Chapter 115

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Chris pov... 

After the surprise of Vi, i was eager to go home but God the afternoon dragged on. People kept messing up lines or forgot there placing. Around 3 my stomach started to growl, so i sent my assistant to get me some food as i had missed lunch. God was it worth it though. As we were waiting on the crew to set up the scene again, i ate something. The day dragged on after that but finally we were done and i went to get changed and ready to go home, smirking at the thought of Vi waiting for me in bed... Naked. 

As i walked to the car i waved at some people who were always here watching and before i took off i texted Vi.  "Better be ready princess on my way home now."  I smiled as i thought of all the things i would want to do to her.  

I arrive home and walk trough the front door immediately greeted by the dogs. I give them some attention and smile the house is quiet and dark, so i make my way to the bedroom. I open the door and there she is my beautiful wife sitting on the bed staring back at me with her beautiful smile, naked just like i had said she should be. 

Her eyes follow my every move as i walk over to her dropping my jacket along the way. "Welcome home babe..." She whispers as i lean over her and attaching my lips to hers. "Hello beautiful..." I whisper back.  She scoots to the side of the bed and pulls me between her legs as i lift my shirt over my head. She starts to unzip my pants and pulls them down an eager look in her eyes, that makes me smirk. 

"Someone is impatient..." I say smiling down at her while i throw my shirt somewhere. "Have been waiting all afternoon for you..." She says pouting at me as she looks up her hands roaming my chest, her nails scraping lightly over my skin sending shivers through my whole body.  "Is my poor princess a bit frustrated?" She nods and licks her lips. "Yes, i need you Chris..." She says looking up at me all innocent and sweet.   "You need me huh..." I say cupping her chin with my hand making her look up at me as i run my thumb up and down her cheek and i can't help but smirk.  

"Tell me princess what do you need?" I need her to say it as i need to know if she still is in the same mood, she was this afternoon. To make sure i dont do anything she doesn't want me to do. I know she trusts me, but trust can be easily broken. The last thing i want, is make her uncomfortable with me.  "I need you to do whatever you want to me...use me..." She whispers batting her eyes at me. "Whatever i want?" I say smirking before leaning down hovering my lips over hers. She nods and i kiss her hard... 

"If you want me to stop, just say the word okay princess?"  I say and she nods... "Yes daddy..." She says acting all shy all of a sudden. I close my eyes, controlling my body at her saying daddy... She doesn't call me that often but when she does... I know it is on... "Why so shy princess?"  She blushes and i peck her lips quickly.  "Talk to me, princess..." She blushes harder...  "I...i.. dont want you to hold back, daddy..." She whispers. "I...i need you to claim me...treat me own me ... Like you can do whatever... I...i want it rough...I can take it... I promise i can... I am a good girl..."  I smile "Can you now...?" She just nods in response... "Good girl huh... Well good girls use their words..." I say smirking... "I can daddy... I really can... I need it, daddy... Please..." She says softly whimpering...

I smirk and take a step back. My smirk grows and pull on her arm standing her up before quickly spinning her around and bending her over the bed. I lean over her, my lips hovering over her ear.  "As you wish my princess..."  I stand up and look at her ass in my full view i softly caress her ass before slapping it and smirk as it jiggles. She yelps as my hand hits her skin and a soft pink spot appears. "You like that princess?"  She just moans and i slap her ass again. "Words princess i need you to use your words... Be a good girl for daddy..."  She moans a quick yes daddy, making me all giddy inside as she is all needy and willing laying in front of me.  "What to do with you..." I murmur as i let my hands roam over her ass a finger gliding between those beautiful cheeks making her groan. 

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