Chapter 136

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Vi pov...

We are a few weeks after our dinner with Robert and Susan. Everything had calmed down thankfully. Chris has been working a lot. He is tired... He says he is okay, but i notice in everything that he is exhausted.... Thankfully he has a few days off and he can recharge for a bit. "Time to go buddy." I say grabbing Storm his bag and i walk to the car where Leon is waiting. Robert and Susan have agreed to take Storm for 2 days. I was going to pamper my hard-working man. 

We drove to Robert and Susans house and after i had kissed Storm goodbye for like a million times i got back into the car and Leon brought me home. 

After cleaning the house for a bit and letting the dogs outside i started dinner as Chris had texted that he would be home in about an hour. While dinner was in the oven i went to the bedroom and changed into something comfortable, something i knew Chris loved me wearing.... meaning panties and one of his shirts. 

As i was finishing up on setting the table i heard the front door open and close. "Hey love..." He said smiling at me as he walked into the kitchen but stopping dead in his tracks looking me up and down before looking around. "What is all this...?" He says smiling. I walk over to him wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. 

"Hello honey..." I said in my sweetest voice. I can feel his hands glide under my shirt and rub me up and down before he takes my ass in his hands, giving it a little squeeze. "You have been working so hard... So, i thought i surprise you with a bit of pampering.... Storm is with Susan and Robert for 2 days.... So, we have some alone time.... I think we are long overdue..." He leans down and kisses me. "Pampering huh..." He says smirking. "Oh yeah... i have it all planned out." 

The oven dings and i release Chris and tell him to go change and freshen up, so we can have dinner. Before he walks out, he turns around and looks at me. "Can i have requests for these 2 days...?"  

I smile and nod. "Anything my dear husband wants...."  I say again in my sweetest voice. He walks up to me as i put dinner on the table. He wraps his arms around me pulling me in kissing me hard. He takes a step back and pulls the shirt i am wearing over my head. I look up at him and just smirk. He takes another step back and i giggle as he looks my up and down. "Nope still wearing too much..." He says pulling down my panties. "The next two days this is how you will be...."  He says growling kissing me and walking off again. 

I chuckle as he walks back in also completely naked. He smirks and sit down, and we eat talking about our days as if nothing is different than any other day. After dinner he wants to help me clean up but i tell him no and lead him to the bedroom. I sit him down on the bed and walk into the bathroom and draw him a bath.  When i am ready i walk back in and he looks at me confused and maybe a little uncomfortable... He is not used to being pampered and i hate that... I make a mental note to do it more often... Without saying a word i lead him to the bathroom and tell him to just relax and I'll be right back.

I quickly clean up the kitchen and let the dogs back in before i set up my surprise in the bedroom. I walk into the bathroom and smile as he is laying down his eyes closed. I sit on the edge and run my fingers through his hair.  Chris hums and opens his eyes looking up at me smiling. "Are you going to join me...?" He says smirking. I shake my head and smile back. "Nope." I say standing up and grabbing a towel. 

"Time to get out..." I say smiling. I bite my lip as my gorgeous husband rises from the water. I walk up to him and start to dry him off as he watches my every move with a hungry smile on his face. After i am done i grab his hand and lead him to the bedroom where i have set up a massage table and lit a lot of candles. 

Chris looks around and i tell him to lay down. He smirks at me and before he lays down, he pulls me in for a kiss. "I dont know what i did to deserve this love." He whispers as we break apart. "Well i do... For being amazing..." I whisper and point at the table...

He lays down and i grab the oil and i chuckle to myself.... Yes, this is for him... To help him relax... But i can't help but think about the fact that this is just as much a pleasure for me. I let my hands roam all over his body oiling him up before starting to massage his legs making my way up. As i massage his back feeling every muscle underneath my fingertips i smile. God i am having fun with this, it's like a kid playing with her favorite toy. He hummed as i massaged al the tension away.  "God this feels so good baby..." He groaned and i smiled. "Good to hear." I said as i jus continued running my hands over his back. I keep working on his back for a while working out all the tension and knots...

"Time to turn over honey..." I whispered in his ear, and he shivered making me smirk. He looks up at me with a lazy smile and i lean in for a quick kiss before i grab the oil again. He follows my every move as i oil him up. "Having fun princess?" He says his voice raspy. "So much fun." I say biting my lip looking at him. 

I massage every inch except for the part where he apparently needs me the most as his dick starts to twitch. I can feel him getting more frustrated as i keep ignoring it, his hands now squeezing my ass. I take his hand smirking at him laying it back beside him. "Be a good boy and relax baby..." I say smirking and he groans.... "Just close your eyes baby and relax...."

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