Chapter 34

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Chris pov...

We came back to my place later then we had initially planned, after spending the afternoon in the pool we ordered pizza and had dinner with everyone before leaving. Spending the afternoon in the pool and the hot sun, had tired Vi out. She dropped herself on the bed letting out a deep sigh. When she looked up i stood over her smiling. "I am going to get your stuff from the car." I said leaning over her giving her a quick kiss. I was about to pull away when she pulled me on the bed. "It can wait..." She said cuddling into me. I smiled. "But i wanna see the dress..." I whined making her chuckle. "In a minute... in need of some cuddles." She murmurs. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her holding her tight. The dogs came walking into the bedroom and jumped on the bed lying beside us. I could hear Vi's breathing getting steady and as i looked down she was asleep. I smile as i just look at the beautiful sleeping woman in my arms...

The party had been great and just like i expected she had been a hit... Scarlet loved her... She was charming, engaging, funny and warmed right up to them... I had been watching her to make sure she was okay but she fitted right in... I dont think there was anyone there who did not like her... I saw her exchange numbers with a few of them. Robert first and i know Mackie and Seb definitely gave her their numbers... Scarlet of course and i even think she and little Tom switched numbers... As i lay there thinking over the last few days i could feel my own eyes get heavy and before i knew it i was asleep to. 

Vi pov...

We slept all true the night and when i woke up the next morning Chris was still sleeping his arm slung over me holding me tight. I slipped out of bed without waking him and took a quick shower and change as i was still wearing the shorts and shirt i came home in yesterday. After showering i walked to the kitchen but didn't feel like cooking breakfast so i ordered us some before grabbing Chris his car keys and getting my stuff from the car. I put everything in the bedroom closet, and smiled as i saw Chris was still out like a light. 

The dogs finally stood up from the bed following me to the kitchen and i let them out in the yard not knowing if Chris would be okay with me taking them on a walk here in LA seeing as Dodger is almost as famous as he is. I didn't want to draw attention to myself. The pictures from the paparazzi yesterday as i was at lunch and waiting for the valet already where up on some bloggers site and for now i was unidentified woman and nothing more. That would change of course if i was spotted walking Dodger. 

The buzzer from the gate went off and i walked out to accept breakfast at the gate not wanting to leave a stranger inside the walls. When i walked back in, i smiled as Chris was standing at the kitchen counter pouring himself a cup of coffee i had made. "Morning..." I said smiling at him putting the food on the counter before walking up to him giving him a kiss. "Morning..." He said smiling pulling me back in as i was about to step away. He kissed me again. This time a proper kiss is what he called it making me blush. "I ordered breakfast..." I said when we broke apart. 

We ate breakfast before Chris went to take a shower. He had one work appointment with his manager Megan while in town. He had apologized again for having this meeting but i told him it was fine and declined coming along. He didn't need me there and i didn't wanna be the clingy girlfriend who has to go everywhere with him. 

He came into the kitchen asking me if i was sure staying here was okay. I nodded and gave him a kiss. "Go, do your work thingy... So, we can get back to our little get away." I whisper. He smirked and kissed me passionately. "Oh, before i forget..." I said getting out my wallet handing him back his card. He smirked at me and took the card. "Did you use it?" He asked smirking. I shook my head. "Nope can pay for my own.... I am not with you for your money. I have my own and i am doing pretty well..." I say and he sighed. "I know love... But you should have used it." He sighed. I shook my head again... "Nope not happening, now go... or you will be late." I say smiling. He gave me another kiss and grabbed his keys before leaving. 

I sighed and looked around. This is weird... Even though i had a key to his house in Boston and had been alone in that one, this house felt different... this was the house of Chris Evans actor not Chris Evans guy from Boston. 

I was sitting on the couch reading a book when the front door opened. I looked at my phone Chris had only been gone for an hour this couldn't be him. "Chrissy!" I heard a female voice yell in a teasing seductive tone which make me freeze on the spot. I gathered every ounce of courage i had and stepped out in the hallway. "Uhm hello?" I said to the gorgeous woman standing in the hallway in nothing more than a set of lingerie a long coat laying at her feet as she had dropped it. "Who are you?" She said quickly picking up the coat and putting it on. 

"I think you should go first, since you have broken in." I said the dogs sitting down beside me... Dodger growling a little at the woman still standing there. "I did not break in... I am Chris his girlfriend..." She said confidently. "I just got back in town and thought i would surprise him. He texted me he was also in town." She chirps. My heart sank at the word girlfriend, this couldn't be right? "We have been together for over 9 months, but due to work schedules we dont see each other that much." She says...

"Oh..." Is all i could say. "You must be the new dog sitter..." She said an evil smirk on her face making me feel really uncomfortable. "He had said, he had hired a new one." She walked towards the kitchen with confidence like she had done it many times before and i was just frozen not knowing what to think. I could feel tears starting to form and i didn't know what to do. Should i call Chris? Would he even answer? I fished my phone out of my pocket and compromised texting him so he could call me back whenever it was convenient. 

Vi: Can you call me when you can ....your girlfriend just walked in.... 

My phone immediately started ringing.

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