Chapter 96

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Vi pov...

I was so having another contraction when the doctors came in to check up on me. John looked up and smiled. "Vi it is time..." Like we discussed i sat up and Chris sat behind me, so i could hold on to him.  He kept whispering in my ear that i got this, that he was so proud of me and that he loved me so much. I pushed and pushed like what seemed like forever. I was getting exhausted and started to think i could not do this. I was laying against Chris his chest trying to catch my breath between pushes as Chris put a cold cloth on my forehead. "Okay final push Vi."  The doctor said. "One more push and you can hold your son." I was being told but i could not register who said it. I pushed and pushed and all of a sudden, we heard crying and Doctor Klein held up our perfect boy. 

They laid him on my chest, and we just stared at the little human who was looking back at us. "Hello my sweet boy..." I said with tears in my eyes. "We are you mommy and daddy". I looked up at Chris who also had tears in his eyes, and he smiled back at me kissing my head. "You did so good momma..." He said smiling trough his tears. "I love you so much Vi... You and our little boy... You both are my whole world. I will do everything i can to make you both so happy" I pulled him in for a kiss. "You already make us so happy Chris, dont you ever doubt that. Our son and i are so lucky to have you..." He kissed me again. They asked if Chris wanted to cut the cord and he had the biggest smile on his face as he did. The nurse took him to get cleaned up while the doctors were finishing up with me. 

A few hours later i was laying in my bed not able to keep my eyes of our little miracle. He had already been eating and breastfeeding went well. I needed a little help as i was a bit insecure if i did it right, but our nurse assured me i was doing good. He was sleeping in the little crib next to my bed and Chris was laying with his head on my bed sleeping. I ran my fingers through his hair smiling at the fact i had just given birth, but he was the one knocked out. I didn't mind he had been amazing. I still couldn't believe how calm he had been through it all. I had expected him to freak out and run around like a headless chicken, but he did no such thing... Doctor John came in and i smiled at him. "Congratulations momma." He said smiling as he looked over at me and then at our little boy.  "Somebody had a tough delivery..." He said smirking pointing at Chris. I laughed and Chris woke up. "What? Oh sorry i must have dozed off..." Chris said looking tired. Both John and i laughed. "So, i have the honors to ask what it the little miracles name? " John said smiling at us. I looked at Chris giving him the honors to tell John. "Storm Christopher Evans." He said beaming and i smiled at him. "Well, welcome to the world Storm." John said smiling at our little boy.  

"You should call your mom." I said to Chris after John had left to get the paperwork in order. He looked at me and smiled kissing the top of my head before pulling out his phone and calling Lisa. 

About an hour later there was a knock on the door and i smiled as one by one the Evans's trickled in. Carly's kids where all looking at their little nephew from a distance as i suspect Carly had instructed them.  "Well? " Scott asked impatient as ever, wanting to know finally if it was a boy or girl. Chris walked over to the crib and lifted our little boy out of it. "Everyone i want you to meet... Storm Christopher Evans..." He said beaming with pride.  "A boy!"  They all cheered, and Lisa walked over to me giving me a hug. "He is beautiful..."  She whispered tears in her eyes. I smiled. "He has Chris's eyes..." I said to her. "Mom... Do you want to hold him?" She looked at him still tears coming down her cheeks. "Can i?" 

After about an hour everyone left as exhaustion was finally taking over and i couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. "Can you lay with me?" I mumble to Chris as i am so tired but i want him next to me. "Of course, love..."  He said smiling and i scooted over to make room for him. He put his arm under my head pulling me close. "Go get some sleep love..." He whispered kissing the top of my head but i was already out. 

Chris woke me up, it was feeding time and he laid Storm on my chest and i started feeding him.  "Is it bad that i am jealous of my son..." He said grinning. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. There was a knock on the door and Doctor Klein walked in smiling. She told me due to my previous experience in this hospital, i was allowed to go home. Storm was doing great and there was no reason to stay any longer, but to come back as soon as we thought something was wrong. 

I smiled at Chris and we both thanked her for everything. She truly had been amazing, understanding and caring. Chris packed everything up and a nurse came in with a wheelchair. She looked in the crib smiling. "Such a beautiful baby, congratulations." She said and both Chris and i smiled back at her, thanking her. She said that security would be up in a minute to help us to the car, just in case there would be press outside. But she had started not even an hour ago and the coast seemed clear. We thanked her and she left.  Chris helped me in the wheelchair after he got me dressed. He then he put Storm in the car seat Scott had brought as we had forgotten it.  

Security helped us to the car and after Chris had put Storm in the back, he helped me into the backseat as i wanted to sit with Storm. I was glad there was no press. So, for now we were still in our little bubble. Me, Chris and our son Storm... Our perfect little family. 

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