Chapter 105

469 22 3

Chris pov...

People are dancing and drinking and just having a good time. I smile as Scott and Vi are dancing like idiots in the middle of the dance floor. Vi is a bit tipsy having had a few drinks. She looks so happy, and it warms my heart. 

I just love how she gets on with everyone whether it is my friends from work or my hometown friends... Everybody loves her... She is welcoming and sweet to everyone. Or maybe it is because she doesn't seem to care about the fame...or the money... She doesn't treat my hometown friends different than my work friends. She hasn't spent a dime that i put into our joint account other than for bills or Storm and even for Storm, she barely touches it. The bills were being paid and every month she would put her share in it and other than that she would not touch it... To be honest it frustrated me sometimes as i wish she would spoil herself a little more... I just hoped that with time she would... Because she deserves the best.

"Are you listening Evans?" Mackie says pulling me out of my stare and thoughts. "Isn't she amazing..." I say ignoring his question... "Yeah she is... You didn't hear my question... Didn't you?" He asks shaking his head a small grin on his face. I smile and look at him... "Yeah, something about, if Vi would mind you asking Cecile out... The answer is no she wouldn't mind... Why do you think you are sat next to her at dinner... But i will tell you now...Hurt Cecile and Vi will come for you..." I say smirking as i pat his shoulder "Oh and i won't stand in her way... Because buddy... I have seen her angry once... let's just say... She may be tiny... But damn... She will not take prisoners..."  I say shaking my head looking back at the dancefloor and not seeing Vi anymore... "Just figure out what you really want from Cecile before you act... Because i made vows... And i am pretty sure this entails that if Vi kills you, i am obliged to help her hide your body..." I say smirking, take a deep breath before going to find my wife for another dance. 

I smile as i find her dancing with Hemsworth who is pulling out all his dancing with the stars moves. Vi is giggling as he spins her around. "Mind if i cut in?"  I ask and Hemsworth grins at me taking a step back. "She is a tough one... can't seem to get her convinced that i am the better Chris."  He says and i chuckle. Vi giggles as she steps towards me and wraps her arms around me before looking at Hemsworth. "That is because you are not the better Chris..." She says smirking. "Oh, whatever you're bias" Hemsworth says rolling his eyes.... "Yeah, well so are you!" Vi says sticking out her tongue. "My lovely husband, please take me to get another drink" She says batting her eyes at me. I smirk. "Well, you heard the lady off to the bar we go". She waves at Hemsworth as we walk away and i can't help but grin. 

Vi stops me halfway to the bar. "Can you help me in the bathroom with my dress?" She whispers blushing. "I really need to pee..." I chuckle and grab her hand dragging her to the bathroom as she follows me giggling. I enter the room and lock the door behind us and as soon as i have done this, she grabs me pushing me up against the wall kissing me. "Princess... I thought you needed to pee?" I groan and she smirks at me... "I lied..." She says whispering before sinking down on her knees and opening my pants. 

Before i can even say another word, her lips are around my dick sucking me in. "Fuuuuck!"  I say groaning looking down at her in her wedding dress on her knees my dick in her mouth. She looks up at me and her eyes twinkle. She bobs her head up and down and God it feels good. "Such a good little princess..." I moan. Her tongue runs up and down my shaft like it is a popsicle before she takes me in again... Taking me in deep. 

Fuck i already can feel my dick twitch. She keeps going bobbing her head up and down until i release in her mouth with a loud groan. She sucks me dry taking every last drop showing me her tongue after she swallowed it all. She stands back up as i catch my breath. A few moments later i kiss her hard before readjusting my clothes and she smiles. "I love you Mr. Evans." She says. "Everything has been like a fairy tale today... I couldn't have wished for a more beautiful wedding..." She whispers. I smile and kiss her again. "Just glad you're happy love..." I say before taking her hand and unlocking the door. 

We walk out and bump into Scott. "Again?" He says rolling his eyes. "Oh, calm down i only helped her with her dress to pee..." I lie to him. "Right..." Scott says looking at us both to see if we are telling the truth. I take Vi's hand and we walk back to the party. 

After dancing with Vi for a while and talking with some guests i go to check up on Storm. The nurse is feeding him as i walk in and i smile. After staying for a few minutes i walk back to the party where people are laughing and having fun and i pause for a moment to take it all in.  "Are you happy?" I hear a voice say and i turn to see Carly standing beside me. "More than happy..." I say smiling at her.  "Good you deserve it..." She says hugging me. I blush..."Thanks." 

Carly smiles at me and then we both look at Vi who is laughing while talking to Cecile and Scarlet. "I am glad to see Vi is doing so well after everything that happened..."  Carly murmurs and i nod... I chuckle as Vi, Scarlet and Cecile almost double over laughing at something. "Yeah, she is amazing... Adamant to not let that bastard have any more influence on her live. Sometimes she has a moment where it all comes back but they are getting less and less..." Carly hugs me again. "She is strong Chris...she told me things and i can't imagine how she got through that and still be so..."    She mumbles and i  sigh... " Positive, bubbly...happy?" I answer. "Yeah, all that..." Carly whispers. 

A few hours later Vi is sitting in my lap while we talk with the people surrounding us. "I am so tired..." She whispers. "Would it be rude if we leave our own party?" I chuckle... "Love, as long as we keep the bar open, we can go whenever we want." I whisper. Vi hums in my ear. "Then take me to bed Mr. Evans..." She whispers in my ear.

We make another round thanking everyone for coming and after hugging everybody we make our way to Storm first to check in one more time before we return to our suite we have for the night. We kiss him goodnight telling the nurse if anything comes up to just call our room no matter what. We say goodnight to Leon and i thank him for staying with Storm and the nurse. We walk out the room and i take Vi's hand as she looks back... Before making our way to our suite.

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