Chapter 101

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Chris pov...

After i had left the house with ma, leaving Vi and Storm with Scarlet and Cecile, i sighed. Ma let out a little chuckle. "Dont worry, we will distract you sweetheart and you will see them again tomorrow". I sighed looking down at my hands. "I know... i know... It is just hard being away from them...."   I mumble wanting to go back. Ma patted my knee a big smile on her face. "I am so proud of you sweetheart... I always was, but i started to think you would never have what you really wanted in life... Now i know you were just waiting for her. Seeing you as a dad and husband... Well, that is a great joy..." I looked at her and just smiled. "They make is easy..."  I whisper.

We arrived at ma's house and got out of the car. I put a smile on my face, grabbed my bag and we walked inside. My smile turned into a real one, when i see my brother and sisters are already here. They walk over to me giving me hugs. I smirk at them as they are all in pj's. Scott hands me one to for me to wear, making me chuckle and shake my head. I go and change and when i come back sit between them on the couch. I look at ma who has the biggest smile on her face as her kids are at home again. No spouses no kids just us. 

They weren't kidding about distracting me. We play board games and just have some quality family time. Even though i enjoy it and definitely have fun, i can't help but miss Vi and Storm. I can't help but sneak out the room and call Vi to check in. Vi tells me she is going to bed. I wish her goodnight and walk back to my family. An hour later i go to bed to, wanting to be rested and hope that by going to sleep time goes by quicker. God i am pathetic, i think to myself. 

I crawl into bed and try to sleep but i miss Vi being wrapped around me. Strange how something can become so normal that you only realize how much you need it when it is not there. I twist and turn staring at the ceiling until i finally fall asleep. 

I wake up in the morning and i can smell breakfast coming from downstairs. I walk down and smile as everyone is up already sitting around the kitchen. Ma gives me a plate of food and i kiss her cheek thanking her. "How did you sleep?" Carly asks and i shrug my shoulders. They all chuckle. "What?" I say looking around me confused. "God never thought you would be this big of a sap" Scott says smirking. "Scott... Girls... stop teasing your brother..." Ma says smirking looking at us.

After i helped ma clean up, it is time for us to go get ready and everyone heads in different directions.  The girls have a make-up and hair team coming and after they are done with them they work on mine and Scott's hair. I smile as everyone is ready to go and they all look so nice. Ma and the girls look beautiful in their dark blue dresses and Stella who was brought over earlier by Carly's husband looked adorable in her dress and hair all done. She was twirling around to a point Carly had to stop her because otherwise her breakfast would come back up again. 

We got in the cars to go to the venue, where Carly and Shanna would greet the guests. Scott and i were supposed to wait in a suite, the wedding planner had set up. Vi would have to wait at the other side of the venue. I was anxious and excited at the same time and i had to take a deep breath as the wedding planner told me it was time for me to go out there. I smile a bit uncomfortable by all the eyes on me. You would say i am used to this, but nothing compares to this. 

I see my Marvel family and friends from school and as i look around i see one person missing... Robert. I can see Susan... But no Robert... I dont have long to think about it as i see Scarlet coming up with Storm in her arms and she greets Colin first giving him a quick kiss before walking up to me with Storm. "Storm is being a bit fussy and i can't seem to calm him down..." She whispers blushing. I smile and take him from her, and he stops fussing and Scarlet rolls her eyes. "It's okay, i will hold him... He is just missing his mommy."  I look at my perfect little boy with his mother's nose and i smile. "Scott, would you mind holding him during the ceremony?"  I ask him. "Of course, not..." He says smiling back at me. Scarlet nods before taking her seat next to Colin. 

The curtain opens again, and Cecile walks down the aisle taking her place at the podium. She nods at me and i smile back at her. "How is she?"  I mouth to her. She smiles. "A bit nervous but excited" she whispers back and for some reason that makes me feel a bit better that i am not the only one. 

The music starts and the funniest thing ever happens Mackie and Seb skipping along the aisle throwing rose peddles around making a whole spectacle and everyone laughs. God i feel sorry that Vi doesn't get to see this... This is the best thing ever. The smirk at me after they are done and take a bow before sitting down. 

The music starts and i look down at storm who had fallen asleep. When i look up again the curtains open and my jaw drops to the floor. At the arm of Robert, Vi walks in. She is wearing the most beautiful dress i have ever seen and she looks like a...a... Princess. I groan internally as i know this is intentional but God, she has never looked more beautiful.... She is glowing as she walks over to me and i can't help that a tear breaks free running over my cheek. Scott hands me a tissue. "She looks gorgeous..." He whispers and i nod but my eyes never leaving her as she slowly walks towards me. 

I can see that she is nervous with all the attention on her. People ooh and aah about how beautiful she looks. I can't help but feel proud by the fact that she chose a dress she liked and didn't seem to care anymore that some of her scars where showing... It didn't matter anyway. She is and will always be the most beautiful woman there is in this world to me. 

Robert hands her over to me and warns me to take good care of her and i tell him i will for the rest of my life. Vi steps in front of me kissing Storms little cheek and the loving gesture makes me weak in the knees. She then looks up at me and our lips meet giving each other a kiss. We needed that kiss as stupid and sentimental it sounds.  We both didn't like being apart and this kiss was needed. But i chuckled as everyone protested saying we missed a few steps and Vi catches me off guard by looking at them sticking out her tongue... It is adorable... She tells them it is here wedding, so her rules. 

The officiant steps forward and Vi hands off her flowers while i carefully give a sleeping Storm to Scott. 

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