Chapter 110

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We are a few weeks later everything is going well. Storm is growing fast, and God is he cute everyday he starts to look more like his dad. I feel strange today.... Strange in a good way though... I just can't put my finger on it. I shrug it off and continue cleaning singing and dancing along the way. I was doing a deep clean...

I could hear Storm fuss in his crib so i walked in the nursery and smiled as he was making sounds and stretching his little hands out to the me. I gave him a bath, dressed him again and then went to the kitchen to make him a bottle. All the while the dogs followed me everywhere i would go. The dogs where always near Storm, it was so sweet to see. When he would be in his rocking egg that we got from Robert and Susan. You could see their head follow the movements of the chair it was the cutest thing ever. 

Chris was at work filming here in Boston and i loved it, it meant he was home every night and life was so deliciously.... Normal... My phone rang and i smiled as Lisa's picture appeared in the screen. I answered and she asked me if i would like to have lunch. I agreed and told her i would pick her up after i was done giving Storm his bottle. 

I had just put Storm in his car seat and put him in the car when Chris called. "Hey sweetie what's up?" I said answering the phone on the cars hands free system. "Nothing just wanted to check in." He said and i smiled. Every day around lunch time he would check in. "Are you in the car?" He asked. "Yeah, i am on my way to pick up your mom, we are going out for lunch." I smiled as i looked in the rear-view mirror and Storm was playing with his own feet. 

"Take her to that little Bistro... It's her favorite. I will call them and make a reservation for you and ma" Chris said "Will do..." I chirped trough the phone. "Somebody sound extra bubbly today..." He said and i chuckled. Chris could pick up on even the slightest mood changes even though the phone. "Yeah, it's a really nice day, dont know why just feeling... In a great mood."  He chuckles. 

"How is your day going?" We talk for another few minutes and then he has to go back to set but not before he promises to make the reservation.  I start the car and take off to Lisa's house. "Sorry i was later then promised. Chris called just when i was about to take off and rather not talk on the phone in the car even if it is handsfree..." She smiles at me as she looks in the back where Storm is now sleeping. "That's okay sweetheart... Where do you wanna go for lunch?" She says smiling at me.  "Chris is making reservations for us at that little bistro you like." I explain. She smiles and i drive off.  "How are you coping with Chris being gone all day?" Lisa asks. I chuckle..."It's less work that is for sure..." Lisa laughs smiling at me. "No seriously i am doing fine it feels... Deliciously normal somehow. Him filming in Boston and having him home every night is just amazing... Too bad not all movies can be shot in Boston" Lisa chuckles. 

We arrive at the bistro and get seated as soon as we walk through the door. Lisa and i had a delicious lunch. The food was great, and the company was even better. "Do you wanna do some shopping with me?" I ask Lisa as we finish up lunch. She agrees and we take off. As we walk around Boston shopping i can see paparazzi around but i am determent to not let them spoil my day. I am in too good of a mood and not even they can spoil it. 

"Do you ever have this feeling a strange feeling...but in a good way...." I ask Lisa. "What do you mean?" She asks me as i put a blanket over the pram so the paparazzi can't take photos of Storm. "Dont know, can't put my finger on it... I feel jolly and dont know why?" Lisa chuckles. "Stop questioning it and enjoy it sweetie." She says giving my hand a quick squeeze and i grin at her. "You're right now let's go buy Storm some new outfits."  I say smiling as we walk into this little baby boutique. 

After dropping Lisa off at home, i make my way home with Storm. I smile as i see Chris is already home, his car in the driveway. I get out of the car and i see him walking up with the dogs in tow as he probably went to walk them. He grins seeing me and as he leans in for a quick kiss i wrap my arms around his neck kissing him passionately. He grins... "Well, somebody is still in a great mood." He says smiling. "I'll show how much of a good mood i am in as soon as i have given Storm his bottle and put him to bed." I whisper in his ear. "I'll hold you to that princess..." He growls back I chuckle as he squeezes my ass.  "Can you help me with the bags? I did a little shopping with your mother." He smiles..."And yes your mom made me use your money..." I say rolling my eyes knowing what he was going to say. "Our money sweetheart...Our money..." I roll my eyes and take Storm out of his car seat, and he is murmuring as he is getting fussy. 

While Chris drags all the bags in, i feed Storm before putting him in the Crib for sleep time. I smile as he quickly dozes off. I hum as i freshen myself up a little before walking to the kitchen where Chris just puts the last of the bags on the table. "Did you buy anything for yourself? I only see baby store bags." I chuckle and pull one little bag out of the pile. "I did..." I say holding up the little bag and Chris starts to laugh. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me passionately. I melt into the kiss and just as i am about to pull his shirt over his head my phone rings. "Saved by the bell..." I say smirking as i grab it and pick it up. 

"Mrs. Vance?" A voice on the other end of the line says. "It's Evans nowadays but yes this is she..."  I say while smirking at Chris... The person on the other end of the line continues but i am not really listening as Chris is distracting me... That is until it suddenly hit what they are saying and in shock i sink down to my knees dropping my phone... and i break out crying...

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