Chapter 12

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Chris pov...

I chuckle as we walk through the main hallway making our way to my car. As i see people looking at us, I put my cap on her head so she i a little bit sheltered from prying eyes seeing her bruised nose. She giggles as the cap is too big for her and immediately sinks over her eyes. 

"Hey somebody turned off the light" She giggles. I stop walking and she looks up at me the cap still over her eyes. I adjust it so she can see. "There she is..." I say smiling. "Better?" I ask smirking as she is adorable... "Hey! you turned the light back on..." She giggles. 

I chuckle shaking my head. "You have really pretty eyes..."  She says smiling, still looking at me. God she is adorable. "And a pretty nose..." She says booping it, making me laugh out loud. "Mine is not pretty anymore..."  She says looking down sad. I sigh and put my finger under her chin. "Give it some time sweetheart and it will be the prettiest nose on earth again." I say and she giggles again... I grab her hand again and walk her to my car... She doesn't protest it, making me feel sort of good. I know that if it wasn't for the painkillers, she probably wouldn't be holding my hand right now.  But i take it... I take what i can get...

I open the car door for her and help her in before i walk around getting in myself. I put her seat belt on and i am about to start the car when she sighs. "The doctor was an asshole..." She says. I chuckle. "He was kinda hot tho..." She mumbles and i stop laughing looking at her. 

"Just like you..." She says smiling.... "Hot... but an asshole..." She says in a singing tone... I know i deserve this but i can't help that it hurts. She puts her hand on my cheek, and i lean into her touch... God this is so confusing she is all over the place... damn painkillers. "It's all my fault tho..." She whispers her thumb caressing my cheek. I know she is not in a right state of mind but i have to know. "Why is that love?" I whisper and she chuckles... 

"I should have not put my guard down...  I should have said no to dinner... I should have known i am not good enough." She says and the tone of her voice makes me believe she really thinks like this... This is not the painkillers talking, this is how she really sees it... I grab her hand kissing the back of it. "Dont say that..." I whisper a tear rolling down my cheel as she blames herself for something i did. "It's okay Chris, i am broken i am better of alone..." She says with such conviction that it breaks my heart. She wipes away my tears and i look at her. This woman is incredible, she's bruised has a broken nose, is hurt emotionally and still she tells me it is okay to make me feel better. Me... the reason she has the broken nose and is hurt emotionally. I fucked up and she blames herself... I really am an asshole.

I drive her home and i walk her inside. She doesn't protest... She drops herself on the couch and i grab an ice pack from the freezer softly putting it on her nose. She winces and i let the ice pack go so she can hold it herself. "You can go home now..." She whispers her voice sounding sad. "Ill be fine." She murmurs... "Nope can't go home..." I tell her and she looks at me confused... "Somebody needs to keep an eye on you in case you have a concussion. Doctor's orders..." I say and she rolls her eyes... 

"Doctor asshole's orders..." She chuckles. She stands up and throws the ice pack aside. "I need to change..." She says looking down. "I am covered in blood..." She groans and before i realize what is happening, she pulls her shirt over her head. I have to swallow hard as she is now standing in front of me in a black lace bra accentuating her boobs perfectly. 

But when i let my eyes roam her chest my breathing hitches as i can see scars all over her chest and stomach counting 6 in total. I stand up and stand in front of her. As in a trance i let my finger run over the one in her stomach. She gasps and looks up at me. She wraps her arms around her as if she suddenly realizes what she did... "Please dont..." She whispers and i can hear the pain in her voice... It makes sense now... Why she did not flinch when they set her nose... The remark of the doctor... What ma and Scott had said about it not being their story to tell... Something happened to her... Something really bad. She is used to pain... Somebody hurt her... Badly... And it breaks my heart...  "What happened?" I whisper fighting back tears. "Dont worry about it... it is in the past." She whispers and looks up at me. I cup her face, even bruised and cut she is beautiful. I can feel her hand on my chest and i grab it planting a kiss on her palm. 

"You should take of your shirt to..." She whispers pulling it up. I let her and she pulls it over my head. I am totally under her spell. "God i wanna kiss you...  but i dont wanna hurt you..." I whisper in a sigh. I was more thinking out loud than it being a request or question...  But without saying a word, she leans her head to the side exposing her neck for me. 

I hesitate for a second before planting a soft kiss under her ear. She turns her head to the other side exposing the other side of her neck for me. I can feel her arms rest om my biceps as she steadies herself. I gasp as her hands find their way to my chest slowly scraping her nails softly down before wrapping her arms around my waist sending shivers through my whole body at the skin-to-skin contact. Her hands go up my back before going down again her nails slightly scraping my skin all the while i plant kisses in her neck my hands on her hips. 

"I should go put our clothes in the washing machine and take a quick shower..."  She whispers. As sudden as it started it is over as she leaves me standing there without a shirt. My phone rings and i see Scott's number appear. I answer and tell him what happened at the hospital.  I look up as Vi appears, looking shy just a towel wrapped around her body. I just stare at her... Fuck... Just a towel... Nothing more... Her hair wet... Some water drops glistening in the dimmed lighting... She is absolute perfection...

"Chris?" Scott says pulling my attention back to him. "Shanna told me..." He says and we both fall silent for a second. "Oh..." Is all i say as i am still looking at Vi... "Chris if you really like her, go for it... But please dont break her heart... She doesn't deserve that." He says breaking the silence...  "I know..." Is all i say my eyes still fixed on Vi. "Please think really hard about the fact if you are really serious about her because i dont wanna lose her as a friend..." He says and i can hear he is conflicted about it... "You won't Scott..." I say smiling as Vi hands me a shirt. "I have to go, i am staying at Vi's tonight to keep an eye on her in case she has a concussion." I say... "Right a concussion..." Scott says and i sigh... "Goodnight Scott..." I say rolling my eyes. 

I hang up the phone and look at Vi who is still standing in front of me in nothing more then a towel. I brought you a shirt... she whispers in a small voice, pointing at the shirt in my hand that she had handed me earlier....  She turns around to walk away. 

"Vi?" I call after her. She turns around... "Yes?" She whispers and i take a deep breath... "You know i never meant to hurt you right? I... i ... i just panicked." I say clearing my throat and blushing... "Why?" Is all she asked. "I dont know... It's just... What i feel for you... It is scary and confusing and i didn't want him to be all meddling and overbearing... You know while we were figuring things out... My family and especially my brother can be... A lot..." I whisper and she sighs... "It was not saying it wasn't a date that hurt Chris..." She whispers. "I mean technically it wasn't even a lie, you never confirmed it was a date when i brought it up... It was the way you said it... Like dating me would be the most disgusting thing ever...  Like i was worthless... I promised myself i would never let a man feel me like that again..." She says sounding so broken...

I walk up to her and stand in front of her. "You are not disgusting or worthless. You are everything i ever wanted and it scares me. You stand your ground, you call me out on my bullshit you are funny and sweet not to mention feisty, not to mention incredibly beautiful." She chuckles in a little scoff looking down. I put my finger under her chin making her look up at me. "Even with a bruised face you are still the most beautiful woman i have ever seen." I whisper before I lean in and peck her lips softly making sure not to hurt her. "God i wish i could give you a better kiss..." I sigh when i pull back. She chuckles... "Yeah well you should have knocked or something..." She said teasing and i looked at her stunned... "What? To soon?" She asked and i chuckled...  

"Look Chris... I can't say everything is magically okay... Its gonna take some time... But if you want, we can hang out get to know each other and go from there, see where it goes..."
  She whispers and i feel this warm feeling spreading through my body... A chance... She is giving me a chance... "I would really like that..." I say kissing her cheek. 

"I am going to get dressed... Maybe we can watch a movie or something?" I nod and smile. "But maybe you should put the shirt on..." She says smirking.  "Because this..." She waves her hand around my chest... "This is really distracting." She sighs and I chuckle and put the shirt on... It's a bit small but it fits, although tightly. She looks at me and shakes her head... "Nope not really helping..." She sighs before walking away to take a shower. 

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