Chapter 33

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Chris pov...

"Hey Dorito, stop worrying. She will be fine the girls dont bite." Robert said pulling me out of my thoughts. I told her to go to have fun and i meant that but i was worried. I knew how they could be and with her insecurities about her scars.... Maybe i should have tagged along. "She will be fine Chris..." Robert now said standing in front of me handing me a bottle of water. 

"I know she will be fine."  I said letting out a sigh... "What has you so worried?" He said sitting down next to me. "I mean she can handle herself and the girls really like her." Robert said and i sigh again... "I know... It's just... She is strong and amazing and tough but there are things... That she is insecure about and i just dont want the girls to upset her because they dont know." I mumble. 

"Well Susan just texted me they are just done shopping... Apparently, they all bought dresses for an event... Even Vi did, Susan told me." I smile at the fact that even after years of marriage Robert and Susan still kept in contact all day, updating each other what they were doing. I had not texted with Vi, wanting her to focus on socializing with the girls and have a good time even though it took every ounce of self-control. 

"They are now going to get something to eat and then head back home. So, relax..." Robert said and I nodded. "You are overthinking Chris..." Robert said patting my knee. I smile. "Can't help it... She is on my mind constantly... I never felt so protective over someone, it's a weird and new feeling... I normally like my own space but with her... I just want her around." I say softly. "See i told you when the right one came along that would change." Robert said with a victorious smirk. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I say peeling at the label of the bottle.  "Now come sit with the rest of us. We are going to play some cards."

We got up and joined the others and it was a good distraction. Before i even knew it the girls came walking through the door and i couldn't help but smile. I got up and walked over to Vi pulling her in my arms kissing her. "I missed you..." I murmured ignoring the whooping and whistling. Vi giggled and she smiled back at me. "Missed you to." She said kissing me again. 

"God you 2 are nauseatingly cute. But for the love of God... It has only been a few hours..." Scarlet said before walking over to Colin to greet him. We ignored her. "Did you have fun?" I whisper as i cup her face with both hands, my thumbs rubbing over her cheeks. She looks at me and smiles, nodding her head. 

"Come on Vi, let's go get changed for the pool." Scar yells and i look at her surprised. "I bought swimwear..." She whispers before resting her head against my chest. "Love... You dont have to if you dont want to. Just remember that." I whisper back rubbing her back. "It covers everything i want covered..." She whispers. She leaves to get changed and i sit back down at the poolside with the guys to continue our game of poker.  I suck at it, but it is fun playing. I can't keep a poker face to save my life. 

About half an hour later the girls come back, and my jaw almost drops as i see the one piece Vi is wearing. Both sides are open showing side boob and God her figure stands out in it. "You're drooling..." Seb says looking at me smirking. I chuckle and shake my head. "Can you blame me... God she looks... hot." I say almost in a growl. I have to bite my tongue to not say what i want to say... Seb is eyeing her up and down and it is kinda pissing me off but also kinda feeding my ego knowing she is mine. She laughs with Scarlet as they both lay down on the sunbeds. I am so happy they get along so well. The kids join us as they had gotten changed after their morning playing with the always growing petting zoo Robert has. I smile as the kids jump in the pool playing. 

About an hour later me and Seb join them goofing around. I can't help it as i swim by where Vi and Scarlet are laying and splash them. Instead of squealing Vi just looks at me with a smirk. "Is that all you got?" She says still smirking, I hoist myself out of the pool and walk up to her making her laugh and jump up running away from me. "You are asking for it love..." I yell as i run after her. 

I catch up with her and throw her over my shoulder, she swats my ass making me smirk. "That is not gonna help you love..." I say walking back to the pool where everyone is laughing most of all the kids as they keep cheering me on to throw Vi in the pool. I move her so she is now bridal style in my arms and i hold her above the water. She clings onto me as if that would change a thing.  She is laughing nervously as i pretend to drop her but not doing it. Every time i do this she squeals making me laugh even harder before i turn around and she lets out a sigh of relief thinking it is over but i let myself fall backwards pulling her with me in my arms.

"You are so gonna pay for this..." She squeals when we come above water. Everybody is laughing and the kids start to drag Seb into the pool again throwing him in, followed by Hemmie and Renner. In all the commotion Vi and i retreat to a corner of the pool and she clings onto me. 

"This bathing suit looks very nice on you." I whisper in her ear making her blush. "I also heard you bought a dress..." She blushes and nods. "Scarlet made me." She hums.  I grin. "Can i see it?" I ask. "It is still in the car, maybe at home." She whispers. "Can't wait." I growl. I was just about to kiss her when Hemmie yelled to the kids to splash me and Vi resulting in a wave of water being splashed our way. Vi hides her face in my chest to escape the water while i hold her tight shielding her. I can feel her giggle and i can't help but smile that she loves to goof around. 

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