Chapter 47

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Chris pov...

A few hours after we had fallen asleep, i woke up. I look beside me and smile at my wife who is still in a deep sleep. I look down and smile at the red kisses she left all over my chest. I get an idea so i slip out of bed and make a call. The person on the other end of the line tells me it is no problem, and he will be up in an hour. This does mean i have to wake up Vi as i dont want her to get caught off guard with a stranger in our suite. I walk into the bedroom and plant a kiss on her forehead. 

"Wake up, princess." I whisper, smiling at the name she apparently likes a lot. She groans and pushes me. "Let me sleep... i feel sore." She moans and I chuckle. "Well, you where kinda asking for it.... But baby i have a surprise it is coming up in an hour. So, i need you to get dressed." I say and she sits up and pouts at me. "Can you carry me to the shower...?" She asks. I chuckle and with one swift move i lift her out of bed and walk to the bathroom. 

We shower together and when we are done and are dressed i grab a napkin. "I need you to do me a favor..." I say smiling and she looks at me a little unsure... "Put on that pretty red lipstick and put a kiss on this..." I say smiling. She looks at me confused but does as i ask. I smile and lay it on the table. "Can i ask why?" She whispers and I shake my head. "You will see soon." I say grinning. "Can we order food?" She asks me, pouting and i chuckle. "Of course..." I say smiling grabbing the phone to call downstairs. "What do you want baby?" I ask and she smiles... "Steak..." She says licking her lips. I chuckle and order steak for us both with all the fixings. 

The food arrives and we sit down to eat. While we eat there is a knock on the door. I get up from the table as Vi looks at me and i can see her brain is making overtime figuring what is going on. "Just eat love... You will see in a second." I say smirking. I open the door and greet the guy. 

"You can set up over there, if that is okay with you." I tell him and he nods and wheels in all his stuff while i go back to the table where Vi is looking utterly confused. "What is going on Chris?" She whispered and for a moment i can see fear in her eyes. "Dont worry love, nothing scary is going to happen." I say laying my hand over hers. The fear disappears and she gives me a little smile as we both finish our food. 

"I am ready when you are, Mr. Evans. Who will i be giving some new ink?" He says smiling at me and Vi. "Me..." I say smiling and i grab the napkin with her lip prints of the table. I show him what i want and the place i want it right over where my heart is. I look up at Vi and she smiles with tears in her eyes. The guy goes to work and Vi kisses me. "Are you sure?" She whispers. "Never been surer, about anything... Well except about marrying you..." I say smirking. She blushes and pulls me in for another kiss. 

The guy works for about an hour and when he is ready, he tells me to sit down in the chair. I take off my shirt and i smirk as Vi bites her lip. I sit down in the chair and the guy smiles at Vi as she sits down on my other side holding my hand. "Is it going to hurt?" She whispers to me. "Not that much love." I say smiling. 

"You dont have tattoos?" The guy asks her. "No... Always wanted to, but to scared." She says blushes. "Did you have something in mind?" He asks her again. "Can always do another one, i have cleared my schedule for you."  He says smiling. She looks at me and i nod. "If you want to love, of course you can... You dont need my permission... But dont feel obligated you dont have to. Just think about it while he works on mine." I say and she smiles and kisses my hand... 

"Maybe the date of our wedding..." She whispers blushing as if she says something she shouldn't. I smile and kiss her hand.  The guy applies the stencil he is going to work off and smiles. "I want that to... Can you put it underneath it?" I ask and the guy nods. "You two got married?" He asks and we both nod. "Well congratulations." He says smiling. "Thanks." We both say. 

"So, the great Chris Evans is finally off the market..." The guy says smirking making Vi giggle. I smile. "Yeah well, when you know you know... and i knew... So, i put a ring on it." I say smirking. That makes Vi chuckle and roll her eyes. All of a sudden, she stands up and walks to her laptop and starts typing and looking at the screen. I fall in a conversation with the guy. "I see you have everything in black... Do you want this in black to?" He asks. I shake my head. "Red please..."
I say smirking as my mind wanders to a few hours ago. I look at Vi and our eyes meet, and she smirks knowing we both are thinking the same. 

The guy pulls me back into the conversation with him and as i look back to where Vi was just sitting she was gone to appear a few minutes later changed in a different outfit. She walks over and sits back beside me watching the guy work on the tattoo. 

He is done with the lips and now all is needed him putting our wedding date underneath it. "Now he has no excuse to forget your wedding anniversary..." He says smirking at Vi. Vi laughs. "He better not..." She says smirking. I look down and groan. I only now fully notice what she is wearing. She is wearing a bikini top that barely covers her chest and i am wondering why she changed, but i dont want to be that kind of husband as long as she is not walking around naked i need to respect her choice of clothing. "I want the same..." She suddenly says smiling at me revealing the red lipstick. 

The guy starts laughing and i blush as she starts to put lipstick on my lips. I can't help but grin as she holds out a napkin for me to plant my lips on. After i did that she wipes the lipstick off with a makeup wipe. "Like nothing happened..." She whispers planting a kiss on my lips. "All done." The guy says smiling and i look down. 

"Thanks man, i love it." I say smiling. Vi hands the guy the napkin and he smiles as he goes to work with the preparations. "Are you sure about this love?" I ask her as i get out of the chair. "Never been surer..." She says smirking. "Well except for..." She giggles and i kiss her, cutting her off. "Silly girl." I whisper. 

When the guy is done, she sits down in the chair. Now i know why she is wearing what she is wearing, so she doesn't have to remove clothing. The guy puts the stencil on her and i hold her hand. He looks at her. "It's not going to feel nice..." He said. She chuckles. "Dont worry i have a high pain tolerance..." She whispers. He nods as he looks at her scars. "I can see that, tough girl." He says and i smile and nod. "Yes, she is the most amazing, strong and gorgeous woman you will ever meet." I say proudly smiling. Vi turns bright red and i squeeze her hand planting a kiss on her shoulder. The guy goes to work, and she doesn't seem phased as he works on her. I smile as she smiles back at me. 

The guy finishes up and as he holds out the mirror for her to see. The smile on her face gets even bigger. "I love it." She whispers. "Thank you so much." She says and the guy smiles. "No problem..." He says starting to pack up. When he is done i pay him and let him out, but not before he wishes us both all the happiness in the world which makes us both smile. 

As soon as the door is closed i pull Vi in my arms kissing her passionately. "Did it hurt?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Nope..." She says and i smile. As i look down and see the matching tattoos. "All mine..." I whisper kissing her again. "All yours..." She whispers back and we just stand there hugging... Perfectly content in each other's arms. "It is strange being here without the dogs..." She whispers all of a sudden. I chuckle, ma and Scott had offered to take them with them to Boston so we could have some uninterrupted alone time. "You wanna call ma, to check on them?" I ask and she nods and smiles at me shyly. "I know it is stupid...I just miss them." She sighs. "Not stupid baby only makes me love you more." 

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