Chapter 146

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Chris pov...

"I love you and our little family so much.... Take good care of them..." Runs over and over in my head. I am sitting in our birthing suite with our little girl in my arms asleep. 

Everything went so fast after her last words... I was dragged out of the room... All they kept saying was something about a bleeding and that they had to stop it. I had yelled for them to tell me what is going on, but no one said anything. They just dragged me out. I tried to stay but they just dragged me off... They brought me back to the birthing suite and no matter how much i yelled at them to tell me what was going on they wouldn't.

 All they did, was bring me our little girl 45 minutes later and now i was just sitting here... Feeling numb... Scared and alone... My phone rings and i see it is Robert. Still feeling numb i answer. He immediately can sense something is wrong and when i start to break down Robert says he will be right over. 

I hang up and look at the sleeping girl in my arms... She looks so perfect... But how am i ever going to raise her if Vi is not going to make it... Is my wife still alive? Nobody is telling me anything and i am so scared.... I just sit here holding on to my little girl for dear life scared to put her down and lose her to. The look in Vi's eyes before she closed them haunts me. It was like she knew... Did she know...? "I love you and our little family so much.... Take good care of them..." She said... The smile of her face was not a sad one... More of someone at peace... I couldn't even answer her... I couldn't even tell her to fight that we needed her... I couldn't even tell her how much i love her.... I didn't tell her i love her.... I break down crying burying my face in the little girl sleeping in my arms...

A nurse walks in and i jump up. "What is happening to my wife... Can someone please tell me what is going on...?" I beg her with tears in my eyes. "Mr. Evans i dont know... I am here to check on your little girl..." She says looking at me taking a step closer but i take a step back holding my arm up to hold her at a distance...  And i lose it....

"No!!! You are going to find someone who can tell me what the fuck is going on... Until that i will not let anyone near my little girl... I want to know how my wife is doing...  So, get your fucking ass out of here and find me someone who can.... Or i will...  I swear to God i am going over there and find out myself and no one will stop me..." I yell angry out of my mind i feel so lost so anxious so overwhelmed and them keeping me in the dark is driving me crazy 

"Mr. Evans you need to calm down..." The nurse says trying to take another step closer to me to get to the little girl sleeping in my arms... "Dont tell me to fucking calm down as i dont know what the fuck is going on with my wife... Just get someone who can tell me what is going on or leave!!!" I yell   I calm down and sigh bouncing my little girl on my arm as she starts crying... 

"Please..." I whisper looking at her with tears in my eyes guilt washing over me as she looks absolutely terrified.  

Right then Robert walks in and sees the aftermath of my yelling. He tells me he will be right back and walks out with the nurse. I try to calm my little girl down but i think she just wants her mommy... Hell i want her mommy. A few minutes later Robert walks back in. "They will send a doctor to explain in a few minutes." He says sitting down next to me. "Thanks..." Is all i can get out before breaking down crying. 

"She is so adorable..." Robert says smiling at our little girl in an attempt of distracting me. "Yeah, she is..." I hum and dry my tears. "What is her name?" He asks but i shake my head. 

"No name... Not until i know how Vi is doing... She said goodbye Robert... She... she said she loved me and to take good care our little family and then she just closed her eyes and i was dragged off and nobody is telling me anything.... I can't do this without her... How am i supposed to raise a little girl without her mother..." I say now full-on sobbing. 

"Hey dont think like that... Vi is strong she will pull through the doctors here are great and they will fix whatever is wrong and she will be here with you to raise this little bundle and the little Iron man Storm." He said squeezing my shoulder I chuckled at the fact he called Storm little iron man... Normally i would have fought him on this but i didn't have the energy...

"I can't lose her Robert... I can't lose her... Not after everything we went through... This can't be it... My kids need their mother... I need their mother..." I say softly and cry holding my little girl close. "How is Storm doing...?" I whisper as i have calmed down for a bit. "He is with Susan and my other kids they were doing arts and crafts when i left...." Robert says and i nod. We just sit there for a few more minutes. 

Then finally the door opens and Doctor Tyler walks in. I try to read her facial expressions to see if i have to brace myself for bad news but i can't read her.... She sits down on the coffee table in front of me and takes a deep breath....

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