Chapter 113

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Chris pov...

48 hours later we are standing in a morgue waiting for the staff to take us to see the bastard's body. I still dont think it is a good idea. We argued about it. But after talking with Vi's therapist. Who agreed with her to my horror, i finally gave in. If she needed this to find closure and a piece of mind... To see that he was really dead... I was willing to do it, although i still was not sure. 

It took some phone calls and a lot of convincing officials seeing as she was not claiming the body or his belongings and just wanted to see with her own eyes, he was dead. It took me threatening to sue them for his escape and the way they had handled it after that for them to finally agree... It was not that they did not understand... Well some of them did... But finally after threatening them, we got the green light.

We had brought Storm to ma. When Vi was taking Storm upstairs to put down for his nap. I asked ma if we were really doing the right thing and like every other person i asked, she agreed this was the best way to go... That seeing with her own eyes he was dead would make her feel safer and she would never have to wonder or doubt he was really dead. I could see the reasoning but i was scared that it would be too traumatic to see him, even if he was dead. I just resided in the notion that everyone thought it was a good idea but me... Maybe it was and i am just overprotective...

I take Vi her hand in mine and give it a little squeeze as to reassure her that everything is going to be okay and i am here for her. It's just so confusing to be here. Part of me dont want her with him in one room even if he is dead... But after 2 nights of almost no sleep, because of the nightmares... Knowing we can't wait and see if the nightmares go away on their own, seeing as the body will be cremated in a few days... We are here and i hope it will be the right thing...

"I'm sorry." She whispers, looking up at me. "I know you didn't want this..." She says and she almost sounds scared... I sigh and hold her hand a bit tighter pulling her into me and kissing her temple. "I am just worried love... But if this is what you need... I am here for you..."  I sigh again..."I am sorry i made it more difficult, by not being as supportive as i should..." I murmur as we stand there hugging. "I are just looking out for me, i dont blame you... But i am afraid if i dont actually see with my own eyes that he is dead... He will haunt my dreams forever... I am scared that i will look over my shoulder forever, wondering if he is really dead... I dont want to life like that." 

I am about to respond when the door opens and 1 of the staff walks in. "Hi i am Grant we spoke on the phone..." The man says holding out his hand for us to shake. He was the only one who was open to the idea but told us he could not do it... Not until he had permission from higher up... When we had gone over his head he did not mind, and we had set this all up with him.  "We are ready when you are Mr. and Mrs. Evans..." He says while giving us both a reassuring smile. "Only his face is visible the rest is covered up by a sheet..."  He says as he is about to open the door, we both nod as we follow him into a cold room. 

There he lays on the table... Eyes closed and for a moment i think back at the one and only time i have seen him alive... When we found Vi and they dragged him out kicking and screaming. The man who looked evil and psychotic is now lying motionless on the table... "It's him... Its really him..." She says releasing my hand and stepping forward to take a closer look. She pokes him and i can't help but chuckle because it is obvious, he is dead... But she has to be sure i guess, even Grant chuckles. 

She leans over him and for a moment i am worried of what is going to happen. "I win asshole..." She says looking at him closely. "Have fun in hell..." She says before turning to me and Grant.  "I am ready to go..." She says smiling. That was all she wanted, to see he was really dead and to tell him she won... She survived and he... He got what he deserved. We walk out of the room. With Vi's hand in mine, we thank Grant and walk out the cold clinical building. As soon as the sun hits our faces Vi stops and looks up taking a deep breath before looking at me. "I am free..." She whispers "I am finally truly free..." That is when her legs give out and i am just in time to catch her. She cries into me in the middle of the morgue parking lot but i dont care. She needs to get it out and finally i truly see why did had to be done... Why she had to do this. 

As she stops crying wiping away the tears, i pick her up and take her to the car. I call ma asking her if she is okay with keeping Storm overnight because after two nights of barely sleeping all i want for her is to get a good night's rest without any interruptions. Ma says she is happy to, that she and Storm will have a blast. 

We make the long drive home, Vi dozing off every now and then but i can see the change in her...Its like there is a weight lifted off of her. and her face looks somehow more relaxed...In fact her whole body looks more relaxed. When she is awake, she is smiling... Not to say she normally never smiled but sometimes if you paid good attention, you could see she was... Always worried about something. 

"Thank you..." She all of a sudden says while smiling at me. I smile back, "You're welcome love." She smiles "I love you Chris..." The smile on her face growing bigger her eyes filled with love.          I smile back "I love you to Vi..." i say grabbing her hand kissing the back of it.  

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