Chapter 32

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The next morning, we get woken up by a knock on the door. Chris looks at me and as i pulled the sheets over me so to make sure nothing is showing even though i am wearing a shirt. Chris answers making Scarlet walk in. But instead of focusing her attention on Chris she looks at me smiling. "The girls and i, were wondering if you like to go shopping with us before we go hang out by the pool and maybe have some brunch just us girls." She says and I look at Chris who is smiling at me. 

"If you want to go then go... Have fun..." He says smiling. "You dont mind?" I whisper. "Oh, come on girl, of course he wouldn't mind..." Scarlet says way to chipper for this time in the morning. "Okay." I say but still not sure if Chris really dont mind. "Good, get a quick shower and dressed and we will head out." Scarlet says. I nod and after she left i crawl out of bed. 

"You really dont mind?" I say looking at my feet standing at the edge of the bed. Chris walks over and cups my face. "I really dont mind, i love the fact that they want you to come. It means that they accept you." He gives me a sweet kiss. I take a quick shower and get dressed before heading downstairs where the girls are already waiting.  "Whose car are we taking?" Scarlet says and Chris throws me the keys of his. "Take mine, it is the easiest to get out. The rest is boxed in."

I give Chris a quick kiss and he smiles telling me to have fun before slipping me his card. I shake my head telling him i dont want it, but he insists. I put it in my wallet never intending to use it. We get in the car and i drive off Scarlet sitting next to me giving me directions as we take off to the luxurious stores. 

We were trying on dresses in some high-end boutique and Scarlet handed me a dress which would show my scars. "I am sorry, i can't wear this." I said blushing. "Why not? You would look hot in it. If you ever go to a red carpet with Chris, you could wear this." She says with the big smile... "I just can't..." I stammered. Scarlet pulled me aside looking at me worried and i know what she is thinking... She thinks, that i am not happy with my body and partly that is true... But i it is the scars... Just the scars... I am pretty okay with the rest...

"Sweetie you are gorgeous. Why dont you just try it on and see how you feel in it." She says giving me a sympathetic smile. "I have scars..." I whispered not wanting everyone to know but somehow i felt comfortable enough with Scarlet to tell her. "A little scar is not the end of the world..." She said looking at me a little confused. "It's not one or two..." I whisper looking down at my fingers as i fiddled with them. She gave me warm smile and didn't push further. "Okay we will find you another dress." She said and i give her thankful smile... 

She came back a few minutes later with a baby blue dress handing it to me with a smile. It was a beautiful, elegant gown and as i put it on i loved it. Even tho it had a bit of an open back showing 1 scar. I walked out and Scarlet, Susan and Elsa were ecstatic. Saying how beautiful it looked and that i had to get it for when i went with Chris to an event or premier. "I do love it..." I say blushing. 

Scarlet came up to me and hugged me. "If you are worried about the scar on your back, we can find you another." She whispers and I shook my head. "No, i love this one..." I whisper. We went by a few more stores. I got some shoes a few more summer dresses and a swimsuit so i could swim if i wanted to. Even tho i had one back at Chris's house and i could have easily picked that one up on our way back. I found a nice one piece with open sides covering me in all the right places. 

"Let's get brunch." Susan said after we all paid for our stuff. "I promised Robert we would be back around 2 in the afternoon and if we go now, we dont have to rush." Susan says smiling.  Even though we had gone to bed late last night we were out the door at 9 this morning and it now being 12 so brunch was actually lunch. We had about an hour and a half to eat not that i would be a disaster if we would be a little late. We put everything in the car and Scarlet directed me towards the place we would eat, Susan calling on the way to make reservations. Sometimes it comes in handy being Robert's wife she said joking. 

I handed the keys of the car over to the valet and we went inside. We ordered food and ate laughing and talking.  People were watching us but i guess they were used to it because the others didn't seem to be bothered by it. Some people were even taking pictures. I did my best to ignore it but i was weird being watched for just eating at a restaurant. I excused myself to go to the bathroom but sneaked to the counter to pick up the bill leaving a big, nice tip behind so not to have rumors start that we were cheap and because our waitress deserved it. 

They all looked at me when they asked for the bill and the waitress said i had already paid. We got the car from the valet and paparazzi were taking pictures while we were waiting. I was surprised at how causal they all stayed under it. Mostly because i could feel myself getting agitated as the questions became more and more invasive and rude. They never asked me anything seeing as i am a nobody and apparently, they hadn't figured out yet that i was dating Chris... I suspect that when that would come out it would be a whole different story.

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