Chapter 10

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Vi pov

It had been a week and today i finally had dragged myself out of the house and to work. Lulu was going mental after being with me in the house for a week and was begging everyone for attention. She was really becoming a store favorite especially with kids. 

"Hey stranger..." I heard a familiar voice say when i was stocking some cat food. I stood up and smiled as i saw Scott standing in the cat aisle playing with some cat toy. "Hi." I said as he walked over hugging me. "Wait... you are no longer contagious, are you?" He said smirking. I rolled my eyes. "Nope..." I said. "Good..." He said pulling me into a hug again. 

"So, where you in the neighborhood?" I asked. "Yeah, thought i stop by... I just dropped Chris off at the airport. He has to go to New York for a few days to promote a movie on the tonight show." Scott said smiling. I nodded my chest contracting at the mentioning of Chris but i managed to keep calm and neutral... "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner at ma's tomorrow night.... Ma asked me to invite you. She and my sisters really wanted to see you, besides ma said she needed to feed you seeing you have been sick." Scott says smirking and i chuckle...

"Sure..." I said smiling. Knowing Chris was in New York and not going to be there, gave me enough confidence to face them... After all they couldn't help what happened, it wasn't their fault. I liked hanging out with them... "Should i bring something?" I asked Scott. "Nope just little old you..." Scott says with a triumphed smirk... "Tell your mother ill bring dessert..." I said smiling. "Okay..." He said grinning. 

It was the next day and i had gone home early, to make dessert for dinner at Lisa's.  After dessert was done i freshened up and changed loading Lulu in the car and drove to Lisa's house. Even though Scott had told me Chris wouldn't be there i had been nervous all day... What if he had lied and Chris was there. 

He wouldn't do that would he? Besides Chris wouldn't have told him about that night.... He was too ashamed to be caught having dinner with me, to tell them... I drove up to the house and let out a sigh of relief as i only saw the girl's cars and Scott's. I let Lulu out the car and grabbed the dessert and walked to the door. Before i could even knock the door swung open and Scott let me in smiling taking the dessert over from me peaking to see what i had made... "So impatient..." I said smirking. 

Lulu ran in front of us towards the kitchen, where Lisa was cooking. Shanna, Carly and her kids were sitting at the table. The kids where all over Lulu who was loving the attention. "Can we go play with her in the yard?" They ask and i smile... "If it is okay with your mom and grandma..." I say and they look at them. It was okay and they ran outback with Lulu hot on their tail. 

I went to greet Lisa giving her a hug and then Carly and Shanna. "Glad to see you are feeling better..." Lisa said smiling. "Yeah..." I said a blush creeping on my face. "What did you have?" Shanna asked looking at me with a weird look in her eyes. "Oh, just a stomach bug nothing serious." They seemed to accept my answer and i let out a silent sigh of relief. 

"So... What have you guys been up to?" I ask smiling, putting up a brave face and pushing Chris to the back of my mind.  Carly talks about the antics the kids have been up to, driving her crazy all week, Shanna talks about work and Scott about the latest project he is rehearsing for. I smile as they talk, loving to hear about their lives. When it is time for dinner i walk outback to get the kids so they can wash up.  I help Lisa serve the food and we sit down to eat. The kids are chatting about all the thing going on in their lives and i smile. 

"I wanted to ask you something..." Lisa says. I look at her and she smiles. "Since you did such a good job on the photos from Chris and Dodger. I was wondering if you could take our family picture this year..." She asks. I internally panic knowing that a family picture means having Chris there as well... But i can't think of anything to get out of it. 

I also start to wonder what he has told them about our dinner... An earlier comment from Shanna came back into my mind, not the comment itself... But the look she gave me. "Vi?" Lisa says pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah sure... Sounds fun... I would love to..." I say giving her a small smile. "I will pay you of course..." She says and i chuckle... "Lisa, i dont want your money. Just tell me where and when and i will be there. I am sure i can make it work with the store." I tell her... "Excellent!" She says clapping her hands exited. She talks a bit what she wants for the photo and i chuckle as i hear Scott and his sisters groan. 

Dinner goes by and it was delicious. I give everyone a plate of my dessert and they all eat giving me compliments. After dessert is finished and we all helped clean up the kitchen, i tell everyone i am going home. 

"Oh, come on Vi... Just stay a little longer... We can play a game or something." Shanna pleads with me... I hesitate but something feels off and my gut feeling is telling me to go home. "No i am sorry... I have an early supplier tomorrow. I really should go home, still have some paperwork to do..." I say smiling not letting on that the uneasy feeling is growing inside me. 

I see Shanna texting on her phone before looking up at me and then texting again. "I really should go..." I say standing up. I get my coat and purse before i call out for Lulu. "Are you sure?" Lisa asks looking at me confused on why, i have the sudden urge to get out of here. "Yes, i am sorry... Dinner was amazing and i dont want to be rude to dine and dash... But i already missed a week of work and i promised Cecile she can have the day off tomorrow... So, i have to be there really early." I say and Shanna walks over to me... "Just stay for one drink..." Shanna pleads, but her plea only makes me want to leave more... I know something is up... I can feel it... I just need to get out of here... "Shanna, she told you she needs to go..." Lisa said looking at her daughter. I give Lisa a hug and continue saying goodbye to everyone. I hug the kids and promise them i will be back soon with Lulu. Just as i am to open the front door it swings open hitting me in the face and i feel blood gushing down my face. 

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