Chapter 50

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Vi pov...

We are a few weeks later. I am unpacking some of the boxes we had the moving company put into the garage. I hadn't brought much of my stuff as Chris house was fine the way it was. I only brought some personal things... Pictures and some decorations and that kind of stuff. 

Lulu and Dodger were running around in the yard and Chris was out having a meeting for his political website. The only piece of furniture i had brought with me was this dresser.... I had bought it with the first paycheck i took from the store. I was living in a crappy apartment at the time and the dresser was probably worth more than the whole apartment building. 

But when i saw it i fell in love with it and i still was... I loved it even more because of what it represented... The start of my new life, as crazy as that sounds that is what it stood for... My new life... I was never allowed by my ex-husband to buy something for just for me. Something i loved... God forbid i had something i liked... Even if i was allowed to have something for me it would be used against me when he was angry... And that was always... It was hell... I am in heave now... Chris is so different. When i told him the story of the dresser he insisted i take it with me and that we would find a place in the house for it. Even if we had to get rid of something of his... 

He said i could change anything i wanted in the house. Not that i really wanted though... I loved Chris his style. The only thing i maybe wanted to change was the bed. I thought it was hideous but for now it was fine. Besides i didn't want to just go and change things. I know Chris said i could. It just felt wrong to just come in and change everything all of a sudden. Especially because he has lived her alone for so long. 

The doorbell rang and i walked to the doorbell camera to see who it was. I smiled as i saw Scott and Lisa standing in front of the door. I smiled shaking my head. I knew they had keys and when Chris lived alone, they would just walk in but since i moved in they didn't anymore. It was sweet that they were so respectful, but i didn't want the family dynamics to change. I loved their family dynamic so i pressed the intercom. "You guys have a key, dont you?" I said chuckling and they looked at the camera. 

"Yes..." Scott said rolling his eyes at the camera. "Well then use it..." I said snickering. Scott chuckled as he took the key out of his pocket, and they walked in. "We wanted to be respectful!" He yelled walking in as i stood in the kitchen unpacking some of my kitchen equipment. They appeared in the kitchen and i smiled. "Yeah well,  i dont want you guys to stop being who you are as a family, just because Chris and i now live here together and are married." I say smiling at them. Lisa smiled and hugged me. "Did i tell you how lucky we are you and Chris got married..." She whispers and i chuckle... "Only once or twice..." I said smiling. "Chris told us you where unpacking, so we thought we would offer our assistance." Lisa said smiling rubbing her hands together...

"That's okay, i am actually almost done..." I say and Lisa looked around... "Not much has changed..." She said. "No i like it like this..." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Sweetheart, Chris told you to change anything you like... It is your house now to." She said and i chuckle... "I know... But again, i like it and i dont want to just go around and change things. It will be a gradual process." I say letting out a sigh looking around... Lisa smiled, and Scott rolled his eyes. 

"Oh, come on woman... There must be things you really dont like." Scott says. I shrugged my shoulders... "The only thing i dont like is our bed, but for now it is fine." I say and Scott smiles. "Just take Chris shopping for a new bed sweetie..." Lisa said smiling. "You need to feel happy in your home." She says and i sigh and nod... But i am happy here and i felt like they were pushing, i just dont know why... "You guys want something to drink? or eat?" I ask hoping to change the subject. 

They both shook their heads. "Let's go shopping...!" Scott said all excited making both me and Lisa chuckle. "I mean Chris must have given you a credit card..." Scott said smiling and i look at him in shock and i blushed. This was just too awkward. "I mean... Yeah... But i haven't used it and i dont plan to..." I whisper. Now they both looked at me confused. 

"I have my own money... I am not with Chris for his money and i might not have as much as he does... But i can pay for my own things..." I blushed thinking about the thing i really wanted to talk with Chris about but hadn't had the balls to bring up yet. I started to get uncomfortable, and Lisa seem to notice. "Well i could use some new clothes..." She said smiling. "So, i am willing to go shopping." She said smiling. I looked at her and gave her a little smile nodding. I got changed really quick and grabbed my keys and purse. We got in the car Chris had insisted on buying for me as he wanted me to have a safe car suitable for me and the dogs. I had told him my old car was fine, but he was not budging so 3 days later a brand-new SUV had been delivered fully equipped for trips with the dogs... 

We were browsing through the stores. Lisa and Scott trying on different outfits, making me smile as Scott's outfits were getting more and more over the top. I browse around not really finding anything i like... That is until i stumble on this dress. I smile and take it to the dressing room to try it on. I smirk as i take a quick pic and send it to Chris. Not much later i get a text back asking me if i want to kill him, letting me know the dress looks great. I walk out and look at myself in the mirror as Scott walks out. "Wauw looks really good on you..." He says smiling. 

"Thanks." I say smiling and walk back in the dressing room. We pay for our stuff and go to get some coffee. That is when i notice a guy taking pictures. I roll my eyes and just continue as i had now gotten used to the fact that was sometimes about to happen. Ever since Chris and i where on the tonight show every now and then paparazzi would show up, hoping for some scandalous picture. It died down quick after they found out i was not that interesting and compared to many Hollywood couples, we were kinda boring, i guess. We had the occasional dinner or date night out, but nothing shocking.

We got back to the house and i smiled as i saw Chris his car in the driveway. Scott, Lisa and i walked into the house and i could hear the sounds of the piano, making me smile. I walked over and greeted Chris who looked up at me and smiled as he just kept on playing. "Did you have fun?" He asked and i nodded my head. 

We invited Lisa and Scott to stay for dinner, but Lisa had to teach at the drama school and Scott had date night with Steve. So, they left after having a little catch up with Chris. "What do you say we have a date night to?" Chris asked and i smiled. I giggle... "You just want me to wear the dress..." I whispered as i hovered my lips over his. "Like you wouldn't believe..." He whispered back a smirk on his face as he closed the distance kissing me passionately. 

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