Chapter 89

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Vi pov...

I am 32 weeks pregnant now. We just came home from my check up and everything was going great. The baby was growing and everything was okay. Seeing our baby on the screen was such a magical thing every time. If it where up to me i would buy such a machine for at home. To get to look at him whenever i wanted. After talking with Chris about my nightmares, it went allot better and the weren't every night anymore. I felt allot more rested. 

Chris had gone back to work on the animated movie he was part off. I had been to the store a few times and as promised i kept it easy. Not that i needed to do anything as Cecile had everything under control. I invited her to dinner as Chris and i had talked about it and we were gonna ask Cecile and Scott to be godparents of our little boy. I had visited the store again today to take pictures of Ms. B and princess... She had hugged me and i think i even saw a few tears... She was so sweet... After i left the store i went shopping for dinner. This was gonna be the first time i was going back to the grocery store and i was a bit anxious. I was on my way when my phone rang.  

"Hey love are you still at the store?" I smiled as it was Chris. "No i am on my way to the grocery store..." I said trying my best to keep the anxiety out of my voice, but failed... The line went silent for a moment. "Love are you sure you wanna do that alone, the first time?" I sigh knowing i was getting more anxious the closer i got. "The reason i am calling is that due to some technical issue's i got off earlier." I hummed in response. "Why dont you pull over at the flower shop and wait for me there and we will go together."  He says and i  let out a sigh of relief, i didn't know i was holding. "Love...?" He said as i did not respond and took a deep breath... "Yeah, meet you at the flower shop..." I responded and drove there. 

Half an hour later Chris parked beside me and got out of the car. He smiled as i was already sitting in the passenger seat and he walked around the car and got behind the wheel.  "You okay, Love?" I nodded but i could see he was not convinced. "You can give me the list and i can go in alone..." He said smiling but i shook my head. "I have to go back sooner or later this is the store closest to home, i am not gonna drive an hour out of the way to do groceries every time." He chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss.

"My strong stubborn and gorgeous wife." He whispered. I smirked. "You say it like it is a bad thing?" He chuckled and started the car taking off leaving his here behind to pick up later. We parked in the parking lot and i looked over to the spot i had been taken. I felt Chris his hand wrap around mine. "Breath love, it is okay... Nobody is going to hurt you and i am here with you..." I looked up at him and smiled before we walked towards the entrance. I was still feeling a little anxious but unlike last time, i didn't had the feeling of being watched. Chris got a shopping cart, and we walked through the aisles hand in hand. "Before i forget to tell you... The wedding planner called, and she got the place..." Chris looked down at me and smiled. "That is great news." He said beaming.  I was still anxious, but Chris held my hand tight and as always having him with me made me feel safe and the anxiety slowly started to fade.

We gathered our stuff and walked to check out. I smiled as i saw the same girl that was here that day. Her line was longer but i made her a promise and i was intent on keeping it. I explained it to Chris, and he smirked shaking his head but followed me into the line. She turned bright red when it was our turn and Chris took a picture with her. He hugged her, thanking her for her kindness and help with everything that had happened. She was bright red but had a face splitting smile. I love how he interacts with his fans, always kind and when he can he always makes time. 

We walked back to the car with our shopping and Chris put it in the back. I was standing beside him looking around as i didn't want to wait in the car. A part of me still expecting for someone to show up and the nightmare to start again. After Chris had put everything in the back, he helped me in and kissing me passionately before closing the door. I locked the doors as he walked around making sure nobody could get in, in the short period it took Chris to walk around the car. I know it was silly, but my therapist had said i had to do what makes me feel safe. 

Chris got in and i pulled him into a kiss. "Thank you for coming with me..." I whisper. He smiles and caresses my cheek. "No problem love... Anything for you." He says smiling... God this man... Sometimes it was still hard to believe he was real... Always there... Always understanding... Rarely losing patience and if he did, never with me. Dont get me wrong i had seen him angry or mad. Never at me though, and as soon as he saw me that mood would disappear.  

"So does this mean we can send out the official invitations." He said smiling pulling me out my thoughts. I nodded, we had sent a save the date to all our friends and family... Almost immediately after deciding to hold a wedding. Most invitations were for family and friends of Chris... I hadn't had contact with my family in a long time and i wasn't planning on reaching out. My mother would have rather seen me die at the hands of that monster then support me through a divorce... Because what would people think. I had a few people here in Boston i wanted to invite but most of the guest would be for him. 

"I already told the planner to go ahead and send them out, hope that that is okay. " I say smiling shyly at him. "Of course..." He said smiling back as we drove to pick up his car at the flower shop. 

We arrive at the flower shop and Chris watches me drive off, making sure i was save and on my way. I arrive home and as promised i would leave the groceries in the car. Chris never wanted me to carry something. If he could, he would carry my purse around all day for me. 

I call Lisa. I now have the chance as Chris is not here still. Cecile was my maid of honor and even though, i had already bought a dress right after we decided to have a wedding. I was too big now to find a wedding dress that is why i already had bought one early on... I wanted to go dress shopping with the girls... I wanted to buy them all a dress... They had always been here for me and to thank them for that, i had decided that i would buy Chris his mother and sister as well as Cecile and Scarlet a dress to wear. 

Chris being curious about my dress took any opportunity to snoop. So, all the dress talk had to be when he was not around. Scarlet was flying in especially for this and was going to stay with us. I had to call Lisa to confirm the time with her, so we could meet up at the store. I had planned a whole day just us girls...Lunch and going to get Mani's just make a day of it. 

After i had confirmed the time with Lisa and we talked for a bit, Chris came home and i started cooking for dinner with Cecile and Scott. Chris helped as he didn't want me to do the heavy lifting and after everything was in the oven, i went to change. Chris went to walk the dogs and just when he got back the doorbell rang. 

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