Chapter 79

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Vi pov...

I felt relieved after walking out of the appointment with the DA. It felt like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders. I didn't want to deal with this anymore. I was done having him in my life even if it was just trough a court case. He had taken too much of my life already. I couldn't and wouldn't let him have another second of it. I knew he wouldn't take the deal, just to torment me and i wasn't going to give him the satisfaction... I was done. Over the last few weeks i had been thinking a lot and i came to the conclusion that i should not give him that power over me anymore... As soon as i had made that decision i felt this calm come over me... I only wanted to focus on the future... On our baby and our marriage... I just want to be happy... 

 I waited for Chris to come outside and as i looked around i saw some people move but i didn't pay too much attention to it. You would think after everything that happened that i was scared on my own outside but knowing he was locked up... I was refusing to be afraid any longer... I was finally free... I had not been to work yet... I told Chris i wasn't ready but really it was because i was enjoying our alone time... I feel this need to be close to Chris... To be fair in the beginning only thinking of going back to work freaked me out. To be surrounded by strangers all day was not something i could handle right then... I think i would be fine now... Especially after i had decided to not let the past dictate my wonderful future anymore... My future filled with love... Of that i was absolutely sure...

Chris walked out and smiled at me. "How much trouble am i in?" I ask as he had been in there for a while after i left. "No trouble..." He said wrapping his arms around me. All of a sudden, he looked up and the people i ignored came running up to us.  Chris quickly led me away and into the parking garage where our car was, and they couldn't follow us. 

I smiled as he put the cap on my head, i know i should be bothered because them showing up there meant that people knew what had happened but like i said i didn't care anymore i was done living my life in fear of judgement of others or in fear in general. I have been to hell and back so what are they going to do?  I love you i whisper to Chris looking up at him smiling and kissing him before he closes the door and gets in himself. 

We drive of and a herd of press is gathered outside the parking garage. Chris mumbles something and calls Megan as we make our way through the crowd slowly. Thank god we anticipated on this happening and had set up a game plan. 

I grabbed his hand as he asked me if i still wanted to go out to dinner and i nodded at him before planting a kiss on his hand. I just felt happy... My ex-husband was back in jail and would certainly be watched as a hawk so he wouldn't escape again... I had my life back with the man i truly love and our little one was doing great. My finger was getting back to normal and in a week or so i could finally put my rings back on it... What also helped is that i could finally cover up the bruises with makeup. I was excited to go out to dinner with Chris just us two having a date night... Everything in our relationship went so fast that we haven't had many of those so i just couldn't wait...In my head i was already planning my outfit. I smile as i just was happy... The past is in the past and would stay there... No more looking back... No more wasting time on that...

It was like after i had almost fully healed i had a new outlook on life... No more hiding... I was done living like that if i wanted to go out with my husband and have dinner i would do that.  Who cared what some idiot on Twitter said or some stupid gossip news site or TV network...Fuck em... Life is to short...

We came home and i told Chris i was going to take a quick nap kissing he passionately before going to bed. He went into his office calling Megan for an update. After my nap i went into the bathroom and took a hot shower scrubbing every part of my body and shaving it all.  I chose a black lace lingerie set to wear and put on a tight-fitting dress. I smiled as i looked in the mirror a little bump starting to show. I was so grateful our baby was okay and i couldn't wait to find out the gender. I didn't care boy or girl i just hoped for a healthy baby. Even if that would not be the case, i know we would love them unconditionally and give them the best life possible... Filled with love.... I looked in the mirror as the door opened and i couldn't help but have a bit of an ego boost as Chris stood there watching me his mouth open.  

I asked him to zip me up and i smirked as stalks over to me running his finger over my spine making me shiver. All the while mumbling in my ear that he wants to cancel our plans. I tell him to be a good boy and he responds saying he doesn't want to be a good boy. I giggle and tell him to just zip me up and slowly he pulls up the zipper his finger once again gliding over my skin igniting a fire within me. When he is done i smile and turn around giving him a sweet soft kiss while looking him in the eyes. "Thank you..." I say as sweet as possible and walk off to the vanity swaying my hips a little more than normal to do my make up. I giggle when i hear him groan. "You're not playing fair, love." He says kissing my cheek before walking into our closet to get changed. 

I smile as Chris walks back out in a black suit with a plain white shirt underneath it. Gosh he looks yummy, maybe staying in isn't the worse idea... I shake my head and spritz on some perfume. I put on some pumps with massive heels and Chris looks me up and down licking his lips. I smirk as i make a little twirl. "You like?" I ask. He lets out a low growl. "I love..." He whispers in my ear. 

"Are you ready to go Mrs. Evans?" He asks me, holding out his arm for me to take. I smile and link my arm with his as he leads us to the car. Chris opens the door for me and after i get in scoots in beside me. He takes my hand in his and i look at him smiling as he rubs his thumb over my skin. He tells the security detail we are ready, and they take off to the restaurant.  I look outside a smile as we arrive at the restaurant. "I think we need a do over here..." He whispers and i look at him. I put my hands on his face, and he leans into my touch. "Let's go make some happy memories..." I say smiling at him and he smiles back getting out of the car holding out his hand for me to take.

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