Chapter 66

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Chris pov...

I am sitting in the recording booth going over my lines. Vi was going groceries shopping and part of me was glad. The other part was worried but i knew she could not stay inside forever, and she had Nick and Leon with her... I had asked them to be on duty as i knew she liked them the most... She hadn't gone out in a long time. She didn't like it, found it too much of a hassle. She even didn't walk the dogs anymore... But i think that was my doing as she had been anxious to go out with the dogs. I had just told her that they would do it from security a security standpoint...  

"Ready to start again Chris?" A voice said trough the speaker. "Yeah ready..." I said smiling. God i loved this, this is amazing i am going to be part of an animated Disney movie and i am so excited. The only thing that had could made it better was Vi here. But when i said i would turn it down because she could not come along. Vi told me i was crazy and that i was not going to miss out on this because she was not allowed to come...

A few hours in and i am going over the next page when i hear a commotion. When i look up my heart sinks as i see Mark and Detective Smith standing at the other side of the glass. Them being here is not good...  The looks on their faces told me that it was bad... Really bad. I just stand there frozen, looking at them as they say something to the people in the room with them. I can't hear what, but the people immediately stand up and walk out without any protest. 

Mark presses a button, and his voice fills the room. I am still frozen on the spot. I know i should react but i am scared for what is to come. "Chris, could you come over here we need to tell you..." He started to say... "Which hospital..." I said interrupting him. He sighed and shook his head... "Chris... You really..." He started to say but panic and anger set in... "Which hospital!" I now yelled anger taking the main stage. "No hospital..." He said trough the speaker. 

I felt the blood drain from my face... It was getting hard to breathe and his words were like a punch to the gut... A slap in my face and i felt like i was dying... I dropped to my knees... She is dead, was all i could think... My wife and baby dead... He got to her... He killed her. I was feeling dizzy and, in a daze, as if my world had stopped turning and every ounce of joy was ripped away from me... "Chris..." I now heard a voice say right beside me and i look up through the tears streaming down my face... "She is dead... Isn't she..." I whisper my chest feeling heavy as it was getting harder to breathe. "We dont know..." Mark said in a calm tone and i looked up at him and then to the Detective standing next to him.  I manage to stumble to my feet again and i look at them confused... 

"They were loading the groceries in the car... Your wife was sitting in the backseat when her ex-husband sneaked up to the security detail... He shot them and then proceeded to walk to the passenger seat where she was waiting for the security detail to load everything up... He knocked her out and took her..." The Detective said taking over the conversation. I just look at him with a blank stare... "Mr. Evans... We think she is alive... If he wanted her dead, he would have done it then and there." He explained... I looked him and then at Mark wiping away my tears. "You guys know how to get her back right?  Please tell me that you guys know how to get my wife and baby back... Please..." I pleaded... "Please i need them back..." I whisper...

About an hour later and Mark and i arrived at the house... Ma and Scott were waiting for me there. Mark had someone bring them so i wouldn't be alone. I feel numb... I am here but i am not... Nothing is landing all i can think about is Vi... I silently begged her to fight for us... For our baby... I thought about what he would do to her, and it made me sick... The idea of her... Alone... With him while he was doing God knows what to her... It broke me... 

Mark had to go to the hospital. Nick was out of danger, but Leon was still in surgery and as much as i should feel bad for them getting shot... I couldn't right now... My numbness was slowly fading away, and anger was replacing it... I had so many emotions sourcing through my body but above all i was mad... Mark had promised me they would keep her safe... They failed... That bastard took Vi and my baby. 

Ma came rushing over to me hugging me tight as she was sobbing. Scott just stood there he had been crying to. "They are going to find her, Chris..."  Ma whispered. I nodded as she led me to the couch. I was feeling numb again... The house felt empty without Vi, the dogs where restless wondering around the house looking for her confused why she wasn't home and why we were all crying. I am just as confused as my emotions are all over the place, from anger to feeling numb to despair and back to anger... 

I looked at my phone and saw a missed call from Vi. I pressed the button for my voicemail and her voice sounded through my speaker. Her sweet voice... All of a sudden it hit me... She made this call sitting in the car waiting for Nick and Leon to get in the car. Her sweet soft voice telling me she just called to hear my voice... Only to be cut off all of a sudden by two loud bangs and then nothing but a gasp from her... Followed by a door opening and a dark sinister voice saying... "Hello darling... missed me..." The words should be sweet, but they sounded ominous... Evil, something straight out of a horror movie... 

The room started spinning it was getting harder to breath and ma and Scott rushed over to me to see what was wrong. It took them half an hour to get me to calm down and when i finally was, i told Scott to call the detective... To tell him everything was on my voicemail. They looked at me in shock and i played the message again. Ma started crying and Scott immediately called the Detective who told him he would be right over. 

I stood up and started pacing the room, i needed to do something there must be something i could do.... I could go looking, sent out a tweet to get people to go look out for her... Something. "God i am useless!" I yelled throwing the glass of water ma had gotten for me against the wall. "The one thing i promised her i do, is protect her..." I yelled as my anger turned against myself... 

"Sweetheart... You need to calm down..." Ma said and i snapped. "DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" I yelled. I slapped my hand in front of my mouth. " sorry." I said shocked at my own reaction... I have never yelled at my mother before... I know if it was under different circumstances, she would not take the disrespect...  She walked over to me... "It's okay sweetheart... I understand but you need to stay calm. You're not going to be of any help throwing glasses against the wall." She said... I nodded and hung my head in shame. I never yell at my mom, let alone want to scare her by throwing stuff like some sort of caveman. "I am scared, ma..." I whisper and she hugged me again. "Scared and i feel useless... Sitting here just waiting... I should do something." I say crying, clinging to ma...  "Maybe ask the Detective if there is anything you can do." She whispers...

Scott walked in Detective in tow and another man i didn't know. "Chris this is Detective Lee... He will be working with me." He explained. I nod at the man and take my phone handing it to them. "The last message... You can hear him... Talking to her... Before the line goes silent." I whisper. 

Detective Smith took the phone and played the message. I close my eyes as i feel sick hearing it again but i force myself to listen... To focus on her voice at the beginning of the message... Her sweetly saying she wanted to hear my voice... But the more i listen to it the more i hear the underlining tone... She sounded worried... As if she knew something was up... Detective Lee did something with my phone telling me he was sending the message to his work phone. They also informed me that another Detective was going to stay at the house, and they would set up a track and trace on my phones just in case contact was made. They wanted to be prepared if there was going to be a ransom call... Even though we all knew that that was not his end goal... We would not hear from him... They could not risk it though...  I nodded and told them it was fine at this point they could do anything as long as they brought Vi and our baby home.  

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