Chapter 57

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Vi pov...

I wake up and look beside me where Chris is in a deep sleep. God even with everything going on he still looks handsome as ever. I turn around facing him and caress his cheek. I need to pull myself together... I can't let my ex ruin my life... I need to be stronger, not for me but for Chris... I know he is worried... He is doing everything he can to keep me and the family safe. 

All of a sudden, a wave of nausea hits me and i jump of the bed and run to the toilet i hunch over and throw up. Nothing comes out as i haven eaten much in the last 24 hours and what i have eaten already came out. I clean myself up and smile as Chris is still asleep. I walk out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. I smile as Lisa is sitting in a chair in the living room reading a book. She smiles as she sees me and put away her book walking over to me. 

"Everything okay?" She asks me and i nod. "Just hungry..." I whisper. "Do you want me to make you something?" She asks smiling at me with her motherly smile. I shake my head. "You dont have to, i can make something myself." I say but she shakes her head and sits me down at the counter. "Sit down... Relax and tell me what you want to eat and i will make it." She says smiling and i know it is no use going against it... "I was planning on making some pancakes..." I whisper and she smiles... "Pancakes coming up. Chris still asleep?" She asks and i nod... "Yeah i didn't want to wake him..." I mumble. She smiles. "I know he is glad you are here..." I whisper and she smiles. "I am here for you to, sweetheart..." She says grabbing my hand squeezing it slightly. "Thank you..." I say blushing. 

The smell of pancakes fills the house and both Lisa and i chuckle as Chris appears. "Pancakes always get him out of bed..." Lisa says smiling and Chris sits down beside me. "What is going on?" He asks a little surprised. "Your mother is making me pancakes..." I say smiling for the first time since he told me my ex-husband escaped. I can see a form of relief on his face as this is probably the first time since the news broke i was a little bit myself. "I was throwing up again, but nothing came out... So, i think i need to eat something."  I say and he looks at me worried... "I'll be fine Chris..." I say leaning my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head. 

"I just hate that this all stresses you out to a point that you can't keep anything down..." He says and i sigh... "I know... I am sorry... I am sorry i haven't been myself... Sorry for shutting down and leaving you to deal with everything on your own... I guess i haven't been a great help..." I whisper feeling guilty for how i handled it all... Chris sighs... "Love... That is not what i meant... You have nothing to be sorry for... I understand that you are not being your bubbly self, right now... I get that it is stressful and i dont blame you for being scared... I dont expect you to act like nothing is going on, love... I just hate to see you scared and sick... It scared me to see you shut down..." Chris says putting his arm around my shoulder and holding me closer... "I am sorry..." I mumble and Chris sighs and i is about to talk when Lisa interjects...

"Can i make an observation..." Lisa says smiling. We look at her and i nod. "Can you be pregnant?" She says with a twinkle in her eyes... I look at her in shock and Chris looks at her equally shocked. "I...i..." I say stumbling over my words.  I look at Chris and he looks back at me shocked but quickly gets a smile on his face... "It's...  I... Uhm... It is a possibility... I mean... We haven't really been... You know... Careful..." I whisper turning bright red having to admit that in front of my mother-in-law...I look at Chris who is just smirking... Just a smug smile on his face...

I think back if i can remember if i had my period... "What is the date?" I whisper and Lisa tells me the date... I have been in such a daze the last days that i had no idea of the time let alone the date... Before that i just had been caught up in Chris... I count back and my face drops... I missed my period... I had not noticed...

"I ... i didn't realize until now... But i missed my period... I have been busy and stressed i forgot..." I murmur as i dont know what to think about this... Chris smiles and takes my hand kissing it. Lisa smiles and i can see she is all excited... "But i am on the pill..." I whisper still in shock... "Do you have a test here." I shake no... "I can order some online..." I whisper knowing it is better to not go out. 

"I dont think i can wait that long to find out..." Chris says beaming. I chuckle but still look at him in disbelief... "We should get a test..." He says beaming... "You can't go out and get one... If people, see you it will be all over the news tomorrow." I say blushing as that is the last thing i want... If i am pregnant i want to get used to it first before it becomes a madhouse... Lisa smirks... "But i can..." She says letting out a chuckle.  We look at her. 

"You have to take Mark with you tho..." Chris says all excited. Lisa nods and Chris pulls out his phone calling Mark explaining that Lisa has to go to the store. Mark says he will be there in half an hour and Lisa finishes up our food putting it in front of us before she gets ready to go out. Chris hands her his credit card, and she smiles. "Need anything else?" She says looking at me smirking. "Maybe a couple of different tests... Just so we can be sure." I whisper blushing... She nods and squeezes my hand. The doorbell rings and Chris checks the camera and then shows Lisa out. 

This gives me a second to wrap my head around it... What if i am pregnant... The timing is not ideal and i am scared... Scared and i can't help but think about the baby i lost... I would have loved that baby so much despite who its father was... My baby was innocent and could not help who dad was... The day i lost my baby was the worst day of my life... But part of me also knows it was a blessing in disguise and i felt a monster for thinking like that... Deep down i knew if i would have had that baby i would never gotten away from my ex-husband... I would still be miserably married to him or worse... Maybe i was the one who would be dead... I certainly would not have met the Evans's and Chris would definitely not be my wonderful husband... But now that my ex-husband is roaming around somewhere i am scared...

I start to overthink... This is the worst possible timing... If i am pregnant i definitely have to pull myself together as stress is not good for the baby. I sigh and take a deep breath. Chris walks back in just as i finish putting away the plates. He smiles and pulls me into his arms. 

"I love you..." He whispers a soft smile on his lips... "I love you to..." I say cupping his face. "I am sorry for causing so much drama..." I blush. "Not your fault, love." He says and looks at me smiling... "Are you excited?" I ask chuckling, as i can see he is over the moon... He nods. "We might be expecting a baby." He says with wonder in his voice, his smile growing bigger if that is even possible. I have to admit his happiness and wonder is kind of infectious. 

I sigh and smile back at him. "I just hope everything will be okay if i am pregnant... Because stress is not good for the baby." I mumble and bury my head in his chest... "I know but we will do everything we can to reduce your stress." He says holding me a little tighter... I hum... "Just hold me and the stress will melt away..." I whisper as i feel my body relax... Chris holds me even tighter and like i said my body relaxes and i let out a sigh. Chris... 

"Just... Dont get your hopes up too much... It might just be the stress and the fact i have been busy..." I whisper. "I know love..." He says and holds me tighter. "I just... it would be great... wouldn't it?" He asks me, sounding a little insecure... I smile and nod. "Yeah, it would..." I murmur.  We wait anxiously for Lisa to come back and about an hour and a half later she walks back into the house. 

"Sorry ran into someone and had to wait until they would leave, because that woman spreads rumors faster than TMZ." She says breathing like she had just ran a marathon... Chris and both chuckle as we see Mark walk in with bags smirking. "Where do you want it Mrs.... Sorry Lisa..." He says and Vi and i chuckle. We point to the counter and thank him before he leaves again. "What did you do??" Chris asks as he sees the bags full of groceries. "Well... I had to buy other stuff, so miss Thompson wouldn't get suspicious." She says blushing... I chuckle as Chris looks trough the bags. "Please dont tell me you forgot the tests..." He says almost sounding panicked... She takes her bag and pull out 6 tests in 3 different brands, smirking. Chris grabs them and holds them out to me. "You're up..." He says smirking... "I dont need to pee..." I say teasing him. He walks over to the fridge and hands me 2 bottles of water... "Drink woman... Drink..." He says and i laugh for the first time since my world was turned upside down i really laugh...

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