.... God... Fuck, fuck, fuck..." I growl as i feel my dick twitch as she shows me no mercy. She has one goal in mind and is going to get me there fucking quick...

She bobs her head up and down a few more times before i release in her mouth letting out a guttural growl... She swallows it all and as she pulls of me, she sticks out her tongue showing me she swallowed it all. She stands up and i kiss her hard tasting myself on her. "Feeling better?" She grins into the kiss. "Fuck, so much better..." I smile and her smirk gets bigger. I cup her cheek as we break the kiss. "I am going to take a shower... Can you order us dinner?" She says and i nod... "Sure, what do you want?" I ask and she giggles... "Something light, because i already had a starter course..." She whispers a smug smile on her lips. I smack her ass as she turns around and walks to the shower making her yelp and giggle. 

God, i can't wait to marry her i think to myself as she walks away and i pull up my pants again...

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