Chapter 80

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Vi pov...

With his hand on my lower back sending tingles through my body Chris leads me into the restaurant. Two security guys following us to the door just in case the press shows up. They had been brought in again after the news got out about what happened... Just to make sure we would not get overrun by paparazzi. We get seated by the host and Chris thanks him before pulls out my chair and i sit down. He waves over a waiter, and we order some drinks. Chris a beer and i a sparkling water as there is of course no drinking for me. I look at Chris and smile as he takes my hand in his rubbing over it before pulling it to his lips kissing it. 

Our drinks arrive in record time, and we toast on the future and leaving the past in the past. The waiter comes back with menu's and as i look over it i can't decide. My cravings are kicking in but i dont know what i am craving exactly... It is all looking so good...... 

"Can't decide love?" Chris says smiling as he puts his menu away. He has already made his choice while i still haven't even picked the first course. "I am sorry... I can't decide between two..." I say blushing going over the menu again. He chuckles and takes the menu from me. I want to protest but he cuts me off. What if i order one and you order the other and we can share. I smile and nod and when the waiter comes over Chris orders both dishes and our main courses. The waiter leaves and Chris kisses my hand again. "Happy?" He asks and i blush and nod. "Very..." I say beaming back at him. 

"I have to admit, i have an agenda for going out to dinner..." I whisper. Chris looks at me surprised. "And what is this agenda, love..." He asks smirking. I blush as he never let's go of my hand. He is playing with my fingers distracting me. I compose myself shaking the dirty thoughts of him fucking me in the restroom out of my mind. "Something i heard when i was unconscious in the hospital and if i am right Robert was the one who said it..." I whisper. Chris looks at me...confused...surprised... I can't put my finger on it. 

"About the fact that you took away the chance of them finally seeing you getting married..."  I say in a soft tone... "Oh love... He was just joking..." Chris says smiling... "Yeah i know, i know..." I respond taking a deep breath... "But it got me thinking... After everything that happened i think we could use a celebration... To celebrate our love... So what if we after the baby is born hold a wedding for everyone and renew our vows..." I blush as i await his answer anxious for his reaction. Maybe he thinks it is a waste or just doesn't want to. He smiles once again kissing my hand. He is about to answer when our first course arrives. The waiter puts the food in front of us and i am momentarily distracted as the food looks really good. 

"Love...?" Chris says and i look up at him and he smirks... "Wauw distracted by food, do i need to get worried..." He jokes and i giggle. "Dont worry I'll eat you later..." I whisper and he almost chokes on the sip of his drink he just took. He grins and shakes his head. "To answer your question...I love that idea, love." He says and i blush. "I know it is a long time away but... Well planning takes time and if you are okay with it, i would really like to go all out..." I whisper... He smiles. "If that is what you want, that is what you get... But... Only if it is something you want... Not something you want to do because of what you heard." He says and i shake my head. "To be honest... It started with that... but after everything that happened... The idea of celebrating us with our friends and family really makes me excited." I explain. "Then let's do it..." He says smiling and i feel all excited and giddy. 

He asks about my ideas while we eat switching plates halfway through. I tell him what i had in mind but that i really wanted it to be our day. So i wanted to plan together. He agreed but reminded me that what the bride wanted the bride would get... I protested saying i didn't want to be a Bridezilla and he chuckles. "Love... You dont have that in you." He says and i raise my eyebrow at him and he chuckles again. "Well, this bride wants you to be involved and since what the bride wants the bride gets..." I say smirking at him and he laughs...

As the main course comes i look at my plate disappointed as his looks so much better. He sees and chuckles switching plates without even asking as he reads me like an open book. I take a bite and smirk at him while he eats what i ordered. 

As we finish our food, he calls over the waiter and i look at him blushing as he orders the desert i walked out on the last time we were here. I smile at him. "Would you have thought we would be sitting here married?" I whisper. "No..." He says giving me a sad smile. "I thought i really blew it. But i told myself, if i ever had the chance... I would not fuck up again." He says and i giggled. He smiled at me again. "God, i could never get enough of you giggling..." He sighs which had me blushing, my cheeks bright red. 

"Can i ask you something?" Chris said looking at me serious. I nod, waiting for what is to come. A small smirk forming on his lips as he looked at me. "Would i have gotten lucky that night... If i hadn't screwed up?" I start laughing and pretend to gasp offended... "Mr. Evans... What do you think of me... Do you think i would be so easy?" I joke and he chuckles and shakes his head... "No... Of course, not... But before everything with Scott happened... Did you think about it?" He asks and i giggle... "I guess we will never know... But hey, guess what..." I say and he looks at me... "What?" He asks and i giggle again... "You are definitely getting lucky tonight..." I say winking. 

The waiter comes with our desert and i lick my lips. "Or maybe, i order another one of these to take home and just eat this instead of you." I murmur. Chris starts laughing. After desert i excuse myself going to the restroom. When i come back i giggle at the takeout container sitting on the table. "So that you have a choice when we get home." He says winking at me with a big smile. I lean over the table and kiss him. "Did anyone ever tell you...That you have the most amazing smile..." I say as we break apart and now it is his turn to blush. "They have... but somehow coming from you... It's better." He mumbles still blushing.

"Can we go home?" I softly moan in his ear... Chris nods stands up and holds out his hand for me to take. He leaves money on the table with a big tip for our waiter and we walk out, our arms linked. As predicted the paparazzi is outside the restaurant but with our security we make if fairly quick to the car. After we got in and the door closes behind Chris we take off.

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