Chapter 40

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Vi pov...

After we wake up the following day in our suite, i tell Chris i have planned a spa day before we go to get married. To my surprise he doesn't protest but tells me to just relax and enjoy it. What he doesn't know is that instead of a spa day, i am on my way to the surprise i had planned. 

I walk 2 floors down and knock on the door it opens and i smile as get pulled into a hug immediately. "Hi Lisa..." I smile as she holds on to me tighter. We pull apart and she smiles at me. "Did you guys have a good flight?" I ask smiling as Scott appears from one of the bedrooms of this suite. "Vi!" He yells walking over to me wrapping his arms around me rocking me back and forth. "The flight was perfect. You didn't have to go all out..." He and Lisa say. I giggle and shake my head... "It was better like this... Under the radar..." I whisper and they both smile... "Does he know we are all here?" Scott asks and I shake my head. "He thinks i am at the spa..." I whisper blushing as i just lied to my future husband. "I know Chris said, all he wanted was just us two..." I said blushing and taking a deep breath... "But i know having you all here, would mean so much to him. I know he is gonna love the fact you are gonna be here even if he would not admit it." I whisper and they both hug me again...

"So i was thinking.... I called the hotel concierge, and they are sending someone up with all these white dresses. Not real wedding dresses, as we both decided to not do the whole dress up thing... But i really need your help to pick me out a casual dress..." I said blushing. "We would be happy to sweetheart." Lisa said smiling wiping away a tear. "Did i tell you how lucky i am you are gonna be me daughter in law." She said wiping away a tear again... "Stop it Lisa, otherwise i am gonna cry and then there is no stopping me." I joked. There was a knock on the door and Scott opened the door, a woman walked in with a rack full of white summer dresses for me to pick from. After trying some on i found the one.

I smiled, as i twirled around in front of the mirror

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I smiled, as i twirled around in front of the mirror. I didn't even care you could see a few of my scars. I thanked Scott and Lisa for their help and i remind them a car will be here to pick them up and take them to the chapel. I take the dress and walk back up again and into our suite where Chris is on the phone with what i think is Megan. The dogs lay on the bed, so I walk over to them giving them a quick kiss on the head. "I know thank you..." He says smiling. "Just wanted to give you a heads-up, just in case something comes out."  He says over the phone while winking at me. I smile and drape the bag with my dress over the chair and walk over wrapping my hands around his waist. 

He hangs up and kisses me. "So, i did something while you were at the spa..." He says and i can't help but giggle. If only he knew I did something to, while I pretended to be at the spa. He pulled out a little black box and opened it revealing the most beautiful ring i have ever seen. "Chris... it is beautiful..." I say with tears in my eyes. "I know you said you didn't care about the ring... But i just couldn't not get you one..." He whispered as he took my hand and slide it around my finger.

It is beautiful i whispered i said again smiling at him through the tears that where now rolling down my cheek. It is simple... Just a single diamond... I absolutely adore it... Nothing over the top, or to flashy... I just love it...

"What's in the bag?" Chris said smiling as i was admiring the ring

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"What's in the bag?" Chris said smiling as i was admiring the ring. God this man knew me i thought to myself again... Just a simple ring nothing to flashy or big just perfect, elegant... I am totally caught up looking at my finger... "Love?" He says chuckling and i snap out of it blushing... "What is in the bag?" He asks again and i blush even more... "I uh bought a dress..." I said blushing even harder... "Not a wedding dress but a just a white summer dress." 

He smiled and kissed me. "You are gonna be the most beautiful bride ever..." He whispered in my ear and i smiled at him. "So i called Megan... Just to give her an heads up, if something leaks..." He says looking a little unsure... I nodded. "Understandable, we dont want her to be caught off guard." I said smiling...  "She said to tell you congratulations." Chris says beaming and i smiled but his smile disappeared a bit. 

"I also tried to call my family... But no one is answering." He sighed and i had to do my best to keep a straight face... "Maybe they are all busy..." I said lying to him. "Yeah i guess so... But i dont want them to not hear it from anyone else but us." He sighed... "It will be okay baby..." I whisper doubting if i should tell him... "We can call them right after...." He nodded and kissed me again. 

"Do you need to call your family..." He asked carefully... I chuckled. "I dont have contact anymore as my mother never accepted i got divorced... Because a good woman stays with her man regardless of what he does..." I said looking down. "I am sorry baby..." He said pulling me in. "Its okay... I dealt with it... Mourned the loss of my family a long time ago." I say and he caresses my cheek... "Well, you have a new family now... A family who loves you very much." He said, I looked up and smiled. "I love you..." I whisper. Now we have to get ready dont want to be late...i said smirking. 

I had changed in my dress and my phone dinged. It was Scott telling me they were about to get in the car and go to the chapel. Chris had rented it out for the day, so we would have privacy and not be interrupted by other couples walking in and out. But most importantly had privacy... I told him we would head out soon, before putting my phone in my clutch and walking out into the living room where Chris was standing, he smiled as he saw me. "God see... The most beautiful woman ever..." He whispered as he kissed my cheek. I started to laugh as I looked at the dogs Chris had put a bowtie on both of them and they looked absolutely adorable. He held out his arm and we walked to the private elevator, the dogs following closely behind towards the awaiting car. 

We arrived at the chapel and quickly got inside being greeted by the smiling owner. He greeted us and walked away to get ready.

"Okay before we walk in there..." I said smiling at Chris... "I did something and i hope you dont mind..." I whisper. He looked at me confused... The door opened and all the Evans's stepped out into the lobby of the chapel. Lisa, Scott and his partner Steve, Shanna and Carly with her husband and kids walked in all smiling. "I just couldn't marry you without them... I know how much family means to you..." I whisper and he just stares at them in disbelief...

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